One of the biggest problems in American politics and in American society generally is this notion of “winning“. Although Trump talked about working together last nite(State of the Union 2019) , he talks much more often and more convincingly about the importance of ”winning”.And it is not just Trump. The entire nation is obsessed with so-called winning.?” Whether in sports where Tom Brady is the most winning quarterback(arguably also the most boring!) or in elections or the adversarial legal process the key issue seems always to be “winning”. This is , of course, also true in academia(winning a place in the best university or having the highest grades there) or in business( having the most profit, the highest increase in stock value for the company) etc.,etc. This is a pathological social attitude that is creating stress and sickness right through the society! What ever happened to to the Christian idea that the first will be last. According to Christian history ( Muslims don’t accept that narrative) the biggest loser( what can be a worse loss than being crucified) is the biggest winner(saving humanity). So we need a major rethink on this issue. Clearly Trump is not the man for this job. He needs too much to keep “winning “ to bolster his fragile ego!