The Real Triad!

It is getting late here.I usually do not write at this time of night but today I felt the need to articulate this particular inspiration.There are so many conspiracy theories out there .From the New World Order to the Illuminati to the Freemasons,there is no lack of conspiracy theories as to why things are going wrong in the world.

For those of us who prefer to stay with observable phenomena rather than occult ones, ,the most popular theory is that it is all about greed and corruption.The greed is incarnated in the multi-national corporations-chemical,pharmaceutical,oil and gas companies to mention a few.The corruption is manifested by the government officials who are in the pockets of these unethical,greed- feeders.

But there is something missing in this analysis.Otherwise the ‘greed/corruption” sector would be called-out and neutralized.I used to call that third and most important element “ignorance’- to use a Buddhist concept as to the primary cause of suffering.But that term-ignorance- seems too general,too non-specific.I would now like to name it “the Asperger’s Factor”

This is the third bad actor in this evil -constellation.It’s clearest manifestation is in two groups-“the social media moguls” (think Gates and Zuckerberg) and the scientists( think Fauci and his henchmen-the other public health authorities-at the CDC and the NIH and the FDA).They may,in fact, not be as corrupt as the first two groups-the business people and the politicians,But they may be even more toxic! They are people who rely on their brains but have no hearts and souls.They are the zombie intellectual class.They have credibility in the minds of many( they are often referred to as “experts”) which makes their out-of-touchness even more dangerous!

So that is the “witches brew” we are dealing with lol. And only a new Epistemology as outlined in other articles on this blog or a personality who carries that approach ,can get us out of this destructive cycle! God help us all!

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