After long reflection and observation,I have concluded that the biggest problem in the modern world is that we are victimized by our own minds.This problem does nor correlate well with the traditional maps of vice and virtue such as the Seven Deadly Sins in Christianity.In fact most of the modern analyses are convinced that most of it is about greed.However if we stick to the Christian model for now,because it is the simplest ,we could say this obsession with rationality is about pride.But I prefer to think of it as ignorance-the cardinal “sin” in Buddhism.Oddly enough this very problem is what the modern world believes to be the solution! Thus Universities and Research and Commissions of Enquiry-most of it leading to more dead ends.Let’s conclude with the words of Jesus”Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven”.Not the Phd.s and post-docs.The simple in spirit.Our Prophet Muhammad saws did not have to repeat that as most of the people around him(the Sahhabba r.a.) were already like that.If you don’t believe me go back to the sources and read the exchanges that occurred at the time..! Nothing like the debates in our universities and governing bodies.
Certainly as you have previously said the Intellect and it’s training is an enormous barrier to Enlightenment or even perception of reality.
In the early Greek model of the training of the mind as in Platos analogy of the cave we are led out of the darkness of our instincts into the light of the mind. Sadly this process has now become the complete opposite where we become trapped in a cave of darkness and methodology in which no light is visible , only darkness and superstition…(ie bankrupt scientific models).
The mind is a tool and a servant of Higher Consciousness. Academic liberalism and Scientific hurdle jumping have no helpful purpose.
You got it! Very few are those who understand!