The Politics of Deception

Hillary’s speech:”About six weeks ago, Mrs. Clinton started sketching down rough notes about what she wanted to say on the eve she accepts her party’s nomination. A month ago, discussions with her top policy adviser, Jake Sullivan, and the speechwriters Dan Schwerin and Megan Rooney, began to shape the speech, with advice from a variety of friends and former speechwriters. Mrs. Clinton also sought advice from Mr. Obama’s much-admired former director of speechwriting Jon Favreau”.(NYTimes)
And they are surprised we don’t trust them! How can such a contrived,manipulated,overly-scripted speech be authentic?! This is another infomercial pretending to be a heart-felt talk.The problem is very deep, really.It goes into every nook and cranny of modern life.This one is like the student having their parents doing their homework. And there is plenty of that in “The Greatest Nation on Eatrth?!”

I want to underline this point(about Hillary’s speech) as I find often people don’t get what I am saying or think it is obvious,which it isn’t.Here is a person,Hillary,pretending to be authentic and personal( not warm because no-one would buy that lol).But in fact it is mostly pretense and acting.This challenges our sense of “The truth quotient”( an idea in development).It is like that product you have seen on a television ad that looks like a real solution to a problem you have been trying to resolve for years.The testimonials look authentic,the developer looks sincere,the claims seem realistic.You buy it only to find out it’s the same as all its predecessors and it doesn’t work.People have come to see that as”normal”.But it is bad for society! That makes people lose trust,become cynical and close down.And the worst part of it is that they can no longer hear the real truth when you try to tell them it.They just hear it as another infomercial!

2 thoughts on “The Politics of Deception”

  1. Hillary R. Clinton: The mistress of deception. She has two serious issues that have arisen in the past week; one is political and the other is legal. Both have deception at their root. FBI is silent…

    Time to wake up America. Do not go on her speeches but look for what She has been hiding in the past and present. Deceiving others, is her way of showing romance to the world.

  2. it’s all smoke and mirrors..
    Maybe there are people who can actually control what is going on but I doubt it…however there are a lot of people dedicated to controling our perception about what is going on and how it appears to be…
    The Truth is out there…?

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