Teaching from the Sufis:”Everything to you is from you and everything from you returns to you.This is the sunnat (habit) of Allah”When events occur,such as those in France recently,the instinctive response(I could say the response of the reptilian brain)is to look for the perpetrators and to blame them for the entire affair.This is probably necessary but it is not sufficient.A deeper response ,for both individuals and societies, is to look within and think”How have we contributed to this?”,If we understand really that the inner is determining the outer not the converse which is philosophical materialism -a philosophy that has seriously contaminated our thinking on all levels,we will begin to realize that we both as individuals and societies are responsible for our own troubles.So if we are Americans and don’t do anything to correct the incredible inequality of wealth in our country or we are Frenchmen and don’t really care about the disenfranchised in our country but prefer to judge them as lazy or primitive,there will be consequences.That doesn’t justify the terrorists behaviour but it is a deeper way of understanding it then just calling them psychopaths because we enjoy insulting the enemy.Calling them psychopaths is mostly a misuse of our psychiatric nomenclature.Psychopaths don’t risk their lives for a cause .Psychopaths have no loyalty to others or to groups.They are purely self-centered.These people are fanatics not psychopaths.Look it up if you don’t believe me. Salaams,Ibrahim