“The Incoherence of the Scientists”

At this point in time,we need to bring back the great 12th century Islamic scholar Imam Ghazzali who wrote “The Incoherence of the Philosophers”. That was a time when philosophers were highly respected and taken seriously. The updated version of that book needs to be called “The Incoherence of the Scientists”-for the modern world .But while we are waiting lol, I will give you my version.

We see an incredible amount of incoherence amongst the scientists analyzing the Covid epidemic-both on the pro-vaxx AND anti-Vaxx sides! So the pro-vaxxers(leading luminaries like Antony Fauci ,Rachel Wallensky,Sanjay Gupta and Paul Offit to name but a few) for so long and still to a significant extent are doubting the lab origins of the Virus-something for which there is now clear-cut documentary evidence and something which the French nobel laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier asserted on first seeing the genetic code of the virus in Jan.2020!Plus they are denying the evidence of the efficacy of early treatment with Ivermectin and hydroxychloriquine despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This alone has cost millions of lives!

On the other side, you have very clever thinkers like the financial analyst/lawyer types like David Martin and psychiatrist Andrew  Kaufman claiming that the virus doesn’t even exist because it has not been isolated.. And you have almost universal agreement amongst the anti-vaxxers on the one hand claiming that the PCR test is completely bogus and unreliable(which I wholly agree to) at the same time claiming that we have proof that children do not spread the disease! How can you have proof of that when you have no workable tests to confirm it I, personally, have noted several instances of spread from children to adults in the people around me .Almost every ordinary citizen where I live noticed the uptick in cases when the schools opened and now in Quebec half the outbreaks are in schools! So give me a break!

The next level of unravelling this delusionary process is the fact that not only are scientists incoherent but Science itself is also! If you go back to the basic principles of the scientific method( (Observation, Hypothesis, Experimentation, Conclusion)implicitly it requires the capacity for objective observation and objective analysis to arrive at unbiased conclusions. Anyone who has understood Freud and his contributions or even someone looking at the world and its people around them realizes how unlikely that is!

But we will go one step further here-on a metaphysical plane. Coherence itself is incoherent! That is because Reality is replete with contradictions and paradoxes. So any attempt to create a coherent model is bound to be defective and misleading! The map can NEVER represent fully the territory. At its best it is a defective, one-dimensional representation which is bound to cause problems.

So….. what are we left with?! Hearing, seeing and intuitive feeling. Those are the tools for apprehending Reality! (Both Zen and Islam and in all likelihood many other spiritual traditions confirm that. Then we can regain our humanity and escape from the clutches of the robotic transhumans of data analysis. God help us in our journey!


Btw The first coherent argument in the history of our planet came from the snake speaking to Eve.: “Eat  this apple and you will gain the knowledge of good and evil’ Perfectly logical! What could possibly go wrong wit that lol?!

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