As I study the non-dualists i.e. the people who express most clearly the Ultimate Spiritual State(we call it fana and baqa in Sufism) one thing becomes apparent.None of the teachers I have studied came to their Realization by the methods they themselves are espousing ! Intriguing! So Ramana Maharshi had a sudden “fear of death” and a feeling of a “force or current” that he identified as the I. Nisardgadatta Maharaj describes his “opening” at the hands of his guru(so it was guru Yoga or transmission from the teacher),Eckhart Tolle was in the midst of a psychological,suicidal crisis when his enlightenment occurred and Adyashant ,one of the popular California types, gave up on his intense Zen Buddhist practice and felt he was dying when he”arrived”! So none of them came by the same method they are proposing! Intriguing.
So what do we make of this?! Rick Archer (“Buddha at the Gas Pump” guy) quotes some sage as saying”Enlightenment is an accident;we do spiritual practice to make ourselves accident prone”! Very clever,even eloquent but is it True?!
Personally, and I believe this is true for all Believers,there are no accidents.Not only do the revealed Scriptures tell us so but so do the n.d.e. experiencers.There are no accidents.That is an agnostic,atheistic idea.Everything is from the Will and the Wisdom of God.That is my personal conviction.
So what can we conclude from that .Firstly that” there is no set methodogy for Enlightenment”! IMHO even the Sufis,my preferred spiritual orientation,get that one wrong! Just because the Master arrives at his opening through certain practices is no guarantee that his disciples will do likewise.I have seen that over and over again on the spiritual path!
So what do we do?The only thing we can do is pray! So,like in everything else in life,pray for what you want and rely on God(tawwakkul) to give you the most suitable result.And if you really want to be “accident-prone” ,be on your best possible behaviour- relative to God and your fellow man-an age-old technique called Virtue lol