My apologies if this is a repeat but I cannot get over it.Why are the Clintons and Obama not being investigated for their $2-400,000 talks on Wall St.?!That is more corrupt than anything Trump has done and is much more investigatable than her stupid emails(quoting Bernie Sanders here!) There are only two possible answers to this question..The less likely is that they are being protected by so-called “progressive” politicians(that may be an oxymoron).The more likely is that the powers to be,whether Republican or Democrat, are wont to investigate Wall St. since their ranks are heavily infiltrated by Wall St. people and their connections.Actually this is a much more serious threat to American democracy than the Russians-much more! Amongst other things this influence was responsible, in large part, for the last economic crisis and, in all likelihood, will be for the next one.”Vanity,vanity,all is vanity” said Solomon.I would
edit the word “vanity” into “narrow self-interest”.Pardon the chutzpah for editing the wise Solomon a.s.(Maybe it was a bad translation lol).
So true!