Jesus (Isa Ibn Maryam a.s.)

Appreciating the sayings of Jesus(Isa Ibn Mayram) more and more these days.“Seek ye the kingdom of heaven and all else shall be added unto thee” Ajib.I realize that most people, including most of the so-called ‘believers’, are operating on the opposite principle: “Seek ye the kingdom of Earth( optimize your worldly conditions) and  heaven (well-‘being)  will be added unto you” No wonder we are in such a mess!

Trump ,Marx and the Ikhwan

An odd analogy,I know, but Trump is somewhat like Marx! He sees many of the problems clearly(the swamp in Washington,China cheating on trade,an over-priced medical system) but doesn’t seem to really know  what to do about them.So like the Marxists,he ends up making things worse rather than better.There are still people, almost 200 years later, who believe in Marx because of the accuracy of his insights.I hope they will catch on quicker to Trump lol,preferably before the next election!

The other thing they have in common is that they are both materialists! Marx was a dialectical materialist.Trump is a pure materialist.So they both believe that you can solve problems from outside /in.Wrong! The mystical way teaches us that problems need to be solved from inside out.

While I am on it, there is a third type of materialist out there -the religious materialist, incarnated perhaps most clearly in the Islamist movement particularly with the Ikhwan Muslimeen(Muslim Brotherhood). They, too, believe in solving problems outside/in,My spiritual teacher,Sheikh Nazim, used to take them on directly-this was before some of their offshoots like Al Qaida and Isis.”You do not understand our religion properly” he would say.”Your idea of an Islamic state is false.We get the governments we deserve(so true! Look at the U.S.A. lol) If you want a better government,help the people to improve themselves” These words ring loud and clear so many years later!


The State of the Nation (cont’d)

American Election campaign.It’s hopeless folks! The politicians,even the best of them, are blind to many of the most pressing issues.I’ll mention a few here just so you understand:1)There is an epidemic of Alzheimer’s Disease,Cancer, Auto-Immune disorders and Autism.The most you’ll get from these politicians is a proposal to increase funding for Research.That will,of course, just increase funding for more toxic chemical treatments and more surgical interventions.Misses the point totally about the causes of these diseases and the need for prevention.2) The issue of increasing workplace tension because of the obsession with efficiency.Not a single word about it.Instead the entire focus is on the trade war with China and Economic Growth.3)The question of 5G, pesticides,cancerogenic chemicals in all the new construction materials. Again not a word about it.Only about energy conservation through better insulation(read more toxic indoor air) and newer  light bulbs( many causing a host of symptoms that have never even been investigated!) and electric cars(ever studied the noxious effects of EMFs .The electric cars may well be worse for us than the petroleum-driven ones!(On a more personal level,both me and my brother,even more,suffer more from the EMFs in cars than from the petroleum byproducts of combustion!)4) The ineffective.overly costly,maddeningly slow Justice System.They can’t even get the Trump accusations in front of a judge in a timely,effective manner.Should be a priority ,no?Imagine the ordinary cases like yours and mine.The system is broken folks and it’s going to get worse before it gets better.Voting in progressive candidates may improve things but only very slightly if not insignificantly.Remember Obama! How much did that improve any of those above-mentioned issues.Not at all.

“Experts” and Wise Men and Women

Watching General Matis being interviewed on MSNBC.An intelligent,principled,well-intentionned man.Full of clever formulas like”you recruit for attitude;but you train for skill” and “there are three things important in leadership,supposedly military, but generalizable: competence,caring and conviction”.Sounds good ,eh? Well,anything that doesn’t refer back to the Divine Will and presumes we humans are in charge is bogus to me!That was the genius of the Sahabbas(The Companions of the Prophet sal).They understood well that it all happens via the Divine Will(“Musabib al asbab”-the Causer of Causes).And they had a great teacher in Mohammed-one of the most aware beings concerning this aspect of reality and arguably its greatest teacher.This aspect of reality has not changed one iota in 1500 years! Alhumdulillah that there were people who have taught us this! We need less “experts” and more wise men and women(i.e. God-conscious ones).

The Apocalypse!

Sheikh Nazim was right!There is only one way out for humanity-following a Rightly-Guided leader! The guidance of our democratic society-follow your desire,follow your opinion,follow your wife(who is equally lost) lol is not going to work!Global warming,5G,cancerogenic pesticides and construction materials,economic crises,wars of greed and nationalism etc.,etc. will get us long before that.So we are awaiting a Divinely-Inspired one-the Messiah.But cataclysmic events that make Hurricane Dorian look like child’s play are likely to occur before that.Sorry New-Agers! Your dream of an Age of Enlightenment is a wishful chimera.So hold tight! God help us all.


My preliminary final conclusion on Trump! He wanted to do some interesting things like take on China and bring production back to the U.S. and improve relations with North Korea and Russia.But he is seriously out of his depth! He doesn’t understand either the limitations of power,nor the need for strategy nor the need to be a team-player! For example ,on the China issue,it would have been far more effective if he could have got his European allies on board with his plan.But because of his individualism and hubris and lack of strategic planning ,it looks more likely that he will fail than succeed.Too bad,really.He does have the capacity to see what is wrong in certain situations which most of the other democratic politicians are either blind to or don’t have the courage to take on..He is just not skillful enough to bring his plans to fruition.P.S. That is probably also why he failed so often in business!

Evidence-Based Medicine:An Alternative

People who have been following my writings over the years know that I have been very critical of the concept of “Evidence-Based Medicine”. In fact,in my first book,”Snakes and Ladders“,I made the following provocative statement:”There is no Evidence for Evidence -Based Medicine”.You will have to purchase the book to see the argument laid out there lol. I will not go into the details of this critique in this article but suffice it to say that if one applied this principle whole-heartedly one would become a victim of what my mentor in psychiatry ,Dr. Heinz Lehmann,called “cook-book medicine’ something that is all too common in current medical practice-doctors blindly following algorithms and principles that they heard at the last medical conference they attended or the last peer-reviewed journal article they read.

Let me begin this exposé by saying clearly that I am not recommending that one ignore the evidence. That would be irresponsible.Rather one should include the evidence as one of the factors in one’s decision-making process but only one of them.Remember also that the evidence is invariably statistical so it may not apply to the particular individual case you are treating.

So what are the other factors one needs to consider?This is by no means an exhaustive list but highlights some of the important modalities one should consider:

1) Clinical Experience.What have you seen (we will fashion this teaching as one designed for a medical practitioner-for the sake of clarity only.Patients and their relatives can adjust the formulation to their own needs and vantage points) to date in your clinical practice in similar cases.This assumes, of course, that the medical practitioner is treating each case as a scientific,learning process rather than a process of applying robotically what he learnt theoretically in medical school.” Medicine is an experimental process” I repeated to my own students.Obviously here,the advantage is to those practitioners with more experience-provided they have been able to learn from their own experience! This leads directly to the second modality:

2) Wisdom gained in clinical experience by more senior colleagues.This of course happens on a regular basis in clinical rounds and conferences at hospitals and clinics around the nation.Surprisingly,however, it is rarely included in the pedagogical concepts taught to medical personnel.The evidence-base that is emphasized  almost universally refers to formal research studies.

3) What the patients say and describe! Shocking idea to most medical scientists.The patients experience is relevant-often that is what should predominate rather than the medical literature.How many patients have I heard say:”The doctor wasn’t listening to me”. Of course not! Besides the over-ambitious caseload he is carrying he also has the ideological back-drop of “Evidence-Based Medicine”.What can the ‘subjective comments” of patients be worth in that context?!

Btw I could give clinical examples of each of these modalities but for the sake of brevity I will have to forego those examples for now.

4) Intuition.After all medicine is as much of an art as a science.Needless to say,as far as I know, there is not a single medical school giving a course to doctors on developing their intution.Just like there is not a single course in law school teaching human psychology to lawyers.Reality is indeed stranger than fiction!

5) The “scientifically plausible hypotheses”.This is something I heard only once in all my CME courses but it immediately caught my attention.What it means is that one should go back to basic scientific knowledge like physiology,anatomy,histology and biochemistry in trying to analyze what is really going on.This is one case where I will give a clinical example as the idea might not be clear otherwise.

I am at a passover dinner many years ago at my parents place.One of their friends is coughing intensely.”What’s going on ,George?”I asked.”i have this intense cough and the doctors don’t know what to do about it”.”So what did they propose” I asked.”They said there were studies to show that sometimes the cough is related to hiatus hernia.So they did a four-hour painful operation on me for that! ” Did it help?” .”Not at all” he responded.” I haven’t studied basic sciences in a long time” I mused”But if I remember correctly a cough is a symptom in the respiratory tract”.Did anyone refer you to a Respiratory Disease specialist?” No,not at all” So I did. There was a very good specialty clinic at the time called the Royal Edward Chest Hospital in Montreal.He was assessed there.The doctors concluded that he had asthma! And with asthmatic medications his problem was solved! All a question of basic anatomy!

There may well be other considerations in clinical decision-making like cultural and economic ones but the point here is that you cannot solely rely on the peer-reviewed scientific literature in order to be a competent physician.That would be doing a disservice to your patients and yourselves. Salaams,Joel Ibrahim Kreps

The State of Science

(Los Angeles Times)”Flames are spreading across the Amazon rainforest this summer, spewing millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each day. But scientists say that’s not their biggest concern.” Really!? That’s not their biggest concern?! Well it should be! For the last twenty years at least all we’ve heard about is the greenhouse effect and carbon imprint on the atmosphere.Here’s a chance to test it out.Is there a correlation between the Amazon fires and the Earth’s temperature in a way that we can see a causal connection.? Can’t find a single study on that issue ! Can you?This is not an isolated event! I often find in the scientific world that the most relevant studies are NOT being done Like on the vaccine question.What is the long-term effects of multiple vaccinations on human health.Can’t find a single study.What was the cancer rate in Cuba when they were forced to go organic for 30 years? Not a single study! We have lost the true scientific attitude and have entered the world of economic manipulation and theology.

Contemporary “Science”

So the Amazon is burning?! Good! A beautiful natural experiment on the carbon imprint theory of global warming! What can send more carbon into the atmosphere than a huge burning forest?!So if the human-caused theory of global warming is correct there should be a direct,measurable correlation between the amount of forest burning and the earth’s temperature.

That is, if we are dealing with testable, disprovable hypotheses -the basis of all real science.Instead we are dealing with theological postulates-untestable convicvtions.So I assume they will not do the studies!

Like I could find no real studies on another natural experiment- what happened in Cuba to cancer rates and autoimmunie diseases when they were forced to go organic because of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Or no studies about the long-term effects of multiple vaccinations because the theological principle is”Vaccines are safe” ! Right?

Or the long-term effects of eating food raised with pesticides(Theological principle”The level of pesticides is below the level of toxicity” Ya right.)

So science has been converted from testing observable hypotheses to massive data gathering,statistical analysis and economic manipulations by wealthy corporations like pharmaceutical companies and chemical producers who fund the “science”.If the scientists find something uncomfortable to these large corporations,they are often gagged or fired as happened clearly in Canada under the Harper administration and happens a lot more than we believe behind closed doors.

Look what has happened recently with glyphosate.Institutional,conservative by nature,judges have found the link between glyphosate and non-Hodgkins Lymphoma credible and have approved very large settlements the last one of $2 biliion dollars.And yet you find a whole-window display of this product at Home Depot! Why? The government has not acted on the evidence.”More research needed?” .No!This is pure economic manipulation..

And Westerners think only Marxist countries perverted the teachings of the Master.Francis Bacon( founder of the principles of modern science) must be turning over in his grave lol And it ain’t funny!

Let me be clear here.I am not a climate-change denier.That is the current term for a heretic! Remember those from the Middle ages?!! Well the concept is back! They just don’t use the term anymore as it sounds too “unscientific”.The Earth is warming! It is an observable fact.

As far as I can make out there are only two possible explanations( of course the Ultimate cause is the Will of God but we will not go there as this is too inflammatory for the fundamentalist secularists lol).So getting back to the intermediary causes ..It is either due to human activity( the consensus position now) or due to the sun’s activity.(C.F. Henrik Svensmark and others.) Personally at this point ,I favour the latter theory.Ever noticed the sun’s effect on your daily temperatures and seasonal temperatures?! In Canada that can be up to 60 degrees Celsius! No one,even the hard-core “scientific”types, doubts that is an effect of the position relative to the sun! So the one or two degrees they are talking about seems like a pittance for the sun.BUT I could be wrong(the scientific position lol).I have looked at some of the evidence( i am supposed to say here that I am not a climatologist.That is the current protocol but people who know me know that I am not a big believer in experts.They get things wrong on a regular basis in my observations .So citing climatologists just doesn’t do it for me)..It seems to me that once you understand the scientific principle that “association does not mean causation” most of the carbon theory falls apart.But I am, in true scientific fashion, still willing to be convinced otherwise.

Spiritual Methodology

As I study the non-dualists i.e. the people who express most clearly the Ultimate Spiritual State(we call it fana and baqa in Sufism) one thing becomes apparent.None of the teachers I have studied came to their Realization by the methods they themselves are espousing ! Intriguing! So Ramana Maharshi had a sudden “fear of death” and a feeling of a “force or current” that he identified as the I. Nisardgadatta Maharaj describes his “opening” at the hands of his guru(so it was guru Yoga or transmission from the teacher),Eckhart Tolle was in the midst of a psychological,suicidal crisis when his enlightenment occurred and Adyashant ,one of the popular California types, gave up on his intense Zen Buddhist practice and felt he was dying  when he”arrived”! So none of them came by the same method they are proposing! Intriguing.

So what do we make of this?! Rick Archer (“Buddha at the Gas Pump” guy) quotes some sage as saying”Enlightenment is an accident;we do spiritual practice to make ourselves accident prone”! Very clever,even eloquent but is it True?!

Personally, and I believe this is true for all Believers,there are no accidents.Not only do the revealed Scriptures tell us so but so do the n.d.e. experiencers.There are no accidents.That is an agnostic,atheistic idea.Everything is from the Will and the Wisdom of God.That is my personal conviction.

So what can we conclude from that .Firstly that” there is no set methodogy for Enlightenment”! IMHO even the Sufis,my preferred spiritual orientation,get that one wrong! Just because the Master arrives at his opening through certain practices is no guarantee that his disciples will do likewise.I have seen that over and over again on the spiritual path!

So what do we do?The only thing we can do is pray! So,like in everything else in life,pray for what you want and rely on God(tawwakkul) to give you the most suitable result.And if you really want to be “accident-prone” ,be on your best possible behaviour- relative to God and your fellow man-an age-old technique called Virtue lol

Understood and applied, any one of the posts on this site could change your life-forever!