There are two grave epidemics going on in the Modern World.They are Materialism and Mentalism.You could also say Desire and Ideology.Alternatively you could identify them with the Market-place and the University. But, however you conceive of them, they are suffocating our vitality- like the toxic algae suffocate our northern lakes.
Materialism is not limited to greed.It includes an entire way of thinking that is focused on the concrete as opposed to the subtle.Some of the keywords you will run into include ‘proof’, ‘evidence-based’, ’empirical data’ ‘measurable’.These are also keywords that lead to excessive stress in the workplace(read productivity) and overly complicated legal processes( read thorough and exhaustive).This way of relating to reality has penetrated deeply into the fabric of our society so much so that most people take it for granted without questioning it.
Nor is ‘Mentalism‘ limited to ideology.It is an entire philosophy of being that posits abstract thought as the highest pinnacle of human achievement.It can lead to total despair as in the case of the Existentialist philosophers recommending suicide as the only honorable option.It can also easily lead to oppression and war.Look,for example at Castro’s Cuba( based on Communist ideology) and America’s invasion of Iraq( based on spreading democracy).Although materialism is sometimes questioned, this is almost never true for Mentalism.Almost everyone takes it for granted.The better the Thought the closer to truth. Really?! I don’t think so.
So,what is the alternative,you may well ask? The alternative,and this is the essence of the Sufi approach,is the Way of the Heart.In this way,you purify the heart by struggling against both desire and abstract thought. Once you embark on this path, you notice that you begin to’ see’ and ‘hear’ more clearly.Gradually you begin to notice ‘serenity’ appearing. And from this serenity comes Love.Aha! Peace and Love! But not the hippie version-the real thing!This is not the love of a particular person or place or activity but rather a Universal Love that is no longer dependent on particular objects.Rather it has become a state of Being- the Sufis call it ‘hal’ (state)or more precisely ‘maqam’. It is your inner station! May Allah guide us all to this most noble of Goals.
Well focused and clear.
Thank you for this deep insight.