Marifat(Knowledge of God)

Marifat(knowledge of God) actually has three sections. 1) Experiential knowledge of God as separate from us.This can only happen outside of bodily consciousness-i.e. in the other world.Otherwise we would be knocked down unconscious as were the people of Moses when they asked to see God.All of the religions have had mystics who had this experience,but the most accessible accounts are those in the n.d.e. literature (near-death experiences).Check it out.

2) Experiential knowledge of God as identical to our innermost self.This has various names (fana,samadhi,satori,Nibbana etc.etc.)and is the central tenet of the Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta traditions and

3) Knowing what God is getting at in the unfoldment of events in the World.The Buddhists and Advaita Vedanta people, so focused on Oneness, don’t have the foggiest idea of this dimension.”Karma’ is a very inadequate,mechanical explanation.They believe that only the stated number 2 function(enlightenment) is important.The Quran and the Bible are very useful tools  to understand this dimension.We can see that it requires Revelation- not Enlightenment! Then if we are fortunate enough to have an elevated teacher or if we are given the gift of deep intuition(rare) into this interaction, we may be able to ferret out the details as to what is happening on a moment to moment basis in this world and its interaction with the Creator..It is ALL meaningful!

3 thoughts on “Marifat(Knowledge of God)”

  1. Unfortunately my mind is stronger than my heart, (with that I don’t mean I am smart but my heart is weak). I feel only peace when I reach to conclusion rather than when I feel serenity. The third method listed in this article was my saviour, which I learned as “talking with God in the language of events”. A framework (train of thoughts) that I have been using:
    * If there is God then he can hear me.
    * If he is the God, then when He wishes He can talk to me in the language that I can understand.
    * Since He wishes to not be apparent directly for a regular person to see and hear him with my eyes and ears in this universe; He will talk to me through what I can see, hear and reason since he created me with these limitations.
    * He may not answer my question since I may not be ready for the answer which in itself would be a response nonetheless.
    * To receive his response I should listen (i.e. be open and try to understand the world around me).
    * I don’t need to overthink about every event of my life to see if it was the response, since He is the God and can respond in a way that I will not miss it since that He knows everything about me.
    * And the response will arrive when I need to experience it.

    I know that many (mostly rationalistic community) rule such events that have high meanings for us as selection bias, i.e. we are only counting events that could mean something to us and we are finding patterns in the noise of life. Which is a reasonable thought if our presumptions is “there is no message”. To the strict follower of this logic though, anything and everything that we are not familiar with such as a foreign speech or an electromagnetic signal carrying pieces of a picture in the air is also a noise. Even in material nature we can only extract messages from the noise if we accept that there is a message to begin with. Which leaves us with consistency and accuracy:

    I’ve experienced this phenomena in numbers to be statistically significant and in degrees that I had no doubt at the moment. (Yet doubt is also part of God’s desire to be not apparent (i.e. not measurable) in the universe, and can come soon or later.) Considering even material science’s struggle with the statistical assurance (see cosmic variance or time-variation of fundamental constants), I am comfortable with validity of my experiences.

    But reasonably you can still doubt “Marifat” (as it is called here) since it is a subjective (each experience is objectively crafted/personalized for the individual). Do the next logical step: Approach it firsthand spiritually or with scientific curiosity; regardless of your (or lack of) belief. It is just about genuinely and humbly reaching out, and being open to an answer. If you can hear back, it will be one of the times in your life you will feel truly not alone.

    Thank you for this article.
    Best wishes.

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