It’s July 4th – Independence Day in America.Now America has a lot of failings no doubt. Many people across the world love to hate America! That is not my feeling. I have always had fondness for our neighbour to the south. Much of what I learnt in Medicine, psychology( of various schools) and Spirituality came through America. I attended countless medical and psychiatric and alternative psychotherapy trainings in America. It was in America that I met many of my spiritual teachers including Pir Vilayat Khan and Bawa Muhayideen and Sheikh Nuh. It was in America that I learnt Chiqong and various forms of Buddhist meditation and Sufi chanting. So there is much for me to be grateful to that country. I would not be who I am without the American contribution to my existence.Their openess and creativity and plainspokeness has become part of my being!For all of that, I am most grateful!
I would just have one request, however, to ask Americans-to stop claiming their country is the greatest country to ever exist. For those who like evidence, most of the evidence, including the annual Human Development reports of the United Nations loudly dispute that claim( lowest ranking amongst developed countries in every single social dimension-like violence and infant mortality and longevity and poverty amongst others)!) So I request a little more humility from Americans. Enough hubris! That would be good for everyone-including Americans themselves.