Breaking News! Shocking developments! Donald Trump instructed Michael Cohen to lie! How could he lol?! Really? The entire legal,democratic political and advertising industry to boot is based on lying! Does the court not instruct witnesses to “tell the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the Truth”?Do the lawyers in preparing their clients not then train them on what to say,what not to say and how to say it?Is that not lying ?! Do the government and legal reports and Commission reports not have ridiculously large amounts of redactions? Is that not lying? When Monsanto tells us its pesticides are safe and when the cellphone companies tell us there is no danger from the emfs and microwaves coming from our phones and their towers, are They not lying.And when the hallowed Supreme Court of the U.S.A.says that billionaires being allowed to spend as much money as they want on campaign financing is consistent with democracy,are they too not lying?!This is outright hypocrisy! It is time for our entire society to come clean and admit that currently lying is endemic -even necessary for success! The real slogan here behind the scenes is:” Lie but don’t get caught”.And admittedly Trump is an incompetent liar.Obama and both Clintons were much better at it!