It’s all in the ‘hal’

Spiritual growth and development is a complex matter.It involves beliefs,practices, ethics and various  states of Realization.However,if we wanted to put it in a nutshell,we could say “It’s all in the ‘hal’ i.e that the essence of the process is to get to the best inner state possible.All the great spiritual teachers of the world were in such a ‘hal’.

This is where our so-called “educational system”-at all levels- is so problematic.Because it moves the attention of the participants to a purely cerebral level and also stresses them out  with a diverse set of techniques- like excessive homework, assignments, tests, standardized tests,fixed academic goals and fixed curricula etc.etc. All of these actively destroy the ‘hal’ of the students- for a fortunate few only temporarily but for most its a lifelong effect and it is mostly unconscious!

As Chris Martensen ( likes to say about the Covid epidemic lol “it didn’t have to be this way” .That is ,it is possible for people to learn and get educated in a much more healthy,natural and organic way.The world had been doing that for thousands of years before our present academic structures were devised! But most people have not even grasped the problem! So keep learning and do that by avoiding educational institutions as much as you can lol.(You may need to dip into that cesspool temporarily in order to get a decent job but get out as quickly as you can and like Lot in the story of Sodom and Gomorrha,don’t look back!) I learnt most of the things of value for myself outside of those structures.

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