An important thread begins! It’s called”How the Mind Gets it Wrong-Regularly”.Today’s example.United States approves of the protest movement in Iran and warns against too harsh a response by the leadership.A good move,by Trump no less.A stand on principle and in fact consistent with the trajectory of history unfolding.France(of course-Remember “I think therefore I am” of Descartes) objects.”This is not the jurisdiction of the U.N but constitutes interference in an internal affairs of another nation.”Logical for sure.But wrong! ( I thank Donald for the possibility of saying things simply in this age of complication and obscurantism).In this age where judgment is seen as sinful being able to say”Wrong” is a gift to all of us lol Not surprising that France,the gold medal champion of intellectual overkill, is the one to speak up.Only Greece would have been more appropriate.After all they were the ones who got the philosophical ball rolling,(Thank you Aristotle!).But now they are bankrupt and that is the greatest of modern sins-to be poor-so they have no credibility!