
Intriguing world! More peaceful in Tobago than Trinidad . Much less crime. But no people of nur. And no interesting discussions. Conclusion: comfort kills the spirit!

All around us we can see people seeking more comfort- a bigger house, a more spacious car, the latest lazy-boy couch! But they are like the iconic donkey chasing the iconic carrot. They never get to satisfaction. Why?! Because comfort is not where it’s at ! It’s a false God. Comfort kills the spirit!

I remember visiting an old friend of my Mom in a luxurious old people’s home. He had made a lot of money as a jeweller but now seemed to be desolate and confused. “I have everything I ever wanted here but I’m feeling so depressed! “ He had no idea why that was. He had worshipped at the altar of the god of comfort and found himself empty. Why is that?! Because Comfort kills the spirit.

2 thoughts on “Comfort?!”

  1. Yup. Clinging to comfort is like clinging to life and dysfunctional in terms of the inevitable.
    Old age is pretty uncomfortable by definition. In young people comfort makes you complacent and then it’s much harder to adjust to difficulties. IMHO.

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