Climate Change?

The obsession with”climate change” and “global warming” has seriously obscured the environmental debate. The issue is not really “climate change” ! The real issue is human health, not global warming.

I’ll give you a couple of simple examples of what I mean. If you insulate your home in order to save energy, you are inevitably increasing the concentration of toxins in your home.(And for the more sophisticated nay-sayers amongst the readers,heat distribution units ,as recommended by certain construction norms,most often add in a new level of problems concerned with what grows in their ducts) Given that the concentration of toxins in indoor air is already ten times that in outdoor air, you can see that the potential for impacting human health is enormous.

Example two. If you install laminate floors now cleverly marketed as “ floating floors”( how comfy!)you have used much less wood than if you had installed proper hardwood floors. So you saved a few trees. And trees are good for the environment. They absorb CO2 and they produce O2. Great. But the laminate floors have a high quantity of glues and chemicals including formaldehyde! Formaldehyde is a known cancerogenic product and it off-gasses for years! So you have decreased the carbon emissions but you have contributed a serious hazard to human health!

Did you also know that those great solutions of solar and wind energy produce “dirty electricity” because of the intermittent currents generated? Dirty electricity is far more detrimental to human health than regular electricity! Oops!Thought we had the answer!

And that other great environmental solution-electrical cars- produce high levels of EMFs( electromagnetic fields) that are also known health risks. The last time I tested one with my Trifield meter , there was a reading off 100 Milligaus in the back sest! Above 3 milligaus there are known biological effects. Btw That specific spot in the back seat is exactly where your toddler would be sitting! And we wonder why there is so much cancer in children?!

PS If we seriously addressed human health,global warming would take care of itself as most of the carbon imprint is generated by toxic, cancerogenic chemicals like the byproducts of fossil fuel emissions.So beware! Most of the news you are getting is very partial and biased. It may not be “fake news”. But it is certainly “spun and filtered news”

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