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Three States-Manifestations of the Divine

From time to time on the spiritual path one has a really strong, even overwhelming, ‘hal’ that shakes us to the very core.Read ,for example,the story of Eckhart Tolle if you want a specific example of this.Although these states are essential and life-changing ,they may not be the most important aspect of the path overall.

There are three more subtle states that I have been encountering on a regular basis recently that people may  more easily be able to relate to than than the ‘blasted away” state of Mr.Tolle. I call them 1) ‘the shabd”;2) the Pristine state and 3_) the Love. Let’s go over them one by one.

  1. The ‘shabd’ or the Divine sound current.This state has been most accurately portrayed by the Sikhs and specifically by the Santmat or Radhaswami of Beas movement.It involves a subtle sound current that is directly connected to the Divine.I believe the satsangis,as they are called, use this current to help their adherents ascend to the higher ‘heavenly stations”.Although it is perhaps best defined by Santmat ,it is in fact available to all spiritual seekers regardless of their practice.And it is a sign they are on the right path.Stay with it and your spiritual state(hal) improves step-by-step
  2. The Pristine State: This state has several characteristics.The objects of visual perception suddenly become clearer(pristine).The mind empties(no perceptible thoughts).And the feeling becomes light and peaceful.All is well in the best of all possible universes.Sweet!P.S. I find it is most available at the time after the sun has set although it can occur at any time of day or night.
  3. Love: Probably the most overused word in the English language outside of the ‘f’ word lol.This love can be directed to almost any object-people,places,things.There’s the love of the partner,the love of the child,the love of the parent ,the love of a pet etc,.etc.Of course the greatest love is the love of God but actually that is a misnomer since the love of God is Allah’s love for Himself. He is the ‘mujqallib al qulub” the controller of hearts .Without His ithan(permission) you cannot love anyone or anything. So consider every love experience a gift from your Lord. When you get to experiencing the love of Allah for His entire Creation ,you will have arrived! But until then you can be thankful for any experience of love that you have since all Love is made of the same substance.It only varies in intensity and breadth.
  4. So try recognizing and riding these three different wave forms and tell me how you are doing,if you wish.Have a good and spiritually uplifting day.And thank God for anything and everything positive in your life.This is NOT good karma.It is Mercy and Compassion.We don’t really deserve any of it!It is all Generosity on His part.

Wrong Process.

If you watch carefully the current American political debate ,you will notice that there is  paradigm problem.It is all about staying true to the Constitution. Let’s unpack this for you.You take an abstract formulation (the Constitution),designed for a period of time and circumstances 250 years previous and then you do your best to make logical extensions and procedures based on it.That cannot be the best way of dealing with reality.It just can’t! And that is the same formula used over and over again in all our so-called advanced societies. Continue reading Wrong Process.

The Piffle Rating Scale

                                                    The Piffle Rating Scale

I was in the midst of reading a large tome about meditation written by a Buddhist scholar that I would prefer to leave unnamed for now.That is mostly because I have respect for the work he has done over the years to promote the Buddhist contribution to psychology.. Although the book was in the 600-page realm, I had the distinct feeling that the important parts could easily have been explained in a 20-page article. Ah, such are the vagaries of the publication industry. But it got me thinking.

In reflecting on this phenomenon, I realized that we have, in the English language, a large vocabulary of words that describe this phenomenon, words such as “piffle”, ”drivel”, balderdash”, ”bunk”, “gobbledygook”, ”gibberish”, ”poppycock”, etc., etc. I will start with Webster’s Dictionary definition of my two favorites:1) piffle: talk or writing regarded as insignificant or nonsensical and 2) gobbledygook: talk or writing that is pompous, wordy, involved, full of long Latinized(or Greek) words .I particularly like the latter term as it refers directly to the phenomenon I am trying to underline. This kind of language is the substrate, the infrastructure if you will, of the “Cult of the Intellect” that I have been working so hard to undermine as I feel it is sabotaging, on many levels,our capacity to problem-solve and be practical.

As I explained in my previous article on Deprogramming, over thev years I have developed a hypersensitivity to this ”drivel” so much so that when I hear it, I get a bad smell in my head. he other sensation I get ,when I do my best to unpack this kind of thinking is that my brain is being twisted into a pretzel-always an indication that these are “mind-productions”

Now, the problematic part of this disconnected thinking is that it has good press and is the “monnaie courante” of the intellectual world. The more difficult something is to understand, the more it is considered profound and credible in that world. You will find it not only in philosophy where it has probably reached its apogee but in all other areas of intellectual endeavor form stream of consciousness literature like Finnegan’s Wake by James Joyce and even in so-called “empirical science”. Abstract thought and theory are taken for fact in all of these fields. And the “critical thinking”  supposed to be taught in our educational institutions which was  to save us from wrongful speculation and conjecture has ended up being another force for confusion being  enacted in a reflex and predictable way(social conditioning)  rather than a discerning one.

Thankfully, there are some counterveiling forces at work nowadays. One of them is meditation where one attempts to get beyond the mind to Zen “seeing” and “ hearing” on an inner level. Paradoxically, however you get Buddhist authors like the one mentioned at the beginning of this article who begin reflecting on “no-mind”. Interesting oxymoron involved there lol. Also, you have lucid people like Eckhart Tolle talking to us about words as “pointers” and pointing out that the pointers are not the reality. We also have Byron Katie , one of the California-based spiritual illuminati telling us that all our problems come from the same place-we believe the contents of our own minds! These are salutary influences no doubt. So is the Goleman/Gardiner models of multiple intelligences, Although if I listen to modern-day students I do not hear these models being applied seriously.

Before we can fix this problem we need to identify it correctly. And .horror of horrors ,in imitation of the empirical scientists ,we will try to quantify it. Thus ”The Piffle Index” or “The Piffle Rating Scale”. What you have to do here is examine a given talk or piece of writing and give it a rating from 1-10 based on how much of the verbiage actually refers to nothing other than its own words and concepts. The higher the rating the more the piffle content. Thus, the bigger the number, the worst it is-a kind of intellectual toxicity index. Try it out. You might be surprised at how much of what you have been hearing or reading is bunk! It could change your life when you come to terms with it. You could end up being like Bob Dylan, Bill Gates or Steven Jobs and simply dropping out of university. I will surely not be popular with your parents after that lol! Salaams,Ibrahim


(Quote from Ram Das)“And here is where we come to suffering, because what suffering tells you is where the mind is clinging. Now, I am talking about your suffering. I am not talking about somebody else’s suffering. Let’s just deal with us. For me, suffering is telling me where my mind is clinging. If I experience suffering because I am getting old, it’s because I have a model of myself that’s other than what this is. This is what this is, including dying, pain, loss, all of it.

The models in our heads about it, and the way we cling to it, is where the root of suffering is. So when you wanna get free badly enough, you begin to experience your own suffering as grace. You don’t ask for it. You don’t say, “Give me suffering,” but when it comes you see it as something that’s showing you a place where you are holding. The place to release. “

Interesting.I would however like to address the word”suffering” as I believe it causes a lot of confusion, especially amongst Buddhist thinkers and people who listen to them..Pain ,physical or psychic,IS suffering.Let’s not start corrupting the meaning of words.The right word here might be”dissatisfaction” or “non-acceptance”.But suffering is suffering.I categorically reject the Buddhist assertion that they can end suffering.They may however have a way of embracing it.So do we in the Western religions btw! We call it the Will and Wisdom of God!

Give me the Proof!

Most used tactic nowadays to avoid the Truth-asking for proof! It is sinister because it appears like the questioner wants to know what is going on,but more often than not he wants to cover it up- by asking for more evidence.So the chemical companies use this,as the tobacco companies did before them,to avoid dealing with the toxicity of their products,O.J.’s lawyers-Cochrane et al- used it to get him off the hook,politicians use this to approve environmentally destructive projects and now the Russians are using it to deny their impact in the American elections.Science and logic,initially developed to uncover reality is now being used to cover it up.May God help us all!

The Real Middle Way

Methodological note:.I have come to believe over time in the real Middle Way-that is the way between over-exertion and utter sloth lol.Many paths, including ones I have studied urge murids to do more and more.I have found,through bitter experience, that this does not work.In fact it can be dangerous ,both psychologically and spiritually.Psychologically it can push people into psychosis.And spiritually it can cause people to give up,in discouragement.So my understanding is that”less is more”. That too has its limits.Some people become spiritual slackers waiting for God to do it for them and that is not to be recommended either.So we come back to the necessity of a certain rhythm of effort and repose.We each need to find the rhythm that works best for us.So let observation be your Guide and we make dua that Allah makes your observation more and more precise.Salaams,Ibrahim

Don’t Be Deceived by Outer Appearances

As part of our Pilgrims’ Progress outreach I went to two different Sufi gatherings in the last two weeks.One was in a lovely centre with plush carpets and comfortable cushions finely decorated in Moroccan tones.The other was in a murid’s appartment that reminded me of how we lived as students.The first Dhikr was attended by approximately seventy five people.There was a delicious meal served at the end.The ritual was rich and complex.The second dhikr was attended by two men on one side and two women on the other side.In the first Dhikr I could feel almost nothing.A very slight sweetness developed over time(It was dhikr after all!).In the second dhikr the entire ritual consisted of listening to a tape of the Teacher.The Presence was powerful and sublime.The “hudur” of Allah was everywhere in the room.Don’t be deceived by outer appearances. Salaams,Ibrahim

Personal Will vs. Divine Will.

(A recent significant Facebook exchange)

“Sometimes life knocks you on your ass… get up, get up, get up!!! Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them.”
Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

Joel Ibrahim Kreps That sounds too much like American hubris to me.You have to understand that it is God that is knocking you on your -ss.And it’s not all about you and your will,Steve. Being knocked down is purposeful .It’s a teaching moment.And the first lesson, that Steve totally misses here, is that he is not in charge! Once you get that,not easy for arrogant Westerners bred on the omnipotence of Science and Personal will, you have taken a huge step.Alhumdulillah.

Joel Ibrahim Kreps The second lesson has to do with one’s proper relationship to the Omnipotent One who is in charge.I’ll leave it at that for now.