Three clear-cut take-away messages from the American impeachment hearings 1) The adversarial process is a completely ineffective way of ascertaining Truth!(The true Islamic scholars and Sufis denounced argumentation a long time ago!) 2-No-one is objective!(I thought Freud had made that case clearly enough 100 years ago) and 3)Reason( most of the politicians speaking are relatively smart despite common beliefs to the contrary ) is a completely inadequate means for obtaining Truth or Justice,(Sorry Aristotle,Voltaire and Rousseau lol).Bottom Line- the system has failed us once again.A new paradigm is needed..
Category Archives: Psychology
Impeachment-The Deeper Roots
Impeachment Day! Does Donald Trump deserve to be impeached?! Of course! But one could also argue,as no-one,certainly not the sheep-like journalists, is lol,that the U.S. Constitution itself should be impeached -because it is not working! The U.S. has the worst record on ALL social variables(crime,violence,efficiency of health care delivery,wealth distribution,childhood poverty etc.,etc.)of ALL developed nations.Shouldn’t that get people thinking?!
In my view,one of the major reasons for that is that the basic premises of the Constitution are false!”All men are created equal”(obviously false.Needs no explanation!).”They are endowed with inalienable rights to life(wrong! That is in the hands of God) liberty(no,there are all kinds of restrictions to liberty-especially if you believe in Divine Law) and the pursuit of happiness(a false goal as happiness,too,is outside of our control,the idea is often linked to hedonism and it is ultimately not our goal which should be acceptance and serenity about the Divine Will)-that is what brings peace of mind.So,and this may sound too strong,the American Constitution, despite the well-meaning intention of the founders to correct the excesses of monarchy,is corrupt to the core!It is a recipe for selfishness,superficiality and unreality! Put that in your pipe and smoke it,lol.
Epistemology 202
If you carefully watch the Congressional hearings you will notice an underlying assumption-that if you get the facts precisely right and then use impeccable logic to elaborate from those facts .you will get to the Truth of the matter and be able to convince people of it.That is SO wrong in so many ways! Amongst others,it ignores the importance of the inner- the intentions,the unconscious bias,the ideological bias and the level of awareness(also an inner element of the Reality).False Epistemology =false conclusions.So don’t be surprised if they get to the wrong conclusions! It is totally predictable
American Politics in a Nutshell
Once again,the American politicians and journalists and even, may I say, intellectuals have it wrong! The intervention of foreign powers in U.S. politics is NOT the real problem.It is miniscule in impact compared to the real problem!The real problem in American democracy is the intervention of American corporations and monied lobbying groups of various sorts –not only in electoral politics but in all instances of government actions.That is what is deviating the government from truly serving the people! That is why our food is full of carcinogens as are our construction materials,that is why our air is polluted and the medical system is gouging the people and the workplace is becoming more and more stressful and dangerous(C.F. recent reports of injuries at Amazon-just one case amongst many.) Russia and Ukraine have nothing to do with that at all!
Now ,perhaps, at the time of the founders,foreign intervention(i.e. The British monarchy trying to get a foothold back in America) was the problem.Although even there one could argue,correctly I believe,that it was foreign intervention,specifically that of the French and the Germans,that allowed the American Revolution to succeed( I believe Macron proudly pointed that out to Trump lol)! Salaams,Ibrahim
An Alternative Enquiry
(credit given to the Byzantine Emperor interviewing Abu Suyan lol)
High Priest,Rabbi or Imam;” Is this man (Trump) known to have had good character before his presidency
Congressional representative: Not at all.He was elected despite his bad character-well-known to the public.
High Priest,Rabbi or Imam: Was this man known to be a man of his word who could be trusted?
C.R. Not at all. He made many promises to many people including his business associates and friends and wives that he never honored
HPRI.Was this man known to have felt bad and apologized when people were hurt by his behaviour?
C.R. Not at all.He seems to be oblivious to other peoples’ pain.
HPRI If this man proposed a business deal to a relative of yours,would you feel obliged to warn them about his past behaviour.
C.R. I definitely would
Consensus of the panel of spiritual authorities -after consulting with each other for five minutes: Then this man is not suitable to be your leader and we would encourage you to remove him from office as quickly as possible and also as a preventive measure to seriously revise your entire electoral process.
Gavel down,Judgment rendered
Another “Democratic Illusion” Bites the Dust
Aha! Another “Democratic Illusion”-that if you generate conflict by your words or behaviour you are doing the wrong thing! Wrong lol! Consider this..Jesus,Mohammed saws and Moses all generated considerable conflict in their communities by asserting Truth.Truth trumps superficial,hypocritical peace.Sorry folks-there’s no easy way.The promoters of falsehood and distraction are persistent and hard-working.We have to be as well.

Global Warming h-m-m
I don’t believe in consensus scientists.They are mostly sheep-like followers.I believe in geniuses-people of vision and insight like Copernicus and Einstein and Freud.Remember that at the time of Copernicus the consensus was that the world was flat and at the time of Einstein the world was static and Newtonian and at the time of Freud all psychological problems were neurological!
So as I watch the November freezes and snowstorms across the U.S. and Canada,I say to myself “H-m-m global warming caused by human activity.Maybe not?!” Yes,I know the trope about”It’s climate not weather”. A distinction without a difference as climate is simply accumulated weather.Get enough weather changes and you have climate change.So if you are interested in the geniuses in this area ,try looking up two Scandinavians-Henrik Svensmark from Denmark and Nils-Axel Morner from Sweden.(You can also dismiss most of their critics as you would dismiss the Pharisees criticizing Jesus and the Quraish doing likewise with Mohammed saws.)
At the risk of oversimplifying their position ,these two scientists believe that it’s mostly about the sun effects on weather and not about carbon imprint.
My only question here is why Allah,who is behind all these events,may be relenting on the final destruction of the planet? What good is man doing that could engender Mercy from our Creator?! Beats me.Then again the difference between God and the consensus scientists is that I trust and submit to His wisdom whereas I am seriously skeptical of theirs!
“On the Eve of Destruction”
The psychoanalysts taught us that in order to communicate a Truth ,you first had to interpret the defense mechanism.So what is the primary defense mechanism of our society? Not listening! (Watch the Congressional hearings if you don’t believe me!).Where does this come from?-a whole set of social conditionnings including the emphasis on Rationnality and the ubiquitous marketing that we have learnt “to turn a deaf ear” ! Is there a solution?I don’t see one! If you tell them they are not listening or not hearing,they just get offended! Maybe prayer?! Or maybe we are truly on The Eve of Destruction” and this,too, is part of the Divine Plan!
From the wisdom of the Sufis: “And the renowned Master Ibn ’Ata’illah says in his Hikam: ‘May the pain of trial be lightened for you by your knowledge that it is He, be He exalted, who is trying you.’ There is no doubt that, for men(and women) of God, their best moment is the moment of distress, for this is what fosters their growth. He also says in his Hikam: ‘The best of your moments is that in which you are aware of your distress and thrown back upon your own helplessness….’ ”
There is no doubt that for men(and women) of God the best moment is the moment of distress. When there is no recourse to yourself. When we find ourselves helpless, that is the best moment, if you understand. It may be in distress you will find benefits that you have been unable to find either in prayer or in fasting.”
Crucial Advice!
If you’re feeling all messed-up in life, the only thing to do is to find the most trustworthy person you can and follow them and their advice to you! And don’t let your mind and your doubts OR your friends interfere!