Category Archives: Politics

The Pandemic in a Nutshell

(This is from my FB post in early July.Remains just as relevant one month later!)

July 8 at 11:11 AM

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The pandemic in a nutshell-Ok. This is the scoop as I understand it.They were doing this research(“gain of function”) so that the virus penetrates more easily into human cells(specific affinity for ACE receptors).That allows them to have more research subjects who are infected so they can test vaccines on them.American scientists realized how dangerous this could be so it was banned in the U.S in 2014 by Obama after numerous scientists(?200) wrote a letter to the State Department. They(Antony Fauci?) transferred the research to China where they don’t care about human beings but are more interested in money and reputation, and the Americans kept financing it through the N.I.H to the tune of $200 million. In 2018 a group of American diplomats and scientists visited the Wuhan lab for an inspection.They wrote a report to the State Dept. saying how dangerous it was and that the security was too lax at the lab.The State department ignored the report! And the rest is history.The entire world had to suffer the consequences and they(The Chinese and the Americans) are not acknowledging their mistakes and their negligence and hiding the evidence.No conspiracy theories,no bio-weapons.Just simple recklessness and negligence combined with “Science” that has lost its moral compass!That’s it in a nutshell.

It’s NOT all about the money

It’s NOT true that it’s ALL about money! That is another contemporary myth! In the guise of fighting materialism,that affirmation is actually supporting it?!Greed is only one of Seven Cardinal Sins in Christianity lol.Actually ignorance ,as the Buddhists rightly point out,in all likelihood has more to do with people’s mischief than greed itself.Take Fauci for example.I really don’t believe his mistatements are about greed.That’s not my reading of his personality(even if he has financial interests in vaccine development as one of the “money causes all evil” ideologues is likely to point out).No.Fauci is limited mostly by his scientific ideological framework sometimes referred to erroneously as “evidence-based medicine”.Actually people like Fauci are UNABLE to read the evidence because of their narrow intellectual paradigm.That paradigm excludes anecdotes,excludes individual case histories especially of the patients themselves! and excludes studies that don’t have large populations or expensive statisticians onboard.Science has lost its capacity for the pillar of Clinical Observation and replaced it with an obsession about study design and complex statistical analysis.In that way they OFTEN get things wrong.P.S. There may well also be embarassment about his role in developing this virus! But for now,he seems to be in complete denial(unconscious?) of that connection.

Medical Epistemology

People seem to have trouble grasping what I mean by the “Obsessionalization” of medical and social processes.So let me give you an example to help you understand.Dr. Richard Bartlett ,a Texas physician, claims he is having great success in treating Covid cases with inhaled steroids specifically Budesonide.He explains that Covid is a respiratory inflammatory disease and these steroids are inhaled and anti-inflammatory.He also claims that Taiwan,Japan and Singapore are doing really well with the same approach.Makes perfect sense to me.I  I call that”scientifically plausible hypothesis” something I much prefer to “evidence-based” which is far too technical and Empirical for me.

So you would think this would elicit interest and enthusiasm in the medical field,no?! Not at all! Remember.these people can’t hear!

So here is the commentary from one medical analyst.I am including it because it is so typical of contemporary “scientific” thinking!

A few things to beware of in COVID “news”:

  • Evidence that is ANECDOTAL– testimonial – no numbers, data, study. (Always be concerned when this is the primary evidence that is given. It is one of the hallmarks of medical quackery.)
  • Lacking specific numbers or data to back up the claims.  The doctor we are discussing today won’t tell how many patients he’s treated, just that he’s been “doing it since March” and that “they’re all alive”. (So have I and mine are too…maybe I should go on TV!)
  • Bashing all of the major national and international health care authorities (CDC, WHO, NIH), suggesting they are missing something very basic. (“All the experts are wrong” is usually a suspect position)
  • Consider the Source – Credentials Matter.  Physicians should share their specialty, medical school training, etc. rather than mentioning TV appearances or political appointments.   When a physician speaks, he should have a specialty that would be tied to the topic as well.  For instance, this doctor mentions being a surgeon.  That carries a bit less weight than a pulmonologist or infectious disease specialist or even an emergency physician or family physician who are on the front lines.
  • Over-simplification of statistics can be suspect as well.  These claims of why ENTIRE COUNTRIES are seeing such low numbers, claiming it MUST be because of this treatment and not because of effective prevention because of masks, tracking, etc.  (Beware of oversimplification of something this complex)
  • Consider Motives.  This is most obvious when someone is trying to peddle a product – medication, therapy, book, etc.  But occasionally it might be for other reasons, like notoriety.  I see no clear red flags in this case, but this is often the most obvious warning sign that something is amiss.
  • Let’s take these one by one:
  • 1) Evidence that is anecdotal-the bugaboo of all medical science.That terrible enemy of all Empirical processes.But you know what?!”There is more reality in anecdotes than in all the scientific literature(Ibrahimic aphorism lol)How did you chose your last vacation spot(anecdotal evidence lol).How did you choose your last partner lol?Unless you went on a dating site lol Anecdotal evidence etc.,etc.What they are  saying is: “Don’t listen to anyone.Just read the peer-reviewed journals.”Then you will get lost for sure.Ok. Then be guided by an expert who studies them regularly.But the experts like Fauci don’t listen,don’t look elsewhere,don’t really think deeply.They just accumulate data.i.e Empiricism!Never ignore anecdotal evidence! It can be life-saving!
  • 2) Lacking specific numbers. They had very specific numbers in the Lancet study that had to be retracted-from 95,000 patients(probably the reason it got published!These people are omnibulated by numbers.Like some men with breast-size lol)
  • 3)Bashing all the major international health authorities.Duh… Well,they have been wrong on nearly everything about this virus so I don’t see that as a big problem!
  • 4)Consider the Source – Credentials Matter.   I see! So if he were a respiratory physician he would be credible?!But as a surgeon he is not. Then I guess we need to listen to Trump lol He’s the president,the top of the food chain. Personal Anecdote lol: I once went to be evaluated at The Shouldice Hernia Clinic outside of Toronto.They saved me from an unnecessary operation! All the doctors there are recycled physicians.The vast majority are not even surgeons .But they have the best results for any hernia clinic in the world.No.Credentials are NOT what is most important.Knowing how to get the job done is what counts.

5)Consider motives.  Aha,the last-ditch attempt to deny real knowledge.Impute a selfish motive! They do it in politics all the time.Why not in medicine?!Since the drug in question is very cheap,they can’t impute a greed element.It must be the search for notoriety.Maybe he’s looking to sell a book like John Bolton lol? This is obscene.

So there you go.If you want to mistrust,I would suggest you go to the top of the food chain-the so-called experts.There are a lot of good people like this Christian doctor looking for practical solutions rather than ideological and greedy ones.We need to listen more to them and less to experts!

Making Corona Virus Work for Us

Thinking about how we can make this corona virus work for us rather than against us.It could potentially shift our lifestyle! Whatever happened to “Small is Beautiful” by Schumacher?We don’t hear about it much as the multinationals do their best to poison our minds with their self-interested propaganda.Consider the following manouvres of “social distancing”
:have your clothes made by a tailor or seamstress instead of buying mass-produced cheapos from China(I already do that for my shirts,pants and vests!) We could employ many,many people on a small-scale in that effort
:buy your furniture from a proper cabinet-maker instead of buying that junk from Ikea
:buy your food(vegetables,milk,meat and eggs)from small-scale local farmers especially those who refuse to use pesticides and GMOs.Boycott the large agro-businesses as much as possible
: close the schools permanently and bring back the absolutely best form of education-The Master/Apprentice relationship( my best educational experiences were in psychiatry with a very small group(sometimes a group of one) and an experienced practitioner.I then went on to do the same as a teacher
;Socialize in very small groups no more than 4 or 5.the discussions tend to be much deeper than when you are in a “party” scene
:return to handicraft production whenever possible including making pottery for dishes and bowls and cups and even homes can be built that way by small groups instead of using massive construction equipment.
The possibilities are endless if you start thinking about it.
Small intentional communities would be a perfect place to apply some of these ideas.I know this will involve an incredible shift but actually it’s the only way we are going to survive!Otherwise the multi-nationals, with the complicity of our governments will, manipulatively and ignorantly, inevitably destroy life on the planet.

Lying,lying and more lying

Lying,lying ,lying! Why do people focus so much on Trump?! Lying is the M.O. of American society.Just watched an ad from eHarmony.The actors that they choose to represent potential candidates for dating are people that are so attractive they would never need to go on a dating website! They would be surrounded on a daily basis by numerous applicants for the post.More mischief from modern marketing-of which the Americans are the gold medal winners! If we really wanted to rein in lying,we would have to start by serious regulation of the marketing industry! Not going to happen!”it’s the economy,stupid” lol   Advice from Sufi Ibrahim:Stay with the Truth except for life-threatening situations.That’s the Sufi way.

Epistemology- from the World of Politics

More Epistemology from the World of Politics: So now we have two highly intelligent men-Mike Pompeo,Secretary of State, and Bill Barr,Attorney General defending falsehood in a clever,thoughtful way! In contradistinction to their boss who defends falsehood in a foolish,braggadocious way.Actually,generally speaking, the former are much more dangerous to our ability to decipher truth than the Trumpian way which is obvious in its egotism and ignorance.Don’t kid yourself!

The contemporary world is full of Pompeos and Barrs and many of them, unlike the former, carry the stamp of approval of “politically correct and progressive”.So beware!We really are in need of an educational system that teaches true discernment.But I don’t see any signs of that happening.Instead our educational system has become another form of indoctrination-mostly in the direction of philosophical materialism and Emipiricism and an excessive reliance on so-called “rationality”. Big,big problem! Way bigger than Trump!

Theocracy reinvented

I think theocracy has, unfairly, been given a bad name.A theocracy(the rule of God) requires a human element that legitimately represents the Divine Will on Earth.That needs to be someone with a high degree of wisdom, a superior level of morality and a deep level of inspiration and insight.Examples of a true theocracy would have been Madina during the time of the Prophet saws and arguably during the time of the Rightly -Guided Successors(the Shia would disagree) or The time of Moses leading his people out of Egypt.What we have now, in Iran for example, is a theologicracy i.e. a regime ruled by sectarian ideas about God-devoid of wisdom and devoid of humanity.That is a most dangerous mix-in fact probably worse than our secular democracies-if that is possible lol.Now demo-cracy is government by the people.When you go out shopping today-to the supermarket or Walmart or wherever,look around at the people there and tell me that’s what you really want lol

Metaphysics and Politics-A Positive Alternative!

If you watch carefully the Democratic nomination process or the Congressional hearings in the U.S, you will see that the politicians have three characteristics,generally
They are clever,articulate and willful( read the hubris of “plans”)This is NOT what we need!

We would be much better served if they were wise and insightful rather than clever; able to listen,especially with ” the ear of Truth”, rather than  articulate and lastly Compassionate and receptive rather than willful.This change would represent a real revolution! Plato called this person a ” philosopher- king” but that wasn’t a philosopher like Wittgenstein nor a king like Mohammed Ben Salman lol


The Metaphysics of Politics-2

Three clear-cut take-away messages from the American impeachment hearings 1) The adversarial process is a completely ineffective way of ascertaining Truth!(The true Islamic scholars and Sufis denounced argumentation a long time ago!) 2-No-one is objective!(I thought Freud had made that case clearly enough 100 years ago) and 3)Reason( most of the politicians speaking are relatively smart despite common beliefs to the contrary ) is a completely inadequate means for obtaining Truth or Justice,(Sorry Aristotle,Voltaire and Rousseau lol).Bottom Line- the system has failed us once again.A new paradigm is needed..

Impeachment-The Deeper Roots

Impeachment Day! Does Donald Trump deserve to be impeached?! Of course! But one could also argue,as no-one,certainly not the sheep-like journalists, is lol,that the U.S. Constitution itself should be impeached -because it is not working! The U.S. has the worst record on ALL social variables(crime,violence,efficiency of health care delivery,wealth distribution,childhood poverty etc.,etc.)of ALL developed nations.Shouldn’t that get people thinking?!
In my view,one of the major reasons for that is that the basic premises of the Constitution are false!”All men are created equal”(obviously false.Needs no explanation!).”They are endowed with inalienable rights to life(wrong! That is in the hands of God) liberty(no,there are all kinds of restrictions to liberty-especially if you believe in Divine Law) and the pursuit of happiness(a false goal as happiness,too,is outside of our control,the idea is often linked to hedonism and it is ultimately not our goal which should be acceptance and serenity about the Divine Will)-that is what brings peace of mind.So,and this may sound too strong,the American Constitution, despite the well-meaning intention of the founders to correct the excesses of monarchy,is corrupt to the core!It is a recipe for selfishness,superficiality and unreality! Put that in your pipe and smoke it,lol.