Category Archives: Politics

The Vaccine Issue!

Disclaimer: This article is NOT about the current Covid Vaccines That will be the subject of another article in the not too distant future.Rather it is about the long-standing question as to whether vaccines,in general,are safe.

Ok.Here we go! One of the thornier issues of our time?! For years,I have been intrigued about the issue of vaccine safety! Many ,many times on the media and on medical sites I have heard the absolutist mantra”Vaccines are safe” touted in an unqualified way- as the ultimate statement of scientific truth! From my practice alone,I knew this wasn’t true!For example one client of mine was convinced he got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome from the hepatitis B vaccine he was required to take for his work.When he went to see one of the major experts in CFS in Quebec,he was told that the doctor had seen a few other similar cases.He also stated that if he went public with his findings he could easily lose his license.This is the state of the Scientific Fascism we are now facing.The other expert on vaccine injury in Texas told him she had seen thousands of vaccine injuries from that very vaccine.

Another patient with a severely autistic child told me it was NOT a vaccine injury, as she could tell right from birth that her child was not normal. However in the support group she attended 4/14 families claimed they had seen a direct relationship between vaccinations(I believe the MMR) and their child’s autism.Then I listened to Andrew Wakefield and found him more than credible.Then Robert F. Kennedy’s work at Childrens’ Health Defense just sealed the case for me.

Now,it seemed to me very feasible to study this question.All one needed to do was compare unvaccinated children(the progeny of those much-maligned and demonized “antivaxxers”) to vaccinated children,control for certain demographic dimensions and compare the two groups.Any decent epidemiologist or infectious disease specialist should be able to design such a study . Easy-peasy, no? But each time I went on Pubmed, where doctors and scientists go for research,I could find no such studies.Invariably the studies were about single vaccines and short-term effects.The only credible study that could be found on l-term effects was the now famous study in The Annals of Internal Medicine in 2019! And here it is!

Now this study which refutes a link between MMR vaccines and Autism has many limitations.Not least of which is that it is a study about one vaccine and one disease- not the kind I was looking for since there are synergistic and compounded effects of multiple vaccines on multiple pathological entities.This was just another misplaced use of Koch’s postulates looking for single etiological agents for single pathologies-a way out-of-date,antiquated approach..We are no longer living in a Pasteurian world of pneumococcus causing pneumonia.In the modern world most diseases and certainly the ones we are dealing with here are multi-factorial and the approaches needed to treat them are multi-modal.As well  this is a retrospective registry study-dubious by its very design! Exactly the kind of study that the heath authorities would refuse  for using remedies like HCT and Ivermectin  to treat Covid lol. In any case,it does not answer the real question I was  asking here which is the following“What are the long-term consequences of massive amounts of mandated vaccines(72 in the U.S. now for children up to 16 years old!) on their long-term health?” All this of course,in the spirit of cost/benefit analysis! Isn’t that what we are supposed to be doing?!

So the theological catechism:”Vaccines are safe” has never seriously been tested up to recently.The closest attempt I found was in the writings of pediatrician Paul Thomas who had began examining his pediatric practice in which he had about 894 patients following the CDC guidelines,1098 following his Vaccine-Friendly protocol and 238 unvaccinated kids(Now over 500 as we shall see shortly).In his examination of the outcomes he found no cases of autism in his Vaccine-Friendly plan, no cases of Autism in the “anti-vaxxers”,and 15/894 cases in the CDC-conforming  group(just about the national average for Autism currently.)Intriguing,no!? He was never able to get his study published in peer-reviewed journals so he published his own book lol

Recently however I came across some newer research and it confirms everything I had suspected.There are three articles in particular I would like to bring to your attention.Amazing how long this took!?You will also notice that none of these papers are published in what are considered prestigious peer-reviewed journals! That is because those journals are in the pockets of  the monied institutions of Big Pharma and government agencies who are trying their best to defend the status quo and to fight against “vaccine hesitancy”!When you begin to study this question in any depth,you too will become “vaccine hesitant”lol You may even become outraged that the public health authorities are not doing more to protect your children!

Here are the studies:


2)“Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination”)

and 3) of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children:Developmental delays,asthma,ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders)

These three studies come to remarkably similar results! But before synthesizing their conclusions,let us go over them one by one.

1-The first study is probably my favourite due to the simplicity of its structure and the clarity of the format.The authors were comparing two groups of home-schoolers-thus two populations with a lot in common-concerned parents interested in alternative education and alternative values-different   from most people in society.They were also very honest in their approach.So you can see that they do report the negative effects of non-vaccination like three times the rate of chickenpox and  and three times the rate of whooping cough.They also report the category of diseases where vaccination appears to make no difference like cancer, Crohn’s disease, diabetes,high blood pressure etc.So we can see that they are not black and white thinkers like the pro-vaxxers lol

But here are their major findings..In terms of chronic illnesses the vaccinated children had 30 times the rate of allergic rhinitis!;3.9 times the rate of allergies;4.2 times the rate of ASD (autistic spectrum disorders);5.2 times the rate of learning disorders; 4.2 times the ADHD and For some reason asthma was not reported although for otitis media the ratio was again 3.8 times in the vaccinated group and for pneumonia 5.9 times the rate.Given that the number of students studied was 666, these are impressive and highly significant differences!

2-The second study is done by James Lyons-Weiler -a researcher specialized in data analysis and is Scientific Director of the Bioinformatics Analysis Core at the University of Pittsburg .He is basing his study on the patients of Dr. Paul Thomas ,previously mentioned.I find the format somewhat over-complicated and unnecessarily analytic(office visits,corrected for days of care,Z factors etc.,etc.).I imagine the concern was to cover all confounding variables possible.The format aside,the conclusions are similar to all other studies of the same nature.The O.R.(odds ratio) was 9.065 for fever;2.919 for otitis media;5.248 for asthma 5.522 for anemia 4.656 for gastroenteritis and 4.097 for “behavioural issues which may well be a representation of autism-all in favour of the unvaccinated groups! As mentioned previously,there were no actual cases of autism in the unvaccinated group and in this study no cases of ADHD in the unvaccinated group!-very impressive when one considers that the current rate of ADHD in America according to parental reports is around 9.4%! What a difference!

3- The third study by Hooker and Miller was based on three medical practices in the United States.The independent variable was children vaccinated or not before one year of age-so a very limited window of vaccination.However,the results are very consistent with the previous two studies.O.R ratios of 4.93 for asthma;2.49 for ear infections;2.36 for developmental delays(future autism) and 2.48 for gastro-intestinal disorders.for developmental delays

There are many more details in these published studies if you would like to investigate further.In all fairness as well,there may be one confounding variable which could actually be a complimentary variable! And that is the following:the same parents that spared their children vaccinations may well have protected their children from a host of other toxins like pesticides and GMOs and plastics and heavy metals and EMFS and other toxins in tap water.All of that would only reinforce the message! Our children are under attack from a host of toxic materials of which vaccines may be only one of many -but clearly a significant one.

So what does all of this mean?! Especially for parents raising young children.I believe that what I suspected all along is now proven.Our public health authorities, in the guise of illness prevention, are actually seriously harming our children! 54% of children in America are now suffering from chronic illnesses! The rates of asthma,allergies,autism and ADHD-the four ‘A’s- are through the roof: 4-6 times the rates in vaccinated children!This is an unmitigated disaster going on right in front of us!If you have ever seen an asthmatic child struggling to breathe or a parent struggling with the erratic behaviour of their autistic child,you will know what I mean.An entire generation’s health is being put at risk and possibly many future ones as well!! But our politicians and public health authorities seem much more concerned with the economics of the pharmaceutical ,vaccine, agricultural and chemical sectors than they are with human health.Any parent who attempts to turn a blind eye to this reality is doing a serious disservice to their own children and to future generations. So take note-especially parents of young children- and seriously consider how to mitigate these dangers! Who knows?! You may even become activists for childrens’ health.That would be a good outcome!

Addendum,Since the publication of this article a fourth and even more definitive article has been published by Hooker and Miller.In this article they were able to follow the same three medical practices for a considerably longer period of time. The results are even more dramatic!

We see here that the odds ratios(vaxxed vs, unvaxxed) have gone even higher;

severe allergies: vaccinated vs. unvaccinated )4.31

autism: 5.03

gastrointestinal disorders: 13.8


chronic ear infections: 27.8

and ADHD(associated with Learning Disorders): 20.8

These are catastrophic figures! and point to a catastrophic lack of observation and surveillance  by politicians, heath authorities and doctors alike!

The Capitol Insurrection: The Problem is …Bureaucracy once again!

The capital “insurrection”(personally,I’d call it a riot but why get stuck on semantics lol)! The problem? The usual one-BUREAUCRACY.Ever noticed- bureaucracy gets it wrong more often then not. And why is that?! Because bureaucracy is based on general principles and statistics.Unfortunately Reality is Specific! So more often than not the bureaucratic approach is wrong-the fixed map does not match the moving terrain! So what will they do about it?! You guessed it lol! More bureaucracy.Expensive, time-consuming investigations(totally unnecessary-they already know what happened) and more protocols and regulations.I like to refer to that as “how the problem itself prevents the resolution of the problem” lol like the depressed person coming into my office saying” this won’t work” lol.The only hope here is a paradigm shift! Not holding my breath!And Allah is our only Protector.


More biased,misinformed studies! Schools are safe! No they aren’t! Many “non-expert” sensible people realized that the second wave began in earnest once the schools were opened.Why the discrepancy?! Once again the most important variable remains understudied.Let’s do a little math here.For every teacher there are 30 students.But for every individual student, when they return home, there are let’s say three other people(let’s imagine a two-child family).So there are 90 times more adults at risk at home then there are in the schools.I haven’t seen any studies (there may be somewhere) that address the at-home exposures.So, once again, they are not studying the most important variables!”There are none as blind as those who will not see” What else is new?!PS The corollary to this is that we will NEVER get out of our current crisis until we change our Epistemology(the way we access Reality)! And that will require a complete rejigging of our educational system.I’m not holding my breath lol

Btw On a personal note,I had to unlearn almost everything I learnt at school,especially in the area of methodology and Epistemology, and relearn how to appreciate what is really going on, at the hands of some extraordinary spiritual teachers,in order to even have a chance of correctly apprehending Reality.(See my article ‘The Process of Deprogramming from the Cult of the Intellect”on this blog for a more detailed exposure of this dilemma).

Bottom Line Social Reality

Bottom-line current social reality.1) Our politicians are deaf,blind and well-spoken(as opposed to the Quranic expression “deaf,dumb and blind” describing the deniers of the message.2) As well,the “experts” that the politicians rely on are “clever sheep” i.e. in essence they are just following the current scientific consensus but they justify this following instinct with clever arguments that make it sound rational! So “deaf,blind and well-spoken” plus “smart sheep”. There can be no doubt that this is a toxic brew!


One moment here! People who know me,know that I am not big on logical consistency lol.Nor do I abhor contradictions! But this one is too much -even for me! You have a whole society based on the adversarial stance.It is fundamental to the legal system(prosecution and defense),part and parcel of “democratic” politics(left-wing and right-wing) and built into the so-called “competitive capitalism” (and all of its marketing]! And then the powers to be(Biden et al for the moment) issue a plea for Unity! Wha-t-t-t! The entire social M.O. is based on conflict and division and then you want Unity?! There must be a screw loose in the collective mind-set! Salaams,Ibrahim

In case you thought I was anti-American….lol

Follow this thread from my Facebook page to see how I combat “black and white thinking”

Absolutely! The Americans have almost nothing to contribute to morality,that is.-except for the principle of hard work-often overdone however.They do make important contributions however to digital technology and science.I did appreciate their medical conferences and spiritual seminars over the years! Beware Khadijah of “black and white thinking”.That is one of my more important teachings!…
Joel Ibrahim Kreps

I wasn’t aware that they were a part of those types of conferences.

The Americans are the best teachers of medicine and psychiatry and psychology on the planet!

Joel Ibrahim Kreps

I once attended an iftar dinner with a Pakistani friend and his relatives.One of the relatives,a middle-aged Pakistani man said” Those Americans,everything they do is evil”! That got me upset and Allah sent me an inspiration- something I had never thought before! ” Yea” I said “If the Americans had not been involved in the Pacific theater in WW2( yes,I know about Pearl Harbour but that is beside the point) Pakistan would now be occupied by the Japanese.Ask the Chinese and Koreans what that is like”! The whole table went silent lol
Then some even more foolish Muslim on my Facebook page took it upon himself to point out that it was still India at the time.As if it makes a difference whether you are a citizen of India or Pakistan to the Japanese?!Completely irrelevant lol
Even in terms of Islamic scholars,I trust Hamza Yusuf, Omar Suleiman and Sheikh Nuh- all American-raised, two of the three being converts, more than any of the Eastern scholars-none of whom have ANY perspective on their own societies.So, like everything else on the planet ,there is some good in America-lots of good in fact and lots of evil! I guess,you could call it an interesting place lol

A Full Investigation?!

FYI and for your better understanding…Whenever they say that they want a full investigation ,in fact they are asking for a long-drawn out process ,costing enormous amounts of money,accumulating reams and reams of data and the analysis of the data,filling the pockets of expensive lawyers and experts who know a cash-cow when they see one and ultimately arriving at an official report that almost no-one reads and most people don’t trust because of all the manipulation going on behind the scenes.(Think the Warren Commission on the Kennedy Assassination and the Report on the 9/11 attack if you need a point of reference).So whenever you hear that phrase”a complete investigation” realize that they are asking for a dead-end process.Sobering ,no doubt but that’s the gist of it(.P.S. Forgot to mention the more recent Mueller report on Russian collusion.Did you notice how useless that was ?!)

American Politics in a Nutshell

Jan. 6/2021(Right after the Senate runoffs in Georgia):America is clearly a divided country! On one side we have the so-called liberal,progressive Democrats.On the other side we have the right-leaning Republicans-pro and anti-Trump.No viable third-party alternative has emerged,mostly because all parties and their supporters are strategizing and manipulating to avoid that option-an option offered in almost every other democratic country,

So( the newly forbidden word from the liberal grammarians lol) the liberal/progressives believe the right-wingers are foolish,backward or to use a Clintonian expression “deplorables” and the Republicans believe that the liberals are immoral,atheistic and radical Socialists.Now,(the next word for the grammarians to prohibit lol) this might look like a black and white issue for many.I would have been in that camp in my early years of political activism.But(another dubious word lol?) I no longer see it quite the same way- since I embarked on a spiritual path many,long years ago.Btw one of the turning points on my path was attending a meeting of left-wing activists in Quebec and clearly “seeing” the evil on their faces! That was the end of my Marxist phase!

Given my past ,it is easy to see the point of view of the leftists.It took a longer time to be more sympathetic to the right-wing-especially with their morally corrupt leadership under Trump.Please note that it wasn’t always that way.I was struck,even as a left-wing activist,how the marriages of the Republicans (think both Bushs and Reagan) seemed so much better than the marriages of the liberals(think Kennedy,Clinton and all the way back to F.D.R.!)Already,in the local left-wing groups, I could see that evidence of relationship corruption and promiscuity amongst my colleagues.So the nuances were already there in the back of my mind.

So(there we go again)how can I defend these backward Republicans.Well,they are often simple folk.The “salt of the Earth” so to speak.They are believers,they are God-fearing, go to Church sincerely(unlike some of their politicians),they support traditional values like heterosexual marriages,no abortions,fidelity in marriage and honesty.They hate the half-truths and manipulations of the left-wingers and they hate political correctness.So do I! One example comes to mind,here.As a “progressive” you were not allowed to criticize Obama.He was sanctified.Whenever you opposed his actions,like I did in the Syria issue,you were labelled”racist”. That is ideological Fascism and there is plenty of it to go around.

Now(oops!) as a Muslim,I believe we have a lot in common with these “fundamentalist” Christians.We are both believing,God-fearing people of a book(whether it is the Quran or the Bible).The major issue that divides us is the state of Israel-a thorny issue no doubt.The evangelicals see the Zionist state as a prelude to the second coming of Jesus.The Muslims see Israel as an oppressor of the Arabs of Palestine.Both may well be right.But,we have a lot in common.And,I have been thinking for a long-time that we should join forces.This is the real”Clash of Civilizations” Mr. Huntington aside. The oldest clash we know of-believers vs. non-believers.There are no national and racial issues here. All religions have had to clash with opposition to their Revelations.

The bottom line:(to use an American expression). The political schism in America is not as black and white as most Americans would like to think.I am sympathetic to the progressive wing’s attempt to be well-informed and think through the issues in an intelligent way.I am not sympathetic to their hypocrisy,their “political correctness” and their clever attempts to cover-up their biases.I am sympathetic to the right-wingers attachment to their religion and their traditional values and their attempts to be straight-forward in their communications.I am not happy with their lack of knowledge,their knee-jerk reactions and their lack of understanding nuances.

So there it is-go figure! Salaams,Ibrahim


Climate Change-Points of Interest

N.B. Because people have become more and more ideological,it has become increasingly difficult to know what is going on in any area of investigation.This includes,amongst others,what is happening with the Covid crisis ,what is the best form of energy (solar,wind,natural gas,nuclear or geothermic) to be investing in,are vaccines really safe and useful and, of course, climate change.As far as I can see,there are NO systematically reliable sources of information out there.So,we need to develop more subtle skills like seeing,hearing,intuition and feeling to separate the chaff from the wheat.What I am sharing here is the fruits of just such an effort on my part-with reference to the Climate Change issue.The trigger for this article was the posting on of the annual Year in Review by David Collum- specifically the 2019 edition.Although I do not agree with everything written by Collum,I do believe he is unusally smart and despite his cynicism,his desire for Truth is sincere(i.e. he is not just another ideologue)-just like  Chris Martenson,the host of the website that published this Review..So here are my conclusions at this point.These conclusions are subject to change with further evidence,as all science should be btw.I totally agree with Collum on that point.There is no such thing as settled science.The latter is theology rather than science.And as any student of religion well knows, even theology is debatable lol. 

  1. The certitude around the concept of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AWG) is misplaced.There are many scientists of considerable training and experience who do not agree.The deniers are increasing while the changers,as they call them,are beginning to question themselves.The infamous and oft-repeated statement that “97% of climate scientists agree about this” is total BS.It is based on what is called in statistical science “selection bias”.It is based on choosing 79 papers amongst over 11,000 possible options in order to confirm their hypothesis.This is also known as “confirmation bias” in the trade!As Collum rightfully said the only thing true in this statement is that 77/79 = 97% But what about the other 10,920 articles?!
  2. The climate is constantly changing,in any case.There was  the Medieval Warming period(950-1250 A.D.)in which the world was considerably hotter than now.They were growing barley in Greenland during that period.And Mediterranean grapes were growing all over Great Britain.Civilization was also resurging (including Islamic Civilization) so people were doing well!
  3. Remember the old caveat in science that correlation is not necessarily causation.Well it is quite possible, and there is some evidence for this,that the temperature increasing is causing the increase in CO2 rather than the contrary! And it appears that plants and trees like the CO2 and grow better with it lol
  4. Collum’s mother calls the famous Michael Mann,the architect of the famous “hockey stick”of global temperature rise made famous by Al Gore,”a piece of work” lol.When journalist Mark Steyn and climate scientist Tim Ball criticized the model Mann had proposed,he decided to sue them for libel! After eight years in the courts,the judge declared that Mann failed to present evidence of his model’s validity .Mann declared that he did not need to produce evidence(similar to Trumps attempt to reverse the election results lol).The judge declared him in contempt of court and ordered him to pay all of Tim Ball’s legal expenses! Is that the kind of authority you would like to be betting on in this debate ?!
  5. (Comical but intriguing tidbit.)Nobel prize-winning physicist Ivar Giaver states that the CO2 spewed into the the global atmosphere  by all the cars in the world is equivalent to sitting in a 20 by 20 by 8 room lighting one match every three years lol
  6. There are many alternative theories of global warming.When I brought this up to two old friends-one a long-time Buddhist practitioner who now joined the Extinction Revolution Movement- and the other a well-read progressive writer,they literally lost it in me! The latter one blurted out in anger”We can’t let the petroleum companies be right.”The first one,the Buddhist,looked like he was ready to slug me if I said one word more.So much for’ ahimsa'(non-violence) lol
  7. As far as I am concerned,the most likely explanation for the modest warming effect we are witnessing is Solar Activity.This is consistent with the Heinrich Svensmark theory of cosmic rays where the sun displaces the cosmic rays so there are less dense clouds and increased temperaure.Physicist Nir Shaviv of the University of Jerusalem,puts it this way.”CO2 emissions don’t play the major role in climate change…the bulk of the climate change is caused by sun via its impact on atmospheric charge which means that most of the climate change comes from nature.A freshman physics student can see this”
  8. “Neither the rate nor the magnitude of the reported late twentieth century surface warming(1979-2000) lay outside of the normal natural variablity”. i.e. even if and I believe it to be so,the climate is warming somewhat,it is not such a big deal,it has happened before and it could reverse at any time-without intervention!
  9. “Melting glaciers are doom porn”(David Collum).While the ice is receding in the Arctic,it is growing in Antartica(Bet you haven’t heard that one!).So the total mass of ice appears to be holding constant!
  10. Global warming,in any case,is NOT the most important issue facing us.A largely separate issue,that of toxins in our air, food, water and construction materials as well as electropollution is a much more immediate threat! That is what is driving the cancer,autism and Alzheimer’s epidemic all around us! And we don’t need any fancy scientific models and instruments to see that.It is all around us!!
  11. Bottom Line :Don’t believe everything you are told! Much of it is “bubbameises” (Yiddish for tales of the grandmothers lol). Do your own research.Think for yourselves! Salaams,Ibrahim

Beware of Experts-2

“It does not matter who you are, or how smart you are, or what title you have, or how many papers your side has published, if your prediction is wrong then your hypothesis is wrong. Period.”( Tell that to the “Climate Scientists” lol)

~ Richard Feynman, winner of the 1965 Nobel Prize in Physics (and one of the greats on that scale),(Sheldon of Big Bang Theory refers to him all the time! Lol)

”Consensus science is not science. Consensus science is politics.”

~ Michael Crichton, best-selling science-fiction author and denier, RIP