You have swallowed the koolaid ,my friend.! I guess you never looked back to question the brain-washing we received with our schooling. I, on the other hand, have been exploring the world, practicing various spiritual disciplines and questioning everything I was being told. So what I say is coming from a depth that is inaccessible to you, unfortunately! It’s OK,I guess. Most people are products of their social conditioning, so if you take any solace in being part of the majority, you are doing just fine. But for me such level of blind faith( in your case in the liberal, progressive agenda) is unacceptable. What is most troubling about the liberal point of view is that liberals don’t realize that it is an ideology( a theology actually) but rather consider themselves open-minded and objective! What a delusion?!
Category Archives: Politics
“The Fog of Data”
We have all heard of “The Fog of War’. I believe it was first popularized during the war in Vietnam by Robert McNamara.But “The fog of data” has now become an even greater problem-often leading to many forms of misery and miscalculation including war!
C.G Jung noticed this problem more than 50 years ago .He said “Many scientific-minded persons”( now he could say almost all scientific-minded persons lol) have even sacrificed their religious and philosophical leanings( of course -they have embraced the new religion of Empiricism) for fear of uncontrolled subjectivism. By way of compensation for the loss of a world that pulsed with our blood and breathed with our breath(who needs blood and breath when you have facts?!),we have developed an enthusiasm for facts-mountains of facts far beyond any single individual’s power to survey(Ever noticed lol ?)We have the pious hope that this incidental accumulation of facts will form a meaningful whole”(and by extension an effective decision-making process). Nothing could be further from the Truth! Reference: Psychology and the East, Princeton University Press 1975) Couldn’t have said it better myself lol.
So,.. if we take the time to follow what our “scientific, evidence- based” “decision -makers do, we will discover the following stages of the process;
1-The Accumulation of Data-any and all data-relevant and irrelevant, some of it in the form of charts, others in graphs all organized in a way to allow numerical and statistical analysis.
2-The data is the “crunched” analyzed meticulously by experts and statisticians and epidemiologists and an army of modern intellectuals and technocrats.
3-From this process is generated a few concepts and theories which then become articles of faith(e.g. “Vaccines are safe and effective” or “man-made climate change due to burning hydrocarbons.” ) articles which are no longer to be questioned or challenged for fear of being denounced as anti-vaxxers or climate change denier.
4-From this toxic soup of procedures, principles, rules and regulations and protocols are laid down(vaccine mandates ,limiting the production of hydrocarbons etc,.)Nothing is to be challenged or put into question any longer. These have become religious catechisms.
Poor old Francis Bacon, the discoverer and promoter of the Scientific Method, must be rolling over in his grave lol. This is not at all what he intended. His protocol also involves four stages-but very different from what is called “science ” in the modern world. Let us have a look at them:
1- Observation; This required an insightful observation in the course of one’s regular work. So seeing that mould could kill microbes led to the development of antibiotics like penicillin. And noticing that animals with pancreatic pathology had sugar regulation problems led to the discovery of insulin. None of this is based on data collection. It requires subtle ,inspired observation not obsessive fact-checking.
2-Hypothesis.From this observation one can develop a plausible connection that needs to be explored and investigated .Not a fixed theory that one defends by manipulating,suppressing ,hiding and even inventing(as in the famous Lancet article on hydroxychloroquine) data.
3-Experimentation With an open mind trained in objectivity and with no comnflicts of interest,one then designs an experiment to test out one’s hypothesis .This is about testing out theories not operationalizing pre-set ones!
4-Conclusion: One generates a conclusion based on the experimental data -always tentative, always subject to being disproved and always open to further research. A far cry from what is happening in modern profit-driven” science”
This model can be used effectively in many areas of our life, including (God forbid lol) in medical practice where in fact each patient is a new experiment requiring the doctor to actually sort out the specifics of each case . But we have strayed so far from the original model! Now instead we have protocols and procedures and algorithms which MUST be applied as “the standard of care” for fear of losing our jobs and our livelihoods. God help us!
Woke strikes again-The Cost of Fuel!
Pathological Doubt-A Fundamental Problem for Science.
Anyone who has done a basic course in statistics-one of the pillars of the modern scientific method-knows about “the null hypothesis”. In order to prove a causal connection, the scientists begin by testing the “null hypothesis”-the hypothesis that the connection between the two variables studied could have happened by chance alone. Then they perform their magic and show via “p” values (known as statistical significance) that this is highly unlikely to be the case.
All of this might seem like purely technical issues but it is ,in fact, much deeper than that! It is symbolic or perhaps more precisely symptomatic, of an approach-an approach that begins, at the very start and in a very fundamental way, with the negative. No surprise then that scientists when they are being scientists ,as opposed to marketers and propagandists which many do become, seem unsure, confused, overly complicated and generally unimpressive in their personalities.( Ever been to University lol?)
Once again, this may all seem abstract and unimportant but that is very far from the Truth. The consequences are enormous! Let me give you some examples. In the current pandemic of SARS Covid-2 there were early signs that hydroxychloriquine and other forms of chloroquine could be effective against the virus. Chloroquine had already been shown to be effective against Covid-1 and MERS.Early clinical reports from docs like Didier Raoult in France and Peter McCullough in the U.S. were showing promising results. Then Ivermectin came on the scene and the results seemed even better.
But the ” scientific” types were not buying it. There were no “large-scale randomized, double-blind peer-reviewed studies that had published in prestigious journals”(their religious belief lol) to prove it, they claimed.. Only two years later when Pfizer came out with Paxlovid-in limited quantities- was there possibly an equivalent. Because of this “doubting” mindset it is very likely that hundreds of thousands of Americans and Millions of people world-wide died and many more were seriously ill with long-term consequences. This is no laughing matter! The cost of doubt can be extremely high.
Now, just in case you are doubting my analysis( which if you were well-educated you should be doing by now lol)I am well-aware of the economic incentives to deny the truth of the efficacy of these cheap, repurposed drugs! And that is certainly an important variable. However,I feel that it is VERY important not to deny the intellectual fault-line as well as the economic one. After all ,that is what the Faucis and organizations like the WHO use to justify and convince the medical community about their corrupt practices.
Another example of this “Pathological Doubting” occurs in the literature about near-death experiences. It is patently clear that these experiencers have left their bodies and travelled with their souls to other worlds. In a normal world, there should be no doubt(see the chapter on “The Doubters” in my book “The Big Questions:Evidence-Based Faith”.)But instead of accepting these accounts on face value ,the doubters come along and develop all kinds of far-fetched theories about brain chemistry and neurophysiology. What is even more incredible is that many “normal”people (those who haven’t joined the cult yet!) because the doubting voices sound “scientific” buy into it. More brain-washing from our educational system!
Now, surprisingly and paradoxically, this same “scientific” community is involved in “Pathological Certainty'” as well! Wtf you might think?! Yes, they don’t even remain consistent even though consistency is one of their main beliefs-one of the Ten Commandments of the Rationnalists. Aristotle must be turning over in his grave lol.
So what do I mean by “Pathological Certainly.” Two examples come to mind. One from the world of Vaccinology and one from the proponents of Anthropogenic Climate Change. Let us start with the first. All over the media, as well as in medical conferences, one hears the mantra: “Vaccines are Safe and Effective’ .Not even any caveats as we see on American TV when new medications come out.”This medication can cause this and that problem .It should not be used in this or that situation”. None of that! “Vaccines are Safe and Effective” .And yet all around us -with the slightest bit of research(have you seen the VAERS?!) or even looking around us, we can see the contrary. We see people who have been vaccine injured and we see people who have gotten sick with Covid despite being fully vaccinated. No mention of those realities in the Infomercials that pass as Public Health Announcements about vaccines. Nope “safe and effective” period. Do they take us for idiots?! Yes, they do. The problem is they may be not that far from the Truth lol.People are refusing to look into these questions for fear of the consequences to their personal lives. So they live in ignorance.
Now well before the Covid epidemic there were issues about the vaccine mandate in children. Were the vaccines causing autism? Were they doing irreversible damage to the neurological and immune systems of our children? We didn’t know. However, in the last three years we have some very credible studies done by credible scientists like Brian Hooker and James Lyons- Weiler, showing clearly the long-term detrimental effects of the vaccine mandates on children(see the “Vaccine Issue” on this blog.)Anyone in the scientific community noticing?! Certainly not the champions of “science”. They just keep repeating the mantra:”Vaccines are Safe and Effective”.
The other example of “Pathological Certaintly” occurs in the domain of climate change. We are told repeatedly that the theory of “Anthrogenic(man-made) Climate Change is irrefutable. A consensus of 97% of published papers confirm it. A gerry-madered statistic by the way. I never really bought the theory?! After all, we have no control over earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanoes-all the other climate events. How come we have control over the Earths temperature?! Never really made sense to me. Sounded like human hubris! We are in control, right? Wrong! The temperature of the Earth has been changing up and down since the beginning of Creation! it has been a lot colder and a lot hotter. And the Neaderthals ,a time of greater warming than now, were NOT driving SUVs and burning coa-l as far as I know lol.
For those who like documentation and data ,there are two relatively new books “Unsettled” by Steven E. Koonin- a theoretical physicist trained at the world-famous Caltech and “Inconvenient Facts’ by Gregory Wrighthouse who covers much of the same material in a more user-friendly format, that seriously challenge the catechismic belief that “man is responsible for the current climate changes because of the “greenhouse effect” due to the carbon imprint on the atmosphere”. If you want a lighter read you can check out “Climate Change;An Alternative Analysis” on this very blog. S o you can have plenty of support for the counter-argument that man has very little impact on climate generally. All he can do is ‘adapt“. If you think more metaphysically, that is our usual Existential position-relative impotence. That’s why we need belief in a Higher Power-a subject for a later essay lol
So… bottom line; Contemporary man is contaminated by both “Pathological Doubt” and “Pathological Certainty” -both in the name of science! Btw who started this cult?! It could and is leading to our destruction! But I won’t say “certainly” lol so as to distinguish my approach from that of the so-called “scientists”
Theory OR Reality
Possibly THE biggest problem in the world is that people have been taught(yes our educational system contributes to this) to prioritize theory over Reality. So if you look at Ukraine now, the fact is that there is a section of the country(Dombas) that is divided between Russia-leaning and Ukraine-leaning. That is the Reality(somewhat like Northern Ireland which has had its share of difficulties but could be a model for the solution, however).That is the Reality. The theory is about the sovereignty of states and the right of states to join NATO. This can only be perceived as unfair and threatening by Russia! But who cares?! We have theory on our side,right?! At that point, war becomes inevitable. Whenever we prioritize theory over Reality, we get suffering and misery. That is a law of Nature as much as the physics of gravity and momentum.
Another stunning example occurs in medicine- as we can see by the Covid treatment fiasco. The theory is “the randomized, placebo-controlled, large-scale (i.e very expensive) multi-centered study published in a prestigious peer-reviewed journal.” That is the biggest mouthful of theory ever invented lol. The reality is that there were many small-scale studies published in less well-known journals and numerous clinical reports and series from observant, perspicacious doctors that showed that early intervention with cheap ,repurposed drugs could be used to successfully treat Covid and limit hospitalizations and death! That was the Reality! The CDC, the FDA, the NIH, the WHO would hear nothing of it! The consequence was excessive deaths in the hundreds of thousands in the U.S.A and millions worldwide! A significant difference ,no doubt. But who needs Reality when you have a comfortable theory at the bedside?!God help us and protect us from the merchants of Theory, who ultimately are the Merchants of Death!
The Electrical Car Conundrum!
The world in its entirety is rushing headlong into massive rollouts of electrical cars! Every politician and legislator that we see in the news is on board with this! Like lemmings rushing off the cliff no-one has taken the time to study anything but the technical and energetic aspects of this beast. Above all there are no serious studies about the human health impacts of this technology! Even on Pubmed where we find much of the reliable scientific studies, there is almost nothing to be found!
Yet we already know that EMFs of other sorts are associated with blood cancers(leukemia and non-Hodgkins Lymphoma which has reached epidemic proportions and brain tumours -specifically glioblastomas and acoustic neuromas). Millions of cars and other vehicles affecting billions of people, you would think someone might want to study this! Nope! “Blind, deaf and well-spoken” lol! Those are our contemporary leaders.
On top of it , even with a minimum of research background, one can see that the studies would not be methodologically difficult. Take one of the large American HMOs like Kaiser Permanente and follow the digital medical charts for one, two and five years. Owners of electrical vehicles vs. owners of petroleum-based vehicles- controlled for the usual demographics of age, social class, race and gender.Easy-peasy1 But no-one is doing it! They don’t wat to know the answers! Just in case…We saw the same thing with vaccines. It took them 30 years to do the studies! And they are still denying the results!
Nevertheles, there are a few articles appearing in intelligent publications like Forbes Magazine and Scientific American! Here they are:
These articles are mostly addressing the issues of the minerals required to build the batteries which are in limited supply and the environmental effects of generating the incredible amount of electricity required to charge theses cars! Those are relevant issues. But the elephant in the room is once again left unexplored! And that elephant is “Dirty Electricity”-the most toxic form of electro-pollution as far as I can make out!
Now the electrical car is the portrait child of dirty electricity! Summarized briefly, dirty electricity is generated every time you convert, invert and upgrade electrical power from one modality to another. So when you convert the AC electricity of the charging station into the DC electricity of the battery, that is the prototype of Dirty Electricity generation. And if you measure it at the source, it often blows the meter! The charging phase is notorious for this generation. You can even find it on Youtube if you wish. What they don’t tell you on Youtube is that dirty electricity at the charging point goes right back into your electrical box when you are charging at home! And then proceeds to spread throughout the home! Dirty Electricity, you see, cannot be easily shielded like normal EMFS. And it doesn’t go down logarithmically with distance- as do the other three forms of electro-pollution. So the dirty electricity goes right back into your baby’s room largely undiminished!
Btw I just confirmed this hypothesis at a friends house ! As he was charging his electrical car ,the DE in his hallway(about 30 meters away!) went up to 1900(50 is the recognized standard!).Even when the charger was on standby it went to 1000 Seltzer units(20 times normal.)Luckily he has no children at home! They would be living in the DE field 24 hrs./day!
The even more tricky part of this electrical conundrum is when the car is being driven. In that situation, the DC battery energy is being converted into the AC electricity needed for the motor as well as many other devices- but the motor is what is the most important as it is basic to the electrical car functioning. And I have been unable, after consulting with several “experts” to figure out how to measure that Dirty Electricity. If anyone has any idea how to do that, please get back to me.
So briefly- more insanity from our government officials and public health authorities! And the naively trusting populations are going to have to wake up if this planet is to survive!
Mothers of the World Unite!
My Covid Vaccine Decision!
Asalamu aleykum,everyone.What strange times we are living in ?! So much information and so much disinformation.So much heroism(the healthcare workers) and so much corruption (government officials,pharma company profits,public health authorities and the crimes against humanity of Fauci, Barik,Daszak and company!) You,like me, have probably been wondering how to manage all of this.And one of the major management decisions is whether to take this under-tested vaccine or not.
So i am going to unfold my own process here.You will have to decide,if you have not already done so, and even if you did there will be other decisions down the line- like masks and distancing and attending public events.So I hope these reflections will be of help to you..
There are many good reasons not to want to take these vaccines.Compared to other previous vaccines they are relatively untested.There was no animal testing,no testing in pregnant women,no testing in children for starters.The vaccine is not yet approved except under emergency authorization.The mRNA technology has never been used on such a scale.Previous vaccines for Coronavirus have all failed including the disastrous animal studies on Covid 1 where all the ferrets died from ADE(antibody-dependent enhancement)! On top of all that ,the standard vaccine mandates for children that have been touted for decades as safe health-promoting end up causing epidemics of asthma, ADHD, Autism and multiple allergies! It took us twenty years to find out the reality of that one- as they were avoiding studying it for all that period of time?! So how can we possibly trust these people who are promoting this vaccine?!
Then we start investigating the Vaers data(adverse events registry)of the CDC which we know is seriously underestimating problems caused by the vaccine-probably intentionally!- and we find deaths and auto-immune reactions like Guillain -Barre syndrome and Bell’s Palsy and myocarditis in young males and miscarriages in young females.So, we would be fully within our rights to sat wtf.No way José!
But there is one disturbing fact that all of the foregoing analysis leaves out.This is one nasty virus! Forget the misguided statisticians who tell us the death rate is low for a moment!l.Ask the people in the E.R.s and the front-lines of medical care and the people who have lost relatives to the disease .They will tell you definitively;”This is no flu. This is one nasty virus”(man-made on top of it but that is a story for another time). This virus is nothing to play around with,
There is another confounding fact for the ideological anti-vaxers.These vaccines do one thing well.They limit the severity of the illness.And that is one BIG reality that needs to be factored in.True,they do not stop transmission, especially with the Delta variant.They do not prevent infection( although on that one we have the problem of the unreliability of the PCR testing-another story for another time lol).But no informed person should be denying that they significantly reduce morbidity and mortality.So if you get the virus, which you may well do even if you are vaccinated,you do not end up in ICU on a ventilator OR dead! That should be an important consideration,no?!
So like many of you again,I have been contemplating all these factors.On top of it all,over the last few weeks I have gotten ill on at least three occasions by talking to people who were fully vaccinated-without masking.I was able to manage the symptoms with some anti-viral protocols I have developed over the years so these episodes were not consequential.But I started feeling like I was regularly at risk and started wondering whether it was not time to reduce that risk by being vaccinated.On top of that on my way to the market the other day I saw a temporary open-air vaccination clinic on the street adjacent to mine!(an ayat- sign- from the Lord?)
Then it happened! The clincher! An Istikhara dream. The only consultation I really trust these days! Here it is:” I was in someone else’s car, saw a policeman by the road and drove into a narrow alleyway to avoid him. A woman ,possibly a female officer, came up to me and said “You are on the wrong path.Go back onto the main highway and drive in this way and she pointed out a route to follow..This was happening in Oregon”
So I woke up and knew that something significant had occurred.I wasn’t sure what at first but I knew something had to change!”Oregon”-my first association was to the riots in Portland which have been so destructive.Aha! I am on the path of the rebellious .That is not good.”The car wasn’t mine” This is not my path-the path of ideological positions like pro-vax or anti-vax. My path is the path of discernment! I have to go back into the mainstream on this one.And the mainstream right now is being vaccinated.I made a cup of coffee,went down the road, and almost immediately got the vaccine! It was,of course,almost totally painless .Compared to all the dental work I have had recently,a cup of tea lol.
One of my previous clients told me she took some antihistamine meds before the shot and then had no symptoms .On the second shot,she forgot to do it and had a headache.She then took her Sinutab (Tyllenol, an antihistamine and pseudoephedrine also called Tyllenol sinus/allergy)and the headache went away.So I did likewise.
When I began experiencing a mild uneasiness in the chest(?myocarditis ) I took two aspirins.Aspirin is both anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant so it seemed appropriate .I took two 325 mg. aspirins and was fine after that.
So now, a few hours after the first vaccine I am feeling fine.I am more tired than usual but it feels like a healthy tiredness(Immune system working overtime?). And I noticed my breathing is better.Was I actually having long-haul Covid from my numerous mini-Covid infections? Numerous people have reported being relieved of their long-haul Covid symptoms after the vaccine!Perhaps the immune reaction to the vaccine is clearing out some remnants of the infection. Allah Hu Alim(God only knows)
So there is my story.Now you have to figure out yours lol.I hope that was helpful!
We are So-o- scr—d!
There is no limit to man’s foolishness,hubris,and irresponsibility.Listen to this with our own Bob McDonald of “Quirks and Quarks”! And draw your own conclusions!
The Corruption of the Scientific Mind
