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Have a look! You will be shocked!
Let me begin by saying that I am not an anti-vaxxer -something true btw of most people questioning the current vaccine program! I do not believe in black and white thinking.When I went on Umra to Saudi Arabia and found out about previous meningitis outbreaks I took the meningitis vaccine without hesitation..When I went to Egypt in the 90’s I tried to get my hands on the hepatitis A vaccine(Hep.B is more problematic) but it was just coming out and required two doses.So I missed it and got hepatitis! Not a pleasant experience,to say the least.So I appreciate the value of well-targeted vaccines.My objection to the Covid vaccine,for people not at risk-like healthcare workers and teachers AND parents of young children in daycare and public schools is based on the Precautionary Principle! There is so much we don’t know about these vaccines and so much that is kept hidden by the authorities in place that it appears to me foolhardy to take the risk- if the benefits are minimal.I have stated on numerous occasions that if I were still working in a hospital,I would certainly do so.
Let us backtrack a bit ,well before the Covid pandemic, on the whole vaccine question, to see why I mistrust the public health authorities.Literally for decades,I have been waiting for the only study that would really be definitive about the question of vaccine mandates for children.The study that obviously needed to be done was comparing vaccinated children to the unvaccinated ones-the children of the anti-vaxxers.All previous studies were done on single vaccines for short-term effects.Even the one long-term study about MMR and autism was done about one vaccine and one form of pathology.That is completely inadequate.What was needed was a study of the whole program of vaccine mandates.The authorities in place never saw fit to do those studies as it challenged their entire theology around vaccines.And now we have at least three(see my other article entitled “The Vaccine Issue” on this blog for the details.
The studies are consistent in their findings-4.2 times the rate of Autistic Spectrum Disorder ; 5.2 times the rate of Learning Disorder; 4.2 times the rate of ADHD( supposed to be highly genetic!);5.9 times the rate of pneumonia(despite the fact that the pneumonia conjugate vaccine is part of the protocol!)5.2 times the rate of asthma and 3.9 times the rate of allergies! Conclusive,no? For me it is conclusive enough to state that allowing one’s children to have the full vaccine mandate constitutes parental malpractice.
Now have the health authorities paid any attention to this issue and these studies?Of course not.Because their religion which I call ‘Scientism” has a catechismic belief which says:”Vaccines are Safe” period.Don’t bring us any evidence to the contrary( like all the payments of the U.S. government for vaccine-injured children and adults) because we believe vaccines are safe-by definition.
So we were getting off to a bad start even before the Covid Pandemic! Then we witnessed one after another of bad calls and misinformation by these public health and government officials.Some of these are still going on.Let us look at a few;
1)The Origin of the Virus.For a year and a half now first the Chinese government and then the W.H.O have been covering up the fact that this is a man-made virus -a product of “gain of function” research begun in the U.S. and shifted to China when it was banned in America.The research in Wuhan was subsidized by the U.S. National Health Institutes(read Fauci) via a covert strategy of redirecting the money to the Eco Health Alliance of Peter Daszak fame.On top of it all the U.S. state department knew the Wuhan lab was dangerously insecure according to its own reports(see the Washington Post 2018) but did nothing about it.So ironically this was truly a collaborative U.S./China effort that almost destroyed the planet! If it had been a more virulent virus like Ebola it might have done so!
2)Border Closures:The U.S. closed the border to people from China but negligently forgot to close the border to European travel and thence the terrible outbreak in NYC.Oops-thousands of deaths.Btw Canada did no better! Just before the pandemic was declared I travelled to Tunisia to see my Sufi teacher.The Tunisians were more on top of it than Canada! When we entered,they gave us a short questionnaire and took our temperatures.Two weeks later on returning to Canada there was still no concern at the airport! What,me worry lol?! As a McGill intellectual once said in a rare moment of clarity lol”Canada does one thing exceptionally well! Branding!”Our branding is starting to take a beating with the revelations about the Residential Schools for indigenous children but that is another matter!
3) Masks.At first there was no requirements.No peer-reviewed studies.It appears there still are none really.But the bureaucracy of Public Health shifted.I think they were right in that shift.After all the Asian countries have been using that strategy for decades lol.It was obvious.But the flip-flop was not designed to promote confidence in our health authorities!
4) The denial of very effective early treatment strategies for Covid. This may be the unkindest cut of all! Hundreds of thousands of people may well have died,because the Public Health authorities refused to acknowledge the success of hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Zinc and Vit.D in treating early Covid and in prophylaxis.”Trump said it so it must be wrong” goes the logic! Boiled down to the nitty-gritty HCQ lowers the mortality rate by 80%(Dr. Didoer Raoult of Marselles has been saying this from the beginning);Ivermectin lowers the mortality rate by 90%( see the reports of Dr. Kory and the FLCCC group) and it looks like Ivermectin and Luvox eliminate mortality! That’s right 100% reduction! But the health authorities in their rush to promote the vaccines and the expensive drug Remdesevir refused to acknowledge it.”No double-blind, randomized peer-reviewed articles in prestigious journals”(their catechismic beliefs) they say! Many,many people died unnecessarily!
5) No animal studies were done to preclude ADE ( a deadly consequence in previous Covid vaccines).They excluded pregnant women from the studies and then in a panic over young pregnant women showing up in the ICUs across the country began recommending it.And now the issue of children in daycares and public schools, IMHO the major asymptomatic spreaders of the disease when they return home to their families, is now up in the air as they are only beginning to test them.
The list goes on and on.With all of those missteps and all the misinformation being spread by these authorities how can we possibly trust them?! They are in bed with the pharma companies and the vaccine companies including the FDA and CDC and as opposed to many other couples in the U.S.,their relationship seems to be tight and solid lol!
All that being said,does that make the Covid vaccine bad? Not necessarily.In fact it may turn out to be a good thing after all-as opposed to the childhood vaccine mandates where the evidence is now conclusively negative.But it sure makes you wonder.So personally,I will err on the side of caution for now! Salaams,Ibrahim
Introductory note: This article is written for all the well-intentioned, kind-hearted A&Aers(we will use A&As as an abbreviation at times for Atheists and Agnostics during this article for the sake of brevity lol).They have been unwittingly sold a bill of goods by a very skilful and manipulative cabal of philosophers and marketers that have been operating for a very long time.I hope this article may serve to put a dent into their well-honed atheistic armour!
There is a common social narrative, in contemporary society, that religious people are brain-washed by their religious leaders and agnostics are free-thinkers! Actually,nothing could be further from the truth! For over two hundred years, at least, the Western mind (and now it is present in the East as well) has been indoctrinated with atheistic principles .From the French Revolutions ” Liberté, Égalité and Fraternité” which puts all the emphasis on the human position to Nietzche’s “God is Dead” to the Empiricism of John Locke and the so-called “Scientific Revolution”, the Western mind has been inundated with atheistic concepts that put man at the centre of the Universe as opposed to God.Ironically this is the polar opposite to the equally politically correct Copernican discovery that the sun was the center of our galaxy,not the Earth.As opposed to that great astronomical discovery,A&As assert again the centrality of man as opposed to his Creator.I guess human arrogance and self-centeredness continues to reassert itself in various and sundry ways!
N.B.Empiricism is a biggie here because it says that all you can know is what you can see and hear with your five senses.Only the outer and the measurable is true in this vision. “Evidence-Based” and “data based”-we hear those phrases over and over again like a tired mantra.Now science has taken up the flag of this Empiricism and misled many,many people who have lost touch with their inner senses.Working as psychiatrists and psychotherapists, we can see how that imbalance wreaks destruction on peoples lives as well as their general understandings.On a larger scale the politicians and administrative governing bodies, including those pf private corporations, are all corrupted by this point of view! No wonder we are in such a mess!
This philosophical brain-washing has been going on right up until the modern epoch.So we have the Existentialists like Sartre and Camus making the same case.In Britain we have the esteemed philosopher Bertrand Russell writing”Why I am Not a Christian”. And then there are the great scientific geniuses like Freud and Marx and Darwin (although in all fairness to the latter, he ,for one,remained a believing Christian up to his death) telling us the same story.In recent times we have been treated to the eloquence of Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins repeating the same narrative.So anyone thinking that he,himself,came up with this narrative is seriously deluded or incorrigibly arrogant.The story-line has been developing for centuries!
Now,the story line goes something like this.”Religion has been a bad actor for millenia.It has caused countless acts of violence and sowed division across the globe.Now there is some Truth to that statement.I will spare you,for now,however the historical analysis of non-religious movements like Fascism and Communism.The historians that have investigated this have concluded that non-religious movements have actually caused more death and destruction than religious ones!- but that is a discussion for another time.
This story line also tells us that although religion is BAD ,spirituality is GOOD,What is ignored in that affirmation is the fact that almost all forms of spirituality come from religion! I discovered that for the first time when I studied Transcendental Meditation back in the seventies-advertised as a secular practice.I quickly realized that the meditation techniques being taught were permeated through and through with Hindu philosophy,language and rituals.So too is Mindfulness- related to Buddhism and Yoga to Vedantic Hinduism. Separating spirituality from religion is like separating breathing from lung function! Impossible.Can’t be done.
Another part of this atheistic narrative is that science can explain everything.Really!? So when we see the obvious contradiction in the image of the famous physicist, Stephen Hawking, almost completely incapacitated in a wheelchair because of A.L.S promoting the Big Bang Theory as a potent theory for origin of the Universe,we have to recoil in disbelief! The fact that we do not react with disbelief is a sign of how far we have dissociated ourselves from common sense! The Big Bang Theory may tell us what some of the early events were in the Creation story.But it certainly doesn’t tell us the Original Cause.
In fact None of the Great scientific theories can tell us the Original cause-neither the theory of Evolution, in biology, nor the Class Struggle, in political history, nor the Unconscious of psychoanalysis nor the Theory of Relativity in Physics..They only address intermediary causes.And thus they tell us nothing about ultimate Causation and even less about meaning!
Another interesting irony here- there is more diversity in religious theory than there is in A&A theory!The agnostic discourse almost always has the same refrain.”Religious people are deluded.They believe in order to make themselves feel better about their lives.And their religious leaders have put a blindfold over their vision” .They all,universally, say the same thing!
Paradoxically,in the religious domain,however,diversity abounds!Some religions(Hinduism and Buddhism for example) believe that our Ultimate goal is Enlightenment.Western religions hold that our purpose is to worship God and serve Him.Very big difference there!. Some religions,like Christianity,believe that God incarnated in the flesh.Judaism and Islam reject that idea categorically.Judaism believes in the chosen nature of its nation while Islam and Christianity believe in the Equality of all humans.The list goes on and on.But it is intriguing to see that are more substantial differences in the minds of religious people than that in the supposedly “free- thinkers”.How ironical?! All the ‘free thinkers’ come to the same conclusions.Makes you wonder about their supposed freedom!
Now,let us get to the crux of the matter-the Basic Epistemology if you wish.The idea that there is no God is just that-an idea.Any self-reflecting atheist will have to admit that! You cannot prove the non-existence of something.Even the Western legal systems have come to the same conclusion.You cannot prove the non-existence of a thing or an event.So the notion of the non-Existence of God is just that-a notion.
On the other side,let us forget for now about Prophets and Saints and mystics and angels and Holy Books for now-although that is admittedly factoring out a lot of data! But I know how much those entities are anathema to the A&A mindset.So instead let us look at the n.d.e experiences as I relate them in my book “The Big Questions:Evidence-Based Faith'”These are ordinary people,most often not particularly religious some even being atheists prior to their experience.
Yes I am well aware that there is a commonplace pseudo-scientific argument that these represent the delusions of a dying brain.Anyone familiar with brain physiology and pathology should immediately see through that bogus argument( if you need more ‘scientific’ proof you can check out the work of Bruce Greyson and Pim Van Lomel although I must say that if you need to go that far in your research ,you are probably a lost cause lol). All forms of brain pathology create dysfunction and perturbations and physiological disease like headaches and vertigo and epilepsy.This form has as its effect more compassion,more serenity and more perspective on human life itself.How could that possibly be pathological?! Au contraire, instead of incapacitating the individual,it improves mental health and clarity.
So… these ordinary people in life-threatening situations see deceased relatives ,the heavens and the hellworlds, and beings of Light and God Himself-sometimes as separate from them and sometimes merged in His Essential Consciousness.They confirm ALL the teachings of the saints and mystics.And they have no more doubts!Then they report back to us their discoveries- as witnesses.
Let me be very clear here.If you are still holding on to an atheistic or agnostic position you are believing in a philosophical theory rather than in actual human experience.IMHO,that is a really bad choice-a bad exchange.And the loss in the hereafter could be VERY long-lasting.May God help you see the light!
Addendum.Since the most common objection about the relevance of the n.d.e experience is that it must be a change in brain chemistry caused by the dying brain, let me give you what I believe to be an accurate and simple analogy.And btw, this modernistic,”scientific” reflex,about brain chemistry,is a thoroughly conditioned response.Where are you now Skinner,the father of the conditionned reflex lol, now that we need you to explain this to people lol?!
The analogy goes like this:It’s the beginning of the summer and a neighbour tells you that there is a new ice-cream shop that opened down the road.So what are the possibilities? The neighbour may be a compulsive liar or even a sadistic teaser.Or he could have mis-spoken (dysphasia lol) or bought new glasses recently and thought that the computer repair shop was actually an ice-cream place.Or again he could be a psychic who saw into heavenly worlds where there are always ice-cream shops on hot days lol. Those are the kind of obtuse explanations the “scientists” are looking for!
But, far and away ,the most likely version is that the ice-cream shop is a reality and you are best off checking it out ASAP! You see,the scientists are operating from theory and conjecture and ideology.The bottom line is they don’t want to believe in other-worldly realities because it goes against their attachment to Philosophical Materialism and Atheism.Actually,now that I think about it,Agnosticism is actually a sophisticated cover-up for Atheism.They,too, prefer their “mind-productions” to actual reality.May God help them to open their hearts and souls.On the other hand,if they just use their minds it will surely lead them astray!
What do most people say they want?They say they want the Truth.In Arabic the word is “Haqq” and it refers to both Truth and Reality.Epistemology is the science of accessing that Reality.From there,everything becomes possible! Without it,everything is meaningless!
Most modern people have been trained to think that the way to knowledge is to accumulate data and then analyze it logically.I like to call that the “Aristotelian Approach”I have found that way to be inefficient,defective and misleading .Watch the justice system operate if you don’t believe me.
So what do we learn from Sufism and Islam about this question?As I see it, there are three principal doors to knowledge-the deeper knowledge and the one that counts ultimately.
The first is the opening of the heart.We are talking here about the subtle heart -not the one of gross feelings like anger an d sadness and even joy.I won’t address the question of love for now as that can be very confusing and misleading lol.
The second is seeing”basirat’-the inner vision.Once that is developed we can see the inner aspect of what is going on-the good and the evil of it,the sincerity and the hypocrisy,the darkness and the light.
And finally the the third is hearing and developing ‘the ear of truth’ the entity that hears ‘the sound of truth’.When we hear that, we have to act on the truth we hear.(Remember the sequential formula-ilm(knowledge),amal(action) then hal(state).Without the knowledge ,there is no proper action. Without the action,there is no change in state!Our nafs will surely object but our hearts will say ‘yes!’
Now the Quran tells us about this.It talks about “those whose hearts are sealed” and those who are “deaf,blind and dumb”.And we can understand that this is not outer blindness nor outer deafness but rather the inner senses.If our hearts are sealed and we are blind and deaf,we will surely make wrong decisions and that is what we see all around us.
Is there a corrective?Yes,there is.It is spiritual practice beginning with what is obligatory in our religion and proceeding to dhikr and wird and listening to wise ones and opening our hearts to the hidden and the invisible.There is no other way! Reason will not get us there.Psychotherapy will not get us there.Motivators like Antony Robbins and Steven Covey will not get us there!
Only proper spiritual practice and virtuous ways will get us there.For then, as a reward,Allah will cleanse our hearts to feel properly, clear our vision- to see what is real- and remove the ‘wax’ from our inner ears so we can hear ‘the ring of Truth’ when it chimes.
As I pursue my path and observe others, I see clearly that most people,no matter what I or other mystics say,still trust their minds(ideas and feelings) and act accordingly.Although this is instinctive,it is a serious error!A couple of quotes, from non-religious people, are in order: “The right answer is often the opposite of the instinctive one”-Clint Eastwood-“The Million-Dollar Baby. “All your problems come from the same place.You believe the contents of your own mind”Byron Katie. So what are the alternatives.
The first two alternatives to “mind productions” are very difficult for modern people.The first is to tap into the will of God.Not an easy matter.Most people are so stuck in their own will and desires that the true will of God is completely obscured.Many do not even accept the idea that God has Will.
The second alternative is to trust in an intermediary like a Prophet or a sheikh or a guru.Once again the modern mind is trained to rebel against authority and to want to be independent,autonomous,”free”.
For these reasons I will suggest a third method -despite knowing full well the actual resistance I will encounter-the Scientific Method.Yes,that’s right-the scientific method,the real one! That involves real observation and experimentation and genuine conclusions-not statistical analysis,demographics and peer-reviewed journals.Observation and experimentation.Simple as that.Simple but deep!
I’ll give you a concrete example.When I first started to learn about the Islamic Istikhara practice,I did an experiment.I took 10 decisions I had to make.Then I analyzed the data I had,did some research on the subject and some thinking and came to a conclusion.After that I did the Istikhara practice.And then I followed the situation to its inevitable conclusion.My analytic decision was wrong 8/10 times! That’s right-I was one out of five -a 20% success rate.And I believe I’m reasonably good at that process.So all those wonderful decisions you make-are most probably wrong!
The Istikhara(it must be properly interpreted of course,which is another science) was inevitably right.When it wasn’t,it was due to misinterpretation!
Really folks,your whole process of making decisions is flawed!The one they taught you in school doesn’t work! Just look around you if you don’t believe me lol.You can observe it yourself.Admittedly,this takes deep observation and humility..It also takes a true open mind.
Medical Epistemology:I guess philosophy is important after all lol.My two favourite terms these days are Epistemology and Empiricism and its sister Philosophical Materialism.So my apologies to Wittgenstein and John Stuart Mills after all lol.
So( not supposed to use that word according to current anal grammarians .Another form of political correctness-this time in the world of grammar.).And yet(probably also banned as a term lol) it is SO useful .Maybe that’s why they want to ban it! (the conspiratorial epistemology-to be unveiled shortly).So,I repeat,the current pandemic gives us a chance to examine different forms of Epistemology.Epistemology basically means “how do you get to the Truth,The Realty of any situation or question?”(same word btw in Arabic-Truth and Reality=Haqq!)
So let us examine four forms of Epistemology as applied to the Covid pandemic and try to see their relative value.I will personalize these approaches in order to make the point more vividly and graspable.
There is currently an epidemic of deafness in human interactions going on. After observing this,I have been trying to understand why that is .This article is more about the “how’ than the “why”. Have a listen! lol
I could not have admitted this a while ago,when I was studying psychiatry,but I have learnt many deep and useful things from the psychoanalysts.One of the things they realized early on was that it was not enough to say the truth about the psychodynamics at play or about anything else for that matter.Firstly,you have to interpret the defenses i.e. you have to identify the barriers in the way of listening.
Now, ironically,there is something parallel in the Islamic tradition-yes the very same religious mentality that Freud liked to denigrate lol! It says”laillaha illaha”.(There is no God but the one true God).So you have to start by denying the falsehood-the various forms of idolatry.Then and only then,can you affirm the Truth -Allah.Ajib! Psychoanalysts and pious believers using the same approach.! What could be more reassuring lol,?
So what are these barriers to listening? I will list a few of the more obvious ones to begin with:
1-Denouncing the Source: so ,if you don’t like what someone says,you respond” He’s just ignorant” or “he’s a right-winger” or “he’s just too politically correct” or “he’s just a chauvinist, macho or a homophobe or an Islamophobe or a feminist”or any one of numerous categories that would discredit the individual from being a truth-sayer.The problem is that each and every one of those categories speaks the Truth at times.I could even add psychotics and borderlines and psychopaths to the list and not forget Mr. Trump-the Narcissists lol.So categorizing people does not necessarily help you identify the Truth or falseness of what they are saying! Be careful!
2-The Bureaucratic Reflex: (Purolator story).When we think about bureaucracies,we are usually thinking about government institutions.However,many of the large”private” enterprises (think banks and any large companies including social media ones) Here is one recent example,I can share with you.I order my meat from the only reliable halal,organic supplier I know-Blossompure in Toronto.They have taken to shipping it via a delivery service in Canada known as Purolator-supposedly a private company(When I looked into its ownership- out of total frustration- I realized it was owned mostly by Post Canada! And I thought we were living in a competitive capitalist society! Think again Ibrahim!)
Anyway,here is how the story unfolded.Purolator claims they do next day delivery to Montreal.More often than not,however,that takes two days.Not a problem as the meat is so well-packed that after two days it is still mostly frozen.However,this time when they arrived at my appartment block the driver realized that the appartment number was missing.Instead of leaving it in the hallway(possible solution #1) his instructions were to bring it back to the warehouse.Note that we are now Friday and Purolator is closed on Saturday and Sunday! I get an email notice that the shipment was diverted because of the incomplete address.So I call the tracking line but they know nothing about it except that it was diverted.So I call the local Purolator warehouse and mange to connect with an agent.”Can you call the truck driver and complete the address”(Possible solution #2).”Sorry sir ,we can’t reach them.””Can you text him and ask him to call me?”(Possible solution #3)””Sorry sir our system doesn’t permit that” .”The can I meet him at the warehouse(possible solution#4).”Sorry sir,he arrives after we close” Can you tell him I will meet him when he arrives(Possible solution #5).That’s not possible sir”. “Is there any chance you would have a small freezer in your(huge) warehouse?”(possible solution #6 No,sir,we don’t have that sort of equipment.” N.B. You can probably think of other possible solutions but the system doesn’t permit of any of them!
Sure enough I receive a call on Monday morning to come pick up the meat.It has now been five days in transit and the entire box of meat is spoiled! Such is the insanity of bureaucracy.In this case,the result was spoiled meat. In many cases,it is lethal!
3-“It’s not significant” So even if it is true,it doesn’t matter.We recently had an unfortunate incident of that on a bridge near my home.A negligent repair crew sectioned the “rebar” on one of the supporting columns of the bridge.The mistake was reported to the Minisry of Transport who decided it was no big deal.So they continued sectioning the rebar on other columns!.By the time that had been done on 10 other columns ,they needed to shut down the bridge-indefinitely -a vital artery in the West of the city. “Human error” said the Ministry.”Ya,right” Deafness on high.That is significant human error but by no means isolated to Quebec bridges.I just watched a news report on American television about the management of the Covid epidemic.Human error as well! ! May well have cost hundreds of thousands of lives.Deafness is a very costly disease!
4- Doesn’t coincide with one’s ideological schema. The preceding story of mismanagement of the Covid pandemic fits in nicely here.The ideology in question is “Double-blind,placebo-controlled,peer-reviewed,published in prestigious medical journal” ideology.They now call that “Science”.Oops,got that one wrong-500,000 lives later! Of course this doesn’t only apply to medicine.In Vietnam,we were fighting Communism,in Iraq they were fighting terrorism ! And what about Chile and Nicaragua and Iran (putting in the Shah). Oops,got a few of those wrong also- because of ideology,no?
5-Following your desires; most people can get there heads around this one lol.You continue smoking despite the evidence.eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates for diabetics.Women looking for bad boys and men seeking out b–ches. Lol.That one is usually easy to spot.Especially if it is happening to others!
6- The habit reflex; The Islamic holy texts are full of this one! Our Prophet saws preaches to his people and they respond;” But this is not what our ancestors have done.How can we change that?!’and Allah responds “but they were in error and ignorant”(paraphrasing).”No matter” say the Quraysh.They are our point of reference.Of course,this is not just the Quraysh.All societies have elements of conditioned ignorance.When Dr. Ed Hallowell was asked how teachers and educators dealt with the ADHD population in the good olde days he responded”They had a standard approach-blame shame and humiliation”. That’s just what they do! Why would we change that?’ It worked so well,right?! So the ADHDers became drug addicts and criminals and low-lifers.Just the way it is,I guess!To extend the model into the field of nutrition,let’s take the French and Italian insistence on devitalized refined white bread and pasta.The way of their ancestors!But nowadays almost guaranteed Diabetes 2.! Worth changing habits? You bet!
7-:The Contrarians; You say white,they say black.You say up,they say down.Ever met one of those lol?They are all around us.Sometimes,it is specific to certain relationships-like toddlers and adolescents and their parents.But sometimes it is generalized to all people.And at other times ,it has a competitive aspect.The non-listening other just wants to prove that he/she is smarter or better-informed than you are.Besides being contrarian and competitive,this reaction implies a certain arrogance.”My idea is better than yours-by defintion lol”
These are some of the types of deafness.And they are legion.How to get to hearing?! That is a matter for another time.If you are impatient,you can start by reading any of the short articles on Epistemology on this blog.I am hoping to coalesce them all together soon.Stay tuned!
It is getting late here.I usually do not write at this time of night but today I felt the need to articulate this particular inspiration.There are so many conspiracy theories out there .From the New World Order to the Illuminati to the Freemasons,there is no lack of conspiracy theories as to why things are going wrong in the world.
For those of us who prefer to stay with observable phenomena rather than occult ones, ,the most popular theory is that it is all about greed and corruption.The greed is incarnated in the multi-national corporations-chemical,pharmaceutical,oil and gas companies to mention a few.The corruption is manifested by the government officials who are in the pockets of these unethical,greed- feeders.
But there is something missing in this analysis.Otherwise the ‘greed/corruption” sector would be called-out and neutralized.I used to call that third and most important element “ignorance’- to use a Buddhist concept as to the primary cause of suffering.But that term-ignorance- seems too general,too non-specific.I would now like to name it “the Asperger’s Factor”
This is the third bad actor in this evil -constellation.It’s clearest manifestation is in two groups-“the social media moguls” (think Gates and Zuckerberg) and the scientists( think Fauci and his henchmen-the other public health authorities-at the CDC and the NIH and the FDA).They may,in fact, not be as corrupt as the first two groups-the business people and the politicians,But they may be even more toxic! They are people who rely on their brains but have no hearts and souls.They are the zombie intellectual class.They have credibility in the minds of many( they are often referred to as “experts”) which makes their out-of-touchness even more dangerous!
So that is the “witches brew” we are dealing with lol. And only a new Epistemology as outlined in other articles on this blog or a personality who carries that approach ,can get us out of this destructive cycle! God help us all!