Category Archives: Modern Living

Another Purpose to the Covid Pandemic!

As I watch the latest documentary on the pandemic called “Covid Revealed” done by Patrick Gentempo ,a superb producer and interviewer, a new Truth descends upon me- a new purpose for the Pandemic. I always remember the statement of the servant of Sheikh Hashimi the great Sufi r.a. of Damascus saying “fi kooli shay khairan”-(In everything is goodness)!

So what could the goodness be here?! The evil is obvious.! The deception and insensitivity and self-servingness of Antony Fauci. The sheepish echo-chamber foolishness of the public health spokesmen like Rochelle Walensky of the CDC, Sanjay Gupta of CNN, Michael Osterholm of Infectious diseases University of Minnesota  and Paul Offit of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to name only a few-people we see on the news on a daily basis. Then there are the corrupt pharma companies and their captive agencies like the CDC, the FDA and the NIH(the alphabet organizations lol).And finally the crown jewel of complicitous politicians- dependent on the support of the wealthy corporations for their election campaigns and who knows what else. A perfect storm! Or should we sell a well-armoured and well-protected bureaucratic cartel! And they claim the opposition feeds on conspiracy theories. Well, they don’t need conspiracy theories! They ARE a conspiracy reality already!

But what about the good guys-people like Peter McCullough cardiologist at Baylor University in Texas and promoter of early treatment of Covid, Robert Malone co-developer of the m-RNA vaccine model, Pierre Kory Pulmonologist and codeveloper of the FLCCC Math Protocol and colleague of the other fine Intensivist Dr. Paul Marik of East Virginia Sentara Norfolk General Hospital. And last but not least ,there is Robert F. Kennedy jr. of the famous Kennedy clan fighting for our health and our Civil rights. Aren’t these the good guys?! Why are they having so much trouble?!

Well, here is what came to me today. Yes, there IS good in everything! But we have to see the deeper levels to “get it”. All of the aforementioned people are being challenged at the deepest level of their belief systems! All the doctors mentioned believe in science and medicine. It is not unfair to say that is their deepest belief! In that  sense it becomes their religion! So their religion is a form of idolatry-the idolatry and idealization of science. That religion is called “scientism”-that somehow science will bring them to the deepest level of truth! False belief! But, very common nowadays. As to RFK jr, and the like their belief is in democracy and the Due Process of the Law( see my article on the American constitution!).That too is a false belief!

So what is happening here?! Any real truth-seeker has to come up against his foundational beliefs in order to advance. “La illaha illala”(There is no God(i.e. no higher reality) other than the Absolute Himself.) All of the “good guys” are up against a higher Truth! And they will sink or swim according to it.(In French they “ça passe ou ça casse”-they get it or they break1! .May Allah provide them, the good ones, with an opening! This may be their best chance yet!

Salaams, Ibrahim

Trust the “Geniuses”-not the Social Consensus, Echo-Chamber “Experts”

Disclaimer: “Genius” is probably not the most appropriate term. These are individuals who are clear-sighted and can see through the veil of social consensus. That should be the norm ,rather than the exception. But nowadays the norm is mediocrity!

So… you should trust Didier  Raoult and Pierre Kory- not Fauci and Michael Osterholm or Sanjay Gupta on early treatment of Covid! You should trust  Luc Montagnier and Chris Matrtenson and Peter McCullough on the origins of the virus – not the World Health organization and Peter Daszak and the Chinese Communist Party lol. You should trust Robert F. Kennedy and Brian Hooker(awesome researcher) and Paul Thomas on vaccine safety not the bureaucrats at CDC and FDA.. And my most recent update-you should trust Heinrich Svensmark and John Casey on climate change-not Al Gore and Justin Trudeau and the U.N “experts ” at IPCC! Check any and all of this out and you will see what I mean! It will change your mind forever on who and what is reliable as your  information sources! Then  you will want to join us at lol where I will be waiting for you to sign up!

The Electrical Car Conundrum!

The world in its entirety is rushing headlong into massive rollouts of electrical cars! Every politician and legislator that we see in the news is on board with this! Like lemmings rushing off the cliff no-one has taken the time to study anything but the technical and energetic aspects of this beast. Above all there are no serious studies about the human health impacts of this technology! Even on Pubmed where we find much of  the reliable scientific studies, there is almost nothing to be found!

Yet we already know that EMFs of other sorts are associated with blood cancers(leukemia and non-Hodgkins Lymphoma which has reached epidemic proportions and brain tumours -specifically glioblastomas and acoustic neuromas). Millions of cars and other vehicles  affecting billions of people, you would think someone might want  to study this! Nope! “Blind, deaf and well-spoken” lol! Those are our contemporary leaders.

On top of it , even with a minimum of research background, one can see that the studies would not be methodologically difficult. Take one of the large American HMOs like Kaiser Permanente and follow the digital medical charts for one, two and five years. Owners of electrical vehicles vs. owners of petroleum-based vehicles- controlled for the usual demographics of age, social class, race and gender.Easy-peasy1 But no-one is doing it! They don’t wat to know the answers! Just in case…We saw the same thing with vaccines. It took them 30 years to do the studies! And they are still denying the results!

Nevertheles, there are a few articles appearing in intelligent publications like Forbes Magazine and Scientific American! Here they are:

These articles are mostly addressing the issues of the minerals required to build the batteries which are in limited supply and the environmental effects of generating the incredible amount of electricity required to charge theses cars! Those are relevant issues. But the elephant in the room is once again left unexplored! And that elephant is “Dirty Electricity”-the most toxic form of electro-pollution as far as I can make out!

Now the electrical car is the portrait child of dirty electricity! Summarized briefly, dirty electricity is generated every time you convert, invert and upgrade electrical power from one modality to another. So when you convert the AC electricity of the charging station into the DC electricity of the battery, that is the prototype of Dirty Electricity generation. And if you measure it at the source, it often blows the meter! The charging phase is notorious for this generation. You can even find it on Youtube if you wish. What they don’t tell you on Youtube is that dirty electricity at the charging point goes right back into your electrical box when you are charging at home! And then proceeds to spread throughout the home! Dirty Electricity, you see, cannot be easily shielded like normal EMFS. And it doesn’t go down logarithmically with distance- as do the other three forms of electro-pollution. So the dirty electricity goes right back into your baby’s room largely undiminished!

Btw I just confirmed this hypothesis at a friends house ! As he was charging his electrical car ,the DE in his hallway(about 30 meters away!) went up to 1900(50 is the recognized standard!).Even when the charger was on standby it went to 1000 Seltzer units(20 times normal.)Luckily he has no children at home! They would be living in the DE field 24 hrs./day!

The even more tricky part of this electrical conundrum is when the car is being driven. In that situation, the DC battery energy is being converted into the AC electricity needed for the motor as well as many other devices- but the motor is what is the most important as it is basic to the electrical car functioning. And I have been unable, after consulting with several “experts” to figure out how to measure that Dirty Electricity. If anyone has any idea how to do that, please get back to me.

So briefly- more insanity from our government officials and public health authorities! And the  naively trusting populations are going to have to wake up if this planet is to survive!



Science, schmience!-The Modernist Idolatry

The “peer-reviewed randomized control study” platitude( responsible for 100’s of thousands of deaths in the Covid pandemic through denying early treatment!) is going to go down in history with the same ignominy as some of its famous predecessors like “the dictatorship of the proletariat” of the Marxists (that did us a lot of good!) and ‘the analysis of the transference” in psychoanalysis( did not cure the vast majority of its proponents) and “vicarious redemption “of the Catholics(where exactly did Jesus say that?!) . I would add to the list “evolution through random mutation and natural selection”(so where are the almost infinite numbers of intermediary species that would produce?!) and ” anthropogenic global warming”(it’s way more complex than that!) but I’ll skip the last two or I would be considered too radical and we wouldn’t want that lol

Mothers of the World Unite!

Mothers of the world, Unite! We are in the midst of destroying our children.The vaccine mandates are destroying their neurological and immune systems; the daycares and public school systems are destroying their hearts; and the videogames and computer entertainments are destroying their creativity and imagination! Oh, Mothers you are the only ones with the sensitivity and concern to turn this around! The politicians and public health officials are asleep at the wheel and bought out by various commercial ,chemical and pharm industries as well. They are MORE than useless at this point. They are actively harmful!



Beyond the “Schtick”

For those of you not familiar with this Yiddish expression,here is the Myriam-Webster Dictionary definition:

1: a usually comic or repetitious performance or routine : bit
2 : one’s special trait, interest, or activity : bag 
As with many Dictionary definitions,it doesn’t quite capture the modern usage of the term.In the modern  sense,it could be rendered as “neurosis” or “peculiarities” or even “orneriness”. In any case,I think the point will be clear as we continue and the best way to apprehend the word is to feel it in its essence,”the thing in itself” as Kant would refer to it as .   “Schtick”.Feel it.
All of this emerged from a short dream I had last night:
“I was visiting an old client  of mine who I hadn’t seen in a long time.She told me about a long-time friend of hers who had been staying with her.We were both aware that this particular friend was full of”schtick”( quirky ideas and beliefs and behaviours). Then her eyes welled up with tears. “You’re missing her” I stated.And she acknowledged  that it was true.
So,very brief dream but it opened up a deep insight about our relationships with other human beings We need to see “beyond the “schtick” and relate to the person beyond the appearance and beyond the personality or the neurosis.Connect with their heart,their souls,their essences.Deep stuff,indeed.A heady brew for sure.That would change everything,wouldn’t it? Think about it!
 Then my mind went even deeper!We have to see beyond the “schtick” of the dunniya(this world)- its sufferings and diasppointments and pain- to its essence as a gift to our souls for our learning and development.From the appearances of things to their Essence.What a subject of contemplation for this day-and many days to come !

“Transformational” Films Outed!

Invitation to a Movie-

Modernism Outed Once Again!

A response to a relative’s invitation to watch “Milton’s Secret”

Sorry guys ! Not my cup of tea! Contemporary angst, overly self-conscious and grim (yes, it probably ends well. Good for the directors bottom-line lol).There is no such thing as a transformational film, a life-changing film! That is more hype from the marketers. Watching a film-no matter how good-is a passive, recreational activity .In any case you have a much better spiritual teacher in your midst than Eckhart Tolle! That’s Sufi Ibrahim lol. Much more balanced, less etheric, more grounded. But you have to figure out how to benefit from it. Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual entertainer. And he looks to be in an awful state in his intro to the film!.So his teachings are not working for himself-let alone his followers. They get a quick hit and then they’re lost! My personal observation. They all have to go elsewhere eventually. Just saying…Bottom line-Never rely on the media hype if you want to advance .Doing that you’ll end up being like Justin Trudeau! And I wouldn’t wish that for my worst enemy lol  Salaams,Joey Ibrahim

Hi again! Since you made the effort to forward me the link about the film, let me make two points here that may help in your understanding;

1) Transformation is an active process. As one California guru lol said: “You have to have skin in the game” i.e. it requires effort and time and money and going beyond one’s comfort zone. Watching a movie, no matter how well done, just doesn’t cut it! Pretending otherwise is just more of the “spin” (i.e. misleading information that we have become so used to. by now.) Anyone who wants to transform their lives is going to have to roll up their sleeves( not their pyjama legs) and get ready to work up a sweat.

2) Especially true about teachers like Eckhart Tolle and other Non-dualists out there- There is no such thing as spirituality without religion! Sorry New-Agers lol. That would be like having a tree with no bark, a body without skin, a gem without a setting-choose your metaphor. None of those options are viable. Where you end up on those paths is “high and lost”. So these pedlars of fool’s gold need to be highlighted and denounced because overall, despite the hype, they are doing a disservice to humanity. And yes,I am well aware of the negative mantras about religion; ”It causes war and corruption and pedophilia and oppression. However what the social consensus is not telling you is that religion also and primarily teaches people self-discipline, virtue and good character. Each of these is far more important than getting “high” on spiritual practices. Hope that makes sense to you. Salaams,Sufi Ibrahim


Challenging Elements of Jewish Law

Asalamu aleykum, i.e wishing peace to everyone lol.All religions begin with a noble,highly evolved spiritual being like Moses or Jesus or Mohammed saws who delivers a message from the Divine! Then the scholars get to work to operationalize and theorize about the religion and that’s where the problems begin! As an  end result of this process, we find ourselves,in Islam, with burqas and extremists who find justification for killing innocent people;in Christianity with God depicted as an old man with a white beard or as a dead body on a cross or in Judaism wearing paiess(sidecurls) and being careful not to mix dairy with meat! It is the latter aberration that I wish to address here! It has actually been bugging me for decades lol and I decided to look into it this morning at Fajr time! It may seem somewhat banal relative to the two previous mentionned aberations but there is the same corrupting intellectual problem involved.It all comes from “mind-productions” -a very different entity from Revelation and inspiration!

1-So let’s take them one-by-one.Firstly , the issue of not mixing milk and meat.I always sensed there was something quirky and unnecessary  about this rule. And that is usually where I start-my initial reaction.Here is the official version if you want to check it out!

So we find in the Torah three times the phrase: ” Do not seethe(cook) a kid in its mother’s milk”.Unfortunately the rabbis and scholars who interpreted this did not have the benefit of certain Quranic teachings that came later.But Allah tells us in the Quran that He speaks to us in two ways-either literally (muhakamat) or metaphorically(mutashabihat).Ajib! So in this case, it seems very likely that this is a metaphor of some kind.Even if it were literal all it tells us is to not cook a child animal in its mother’s milk.This is a far cry from having an obsessive need to keep dairy and meat separate-to have two sets of dishes and two sets of electrical appliances in every Jewish kitchen! In fact if you take this statement literally you could cook the kid in the milk of another similar specied mother or in that of another species- like cooking a goat kid in cow’s milk.No problem.Then why can you not have cheese in your meat lasagna lol or milk in your coffee after a satisfying kosher steak lol.This all smacks of obsessionalism-a well-known Jewish characteristic!

On the level of metaphor there may be a few interesting possibilities.One of the things that came to mind was the famous Zidane incident in World Cup Soccer.The Italian player insulted the mother or sister of this Algerian French soccer player who proceeded to head-butt him and get kicked out of the game.So could this statement be a warning not to insult someone about their origins(their mother, their tribe,their nation) because it could cause them to seethe-to boil over.Or could this be a precursor of the psychoanalytic understandinfg of parental internalizations(soaked in the mother’s milk) that cause so much grief in this world?!If you have ever been married,you would know what I mean lol.Or then again we could say it would incite us as children to seek out other inputs beyond the nuclear family environment(the mother’s milk) in order to grow and develop.

The possibilities here are almost endless.However, one of the least likely of all is that God wanted us to have two sets of dishes and two sets of electrical appliances and above all not to put milk in our coffee after dinner  lol

2-The wearing of paiess or peiot in Hebrew.That always seemed ugly and ridiculous! And I am convinced that anything that is ugly and unnatural cannot be from God!

Here is the official version:

Why Do Orthodox Jewish Men Have Sidecurls?

Again,this weird practice comes from a Biblical reference.Leveticus 19:27 says”Do not round the corners of your head”.So how do we get from “rounding the corners of your head” to paiess?Well,the first change is to have men with really short hair-not the custom of any of the Old Testament Prophets btw.So first you Westernize Jews as they have done with Muslims.Then you decide that below a certain level the hair is not to be cut.And voila,you have these odd paieseem! You will not find these odd curls in any of the pictures of Jesus or the Apostles all of whom were practising Jews! so it must be a modernist innovation.

Actually I suspect that this prohibition is the same one as we have in Islam-not to shave the sides of our head-because that is a pagan practice.In any case,this unnecessary oddity of grooming is only essential in the minds of its creators lol.I am totally convinced that this was not nor could have been ordained by God.

So there we are.All religions have a tendency to corrupt their original sources.We need to be vigilant at all times and go to the root of the matter-what is essential to our piety,rather than what is arbitrary.


The Faucian Bargain

So,we have gone from the Faustian Bargain(the pact with the devil)  to the Faucian bargain!The Faucian bargain is that, in order to participate in society,we accept the risk of taking a vaccine whose cost/benefit analysis is nowhere near as clear-cut as the authorities would have us believe.So we see Faust to Fauci- the German/Italian connection once again lol.We know where that led in the not too distant past?!

I had a dream the other night in which the entire university curriculum was being transformed into Fauci-ism.Intriguing?!Fauci-ism implies a sort of transhumanism where profit and manipulated social consensus take over completely-at the expense of u know who. So we have gone from Aristotle (logic and Rationality) to robotic  and manipulated data-crunching! And there is the Greco-Roman connection as well.Ask the apostles of Jesus a.s. what that was like?!

As opposed to must be stated that Aristotle ,not one of my favourite personalities lol,was concerned about ethics and wrote a famous book called “The Nichomachean Ethics”.We see very little of that concern in Fauci’s version of Epistemology.What we do see is blind ambition,profits and self-justifications galore.So much for “The Angels of our Better Nature” Mr. Steven Pinker,another intellectual I abhor-arguing that we have gotten better over time as a human race.Only a cruncher of data-a Fauci acolyte in another domain- could come to such a blatanly dubious conclusion.Now we have the proof lol. Aristotle was more ethical than Fauci! Case closed!

Btw, Fauci,who is now the saviour for many people, was the one who promoted ,encouraged and financed the production of this chimeric,GMO virus that is ravaging the world! Talk about the fox in the chicken coop?! And he doesn’t seem to bat an eye about the destruction he has launched on the planet.There are only two diagnoses possible here-Psychopath(i.e. no conscience) or Aspergers(no clue!).I actually believe the latter although a very good case can be made for the former- as does RFKjr in his recent book-“The Real Anthony Fauci”

So there we are.Not a “Brave New World” as the New-Agers would have us believe! But rather a “Cowardly, Uncompassionate, Manipulated New World”  . Got to get back to my latest project-developing and expressing positivity lol. Stay tuned!


Global Warming-An Alternative Analysis:Response to the Echo-chamber of Consensus.

Climate is a very complex matter. There are many interacting factors that affect it. From solar energy to sunspots to cosmic rays to ocean currents to El Nino wind effects to the Atlantic Gulf Stream currents to volcanic activity…the list goes on and on. So limiting our concern to one factor like carbon emissions is naive at best and catastrophic at worse-since we may well be missing the boat entirely! There are scientists who actually believe we are close to a cooling phase and others that believe that the correlation with CO2 emissions is due to causation in the other direction i.e. it is the warming that is causing the increased CO2 rather than the opposite. So anyone who says this a a simple straightforward matter is lying to you! What else is new?!

In January 2006 Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel and ruthless general had a stroke.He was misdiagnosed by his Israeli doctors who treated him for a thrombotic stroke instead of the hemorrhagic stroke which he had had.The anticoagulants used then had a catastrophic effect,worsening the hemorrhage, and he remained in a coma on life-support until he finally died several years later.Diagnosis matters! And I am concerned that the current diagnosis around the phenomenon of Global Warming may well be wrong!

Now there should be no doubt about what is occurring .The climate IS warming! We can see the effects of this all around us.Wildfires,floods,increasing weather events all around the world! That is not the issue! The issue is what is causing this?! Now the current consensus of climate scientists is that the cause is the carbon footprint or the greenhouse effect.And these are caused by humans through burning of fossil fuels .They call that “anthropogenic” global warming.But is that not, once again, an expression of “hubris”. Man is so powerful that he can change the climate?! Not unlike the idea”man is so powerful he can get rid of the Covid virus through a vaccine.Or better still “man is so powerful,he can make Afghanistan and Iraq and Libya into democracies” lol

Now don’t get me wrong.I am fully aware of how destructive and ignorant man can be! He is certainly in the process of ruining our Environment.He has succeeded in contaminating our water supply,our food and our air.So much so that we now have epidemics of Cancer and Alzheimers and autism and many other diseases! But changing our climate?! Not so sure about that one! Has man succeeded in stopping hurricanes or floods or earthquakes?! I don’t think so ! So how come he is able to affect climate in such a dramatic way.

Now,if we start with simple observation-the place I, personally ,like to start with,we will notice that every day the temperature varies up to fifteen degrees Celsius between the night and the day.If we shift to seasonable variation ,in Canada for example,the temperature can vary more than 60 degrees Celsius(minus 30 in winter to plus 30 in summer). No one doubts, not even the most consensus bound climatologists, that this is due to the sun-more specifically the position of the Earth relative to the sun! No-one! So why would we not start with the sun if we are looking at changes in the range of 1-2 degrees Celsius.And there are a few scientists like Henrik Svensmark of Denmark and Nir Shaviv of Israel amongst others who are seriously questioning the Greenhouse Gas theory and linking the change to solar radiation and cosmic rays.And btw there are almost always a few “geniuses” out there who don’t buy into the consenus -like Luc  Montaigne and Didier Raoult and Chris Martenson on the Covid pandemic!

Now,if we look back over the history of the planet Earth,this is not the first time it has been so warm.115,000 years ago, during the time of the Neanderthals, there was no ice on this planet.More recently during the Roman Warming period and the Medieval Warming period the climate was warmer than it is now.I haven’t heard about the Neanderthals or the Romans and the Medieval Christians driving SUVs  or firing up their coal-burning furnaces lol.And I doubt that the Roman chariots were producing enough methane to affect the climate! So how did that warming happen?!In fact, the Earth’s climate has been changing since the beginning of its history-from Ice Cold to Tropical hot!

Even more recently, we have some naturally occurring experiments.For example when economic activity ground to a halt during the first phase of the Covid  pandemic,the skies cleared around the world and carbon emissions were seriously reduced! According to the Carbon Imprint theory that should have cooled the Earth and stopped the warming! But. actually, the planet continued to warm in fact the rate of warming accelerated.When forest fires occur(what could possibly produce more carbon in the atmosphere than that!) one would expect, according to the Greenhouse Effect Theory, global warming to increase.But in fact there are many reports of the temperature cooling down !

At first glance .all of this evidence would suggest that there is a “carbon filtering effect” rather then a carbon warming effect! If that is the case(for now this remains a hypothesis) then what all the International Bodies are trying to do i.e. limit carbon emissions,would be making things worse! Like the afore-mentioned error in the treatment of Ariel Sharon,this would be catastrophic-not only  for one man-but for all of us! It is possible that we NEED the carbon or something equivalent to filter out the sun’s rays.Then again,since this solar energy is not really in our control(tell that to Elon Musk and Bill Gates lol) it is possible that God will relent from this test and start the cooling process.And as we say in Islam “Allah Hu Alim”(Only God knows for sure!)

Addendum! The Confirmation of my hypotheses!