Category Archives: Modern Living

The American Dream

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The American Dream has become the American nightmare! But,it always was just that-a dream! From the War of Independence through the Civil War which took over 500,000 lives to the war on drugs and violence in the slum-areas of major cities,life in America has always been difficult.And part of the problem is the “Big Lie”. No,not the chronic “small” lying of Trump.The bigger lie -that we hear at all the political conventions in America-that one party or the other is going to solve all your problems and make you happy.That is simply a denial of reality and people who have read my material know that in Arabic the word for lying(kathaba) and the word for denying are the same.The nature of this world is testing and suffering.So beware of anyone promising you “heaven on Earth”. Salaams(and that involves coming to terms with what IS not imagining what isn’t!).

This problem is,in fact,very deep in the American psyche.Remember the Declaration of independence that states that “all people have the inalienable right to’Life,Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness'”.Really?! Let’s take them one by one.1) Life- NO! Our lives are in the hands of our Creator.He can take it at any time!;2) Liberty-Really?! Think of all the constraints on our liberty-beginning with our genetics,our circumstances,our fragile physical and mental natures.Sheikh Nazim used to compare our choice(relative to the concept of liberty) to that of a passenger on a flight to Paris.He can chose to get up from his seat,to go to the washroom,to try to talk to his neighbour.But the flight is going to Paris in any case.Over that ,he has no control.3) Pursuit of Happiness-Really?Many if not most of the conditions required for happiness are out of our control! If we get sick,can we be happy,if we lose a loved one or fail seriously at a major project of ours can we be happy? Not really.And if we pretend to be happy when we are not,is that any better?No it is worse.So a better phrase could be Pursuit of Satisfaction or pursuit of acceptance.In Arabic the word is”rida” and it is a much more realizable goal than happiness.

So,the entire basis of the American Constitution is defective and out of touch with reality.Should we,then, be surprised that things are not going well? Maybe a better slogan than Make America Great would be Make America Real lol.But then we could not add the suffix”again” because,in fact,it has never been Real! It has always been a dream. Salaams,Ibrahim

Bottom-Line Epistemology

If you really want the Truth,forget the studies and the research and the so-called “evidence-based “approaches and learn to “see”,”hear” and feel! For that you need to cleanse your vision,your hearing and your heart,especially from theoretical abstractions and biases.Then you can see reality clearly  as it is. Period!

Asalamu aleykum.As I was listening to the recitation of Surat al Baqara on the first night of Tarawih prayer,I could hear the confirmation of what I was saying in the blogpost.Alhumdulillah.(Carl Jung would call that “synchronicity”. I would simply call it”signs from our Lord-in this case signs of confirmation).So in ayat 7 Allah says:”Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing ,And on their eyes is a veil”. There you go.All the doors of perception of Reality are closed!
Then in ayats 7&9 He says:”Ma yasharoon”. They don’t feel it.Why? Because ayat 10 “In their hearts is a disease.”.Could it be more clear?! If our eyes and hears and heart are blocked ,we cannot feel what is going on and we are doomed to go astray! Mashallah.The wisdom of our Creator. Have a wonderful(full of wonder) and blessed Ramadan! Ibrahim

The Mueller Report-The Obsessive vs. the Psychopath

The Mueller Report is out today..Fascinating politics and gamesmanship! Two major points;1) As I stated in my original article”The Modern Institution as Obsessional Personality”(soon to be published in my new book) the Obsessional Personality(Mueller in this case) systematically gets it wrong! His obsessive preoccupation with details regularly leads him to” mistake the forest for the trees” and miss the big picture.Theory proved once again!

2) Trump owes us another book entitled: “The Psychopath’s Guide to Doing Wrong without Getting Criminally Prosecuted”. I’m sure it will be a big hit in the prisons and simultaneously in the Boardrooms of American Corporations including of course the Banks and Wall Street.Way to go,Donald.You are truly the incarnation of the American dream,for some, and the American nightmare for many others!

The Notre Dame Fire-An Alternative Reaction

After the terrible fire at the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris the chorus of voices in reaction came out in unison:”Oh mon Dieu(good start lol) C’est une tragédie.How are we going to rebuild?”and condolences and sympathies were offered from around the world.Politicians and journalists oblige,of course.

Let’s try another approach.What if the French instead said:”This is a sign from our Lord.What have we done wrong?” Maybe this is about our treatment of North Africans in our country.Maybe this is about how we are treating the refugees showing up at our shores from around the world and us not showing them enough compassion.Maybe God is not happy about us abandoning our own religion.Or maybe we should be putting more energy and value into being God-fearing instead of putting so much store in hedonism and pleasure-seeking? Wouldn’t that be amazing?! And isn’t that what we should be doing,not only the French but all of us?!

It is interesting to observe that individuals,often enough but by no means always ,do exactly that! It is called ‘tauba’ in our tradition(turning back to God, repentance).But nations seem to be incapable of such a gesture.Why is that? The individuals in the collective seem to be reinforcing the illusion and supporting the lie instead of the Truth(remember Nazi Germany and the Serbian massacres and the Burmese persecution of the Rohingya just to mention a few relatively recent events) .Collectivities appear to be even more perverse than individuals.So beware of the social influences around you.They are more likely to be corrupting than salutary.

All that being said,my sympathies go out to the French nation.They are so intelligent in their heedlessness lol Salaams,Ibrahim

What’s Wrong with Medicine?

One day, driving along in my car and listening to a documentary on CBC, I came across a professor from the University of Toronto talking about”What’s wrong with physics”. The thing I remember best is him stating that, according to his analysis,neither Albert Einstein nor Niels Bohr, arguably the greatest physicists of the last couple of centuries ,would have been admitted to the U.of Toronto post-graduate program in physics at his University! Wow! That says a lot, doesn’t it.

So it got me reflecting on the parallel question in my field:”What’s Wrong with Medicine?” As I watch some videos of Alternative medicine and see people like Dietrich Klinghart and Dale Breseden and think about the now deceased William Rea from the American Environmental medicine field,I am struck by how intelligent and creative and curious these people are.I have the same sense when I read about historical figures in psychiatry like Emil Kraepelin and Eugen Bleuler and figures in medicine like Galen and more recently William Osler.

However,this is not what I see with the vast majority of modern doctors even those in research.. At first,this may seem counter-intuitive.Aren’t these the smartest and the brightest from all our educational systems? Aren’t the ones who get into medical school often the top of their class-“la crème de la créme”?There are several important caveats to consider here.

First is the selection process.The medical schools are mostly screening for high-performance students on standardized testing.Even when they look at extra-curricular activities-like charitable work or even sports-these criteria are usually easy to manipulate and the ambitious parents of these students are often very savvy in how to manipulate the system.Do some work at the local homeless shelter or get involved in your local environmental issues or become a regular leader at the Scouts or Guides and you’re good to go! And everyone knows that.When you add into the mix,interviewers who are not particularly good observers themselves(may have been selected as well for those very  same conformist qualities) you have” a perfect storm” of mediocrity.

Bottom line,what I am saying here is that medical students are being screened for mechanical intelligence(the kind that shows up on standardized testing,obedience(they always follow the rules-saw that when I was teaching them at McGill) and ultimately for conformity and ,mediocrity.At the end of the day,you don’t really have doctors-you have medical bureaucrats-people who are very good at memorizing facts whether they come from textbooks,conferences or the latest scientific journals and following algorithms but not good at all at listening to people or developing creative solutions to problems.

On top of this we have regulatory bodies like State Medical Boards who are uniformly pushing conformity in the name of science-something I call “Scientific Fascism”. Almost every doctor I know or have seen who is good at creative solutions has had a problem with these regulatory bodies and some have been harassed out of practice or pushed to nervous breakdowns and even death by these Orwellian governing bodies and the pharmaceutical and insurance companies who are subsidizing them-all in the name of science! But more accurately  representing money and power more than knowledge and efficacy.

So next time you go to your doctor,don’t be surprised.Perhaps the best approach is to consider them like civil service functionnaries. Get what you can from the real knowledge and technology they have and figure out how to manage your health  on your own.Salaams,Ibrahim

The Cause of Most Modern Woes-The European Intellect!

As I am rereading parts of Sigmund Freud ‘s “The Interpretation of Dreams” for the next book on Dream Interpretation,I realize how convoluted the Germanic mind is.And Freud is by no means the worst.If you want a more intense version, you can try Schopenhauer and Kant and Hegel! Then there are the French and their love of ideas and abstractions(“Je pense, donc je suis”). Yes ,the same ones who claimed they could cure schizophrenia by analyzing the delusions and thus chased me away from psychiatry on my first time around.! And the British with their obsessional style of accumulating facts and details and developing classifications and taxonomies.(It’s called Empiricism and it haunts us every day whether we realize it or not!)

Let’s not forget their ancient predecessors, the Greeks, who we were taught to idealize in Elementary school! Remember-the Golden Age of Athens.!They developed all sorts of philosophical systems from which to think about reality without actually seeing it for what it is.


I realized, in doing my reading, that I have been gravitating more and more towards a totally different approach which involves the more simple thinking of the Semites(Judaism and Islam-no, not Christianity which is actually a Europeanized Semitic tradition) combined with the subtlety of the Farther East traditions of Vedanta,Buddhism and Taoism that help us subtelize our awareness of consciousness. With this combo I manage to find both right guidance,knowing the difference between right and wrong,and inner peace which comes through distancing oneself from the mind rather than embracing it.This combo protects us from the obfuscations of the European intellect and the angst that it necessarily generates. Long Live the East-Middle and Far!

How Can They Possibly Get It Right?!

How can they possibly get it right?!(Directed to the majority of humanity lol)
1) They have no basirat (inner sight)
2) They have no trust in the real people of basirat
3) Their emotional reactions of attachment and aversion make it so that they cannot even properly register the facts that could  allow them to perform a rational analysis and
4)no one has taught them the proper art of dream interpretation
How can they  possibly get it right?! It would veritably be a miracle!