N.B. THE BIGGEST PROBLEM IN THE MODERN MUSLIM WORLD IS THE REPRESSION OF THE MYSTICAL INSTINCT!! This process has been going on for over 100 years and is at the base of all the more manifest problems-like terrorism and sectarianism.Ponder this O Muslim brothers and sisters.And also non-Muslim friends because at this point in world history wherever Islam goes the rest of the world will be carried in its wake! That is my understanding.Salaams,Ibrahim
Category Archives: Modern Living
The Seven Deadly Sins
America,the Beautiful!
Why are people scandalized and outraged by the cruel treatment of immigrants and refugees at the border?! America is already treating it’s own citizens cruelly! It does that when its own poor citizens are refused medical care because they don’t have insurance.Homeless people are already being mistreated just because they are homeless.Prisoners are routinely subject to mistreatment and abuse in the name of security.And what about the homes of people being seized by the bankers and evictions by the landlords etc.,etc.How about the mistreatment of slum-dwellers by the police?So in fact,mistreatment is endemic and normalized in America.The only people who are regularly well-treated and respected are the wealthy,successful ones- no matter how they maneuvred their way to wealth and success-no matter how many people they trampled on on their way to the bank! No wonder Trump is president! And no wonder he hobnobs with Putin and MSB and Kim Jong-un.They are rich and successful,no?!
PS In America,it’s not about compassion.Did you ever hear that word in a Trump speech,lol?! Very rarely heard even amongst Democrat politicians! It’s all about winning and losing! We can hear it over and over again in the Trump talks.Refugees are losers,no?.How do you expect them to be treated?!.
Democratic Candidates Debates
Democratic debates: Like with our process of selection for medical school( selecting out high-performance robots with little creativity and insight) our process of choosing political leaders is seriously flawed.It is selecting out people who can survive high-stress environments(they universally look stressed out-I would like to have heart and EEG monitors on all of them lol) and who can glibly argue about all the trendy political subjects.No original insights ,no creativity,no profundity.I heard nothing about stress at the workplace.All they talk about is the unemployment rate and the GDP.I heard nothing about the causes of Alzheimer’s disease,autism,cancer,autoimmune disease -all of which are now of epidemic proportions.All we heard about is about plans for more allopathic symptomatic medicine.And I certainly heard no talk about the moral degeneration in America.They all take that for granted as normal! So briefly,ALL of the candidates are out of touch with what is really important.How can things possibly go well given that reality?!
Medical Fake News- Update
“Fake News” is not only political! Actually “Medical Fake News” is just as prevalent if not more so.So watch out for the latest “tendences”(trends) in medical fake news lol.Too recent candidates-“mitochondria ” and ” vagus nerve”. They cause all diseases in man,right?! A short while ago it was the “microbiome” and “Inflammation”.They were the cause of all medical disease including the bad temperament of your spouse and the corruption of your politicians.Just before that was “the genome project” which was going to solve the problem of human suffering?! No?! When that didn’t pan out the “fake news’ medical experts shifted to “epigenetics”. You hear a little less about that these days.Pushed out of the headlines by the “microbiome” and the “mitochondia”.So Beware!The snake oil salesman are still with us.Btw,perhaps there is more to “snake oil” than we thought.Could be the next “tendences” lol
Climate Change Theories?!
If Henrik Svensmark, astrophysicist from Denmark ,is correct(and he is the most credible scientist I have heard on this subject) the problem of climate change may be in the midst of self-correcting! That is because the sun’s activity is settling down and the cosmic rays which help produce cloud cover are increasing.So we may well be panicking for nothing as we did about the milennial problem in 2000! At the base of this discussion ,is this anthropocentric hubris that thinks man is at the source of all problems and solutions.There are cosmic forces at play here-way beyond man’s capacity to intervene. This does not mean that we are not in the midst of destroying the planet through our indifference to chemicals and pollutants of all sorts,many of which are carcinogenic!, but that is a matter for another and perhaps ultimately more important discussion
.PS I like individual geniuses like Newton and Einstein and the great Sufis like Jellalluddin Rumi.They remind me of our Prophets like Mohammed and Jesus and Moses who came down, individually, with a deep-seated truth that elevated us all.I despise “group-think” whether it is conservative or so-called progressive.It reminds me of Fascism and nationalist and religious bigiotry.
Learning and Ageing
Learning-one of the three deepest purposes in life.You never know where it’s going to happen-although there are some venues more fertile than others( neither the next high-profile sports game read “The Raptors” nor the local bar -read talking about nothing in particular in a semi-drunk state)- are likely to be fertile lol.So “Morning Joe” MSNBC had a guest- author-Arthur Brooks- talking about his latest article in The Atlantic .It’s about the natural decline that happens with ageing.He states that the way to remain contented is to do two things-1) Adopt the teacher role rather than the innovator(Sorry,but I’m obliged to do both !. and 2) begin divesting from material things,unproductive relationships and unnecessary activities! Had come to more or less the same conclusions on my own.GMTA lol
Aphorism:Understanding Humans
Here it is! “The eyes are the window to the soul,the face is the mirror of the heart,the mouth is the seal of the character.”Corollary-Forget the rest of the body lol.That’s just animality. Think about it.
Positive Psychology
Jean Vanier-Interesting!
JeanVanier died this week.Here is one of his recent interviews.Well-wotth listening to as a Muslim or otherwise.Salaams,Ibrahim