Lying,lying ,lying! Why do people focus so much on Trump?! Lying is the M.O. of American society.Just watched an ad from eHarmony.The actors that they choose to represent potential candidates for dating are people that are so attractive they would never need to go on a dating website! They would be surrounded on a daily basis by numerous applicants for the post.More mischief from modern marketing-of which the Americans are the gold medal winners! If we really wanted to rein in lying,we would have to start by serious regulation of the marketing industry! Not going to happen!”it’s the economy,stupid” lol Advice from Sufi Ibrahim:Stay with the Truth except for life-threatening situations.That’s the Sufi way.
Category Archives: Modern Living
Theocracy reinvented
I think theocracy has, unfairly, been given a bad name.A theocracy(the rule of God) requires a human element that legitimately represents the Divine Will on Earth.That needs to be someone with a high degree of wisdom, a superior level of morality and a deep level of inspiration and insight.Examples of a true theocracy would have been Madina during the time of the Prophet saws and arguably during the time of the Rightly -Guided Successors(the Shia would disagree) or The time of Moses leading his people out of Egypt.What we have now, in Iran for example, is a theologicracy i.e. a regime ruled by sectarian ideas about God-devoid of wisdom and devoid of humanity.That is a most dangerous mix-in fact probably worse than our secular democracies-if that is possible lol.Now demo-cracy is government by the people.When you go out shopping today-to the supermarket or Walmart or wherever,look around at the people there and tell me that’s what you really want lol
Metaphysics and Politics-3
( Watching Mitch McConnell summarizing his position relative to the impeachment of Trump)We should all be really concerned by the impeachment going on in the U.S! Not because it introduces a new level of corruption and indignity but rather because it highlights the corruption and indignity that is already occurring on a daily basis in the U.S-the corruption of Truth and indignities hurled at individuals in the courts of our nations as a regular ritual.It goes by various names- “adversarial” “rule of Law” and “spinning”.
This manouevre goes on as well in advertisements,in arguments about privacy,in ideological debates,in how bureaucracies prevent you from getting your rights! In fact it even happens in daily discourse with people you know well where I sense,especially amongst young people a reflex,even a need, to disagree(I am not talking only about adolescents but rather young adults and millennials)- as if they need to do this to preserve their very identity.Needless to say this is very corrosive to Truth and prevents them from listening to Reality instead of maintaining their biases!
This being said,I have never seen a better exemplar of this “spinning” than the current impeachment debacle.But make no mistake about it- this process is going on in our courts and public institutions as a matter of course. In fact it is the default process of our society!
No wonder people are confused!
The Metaphysics of Politics-2
Three clear-cut take-away messages from the American impeachment hearings 1) The adversarial process is a completely ineffective way of ascertaining Truth!(The true Islamic scholars and Sufis denounced argumentation a long time ago!) 2-No-one is objective!(I thought Freud had made that case clearly enough 100 years ago) and 3)Reason( most of the politicians speaking are relatively smart despite common beliefs to the contrary ) is a completely inadequate means for obtaining Truth or Justice,(Sorry Aristotle,Voltaire and Rousseau lol).Bottom Line- the system has failed us once again.A new paradigm is needed..
If there is one word to summarize what is ruining our lives it is….EFFICIENCY!( We can include in that term cost-cutting as a financial form of efficiency).Efficiency,so touted by our politicians,economists and other management intelligentsia, is causing people to be more and more stressed out and overwhelmed at their workplaces.Efficiency is causing our foods to be contaminated with artificial fertilizers and pesticides and OGMs.Efficiency is causing our construction materials to be more and more contaminated with cancerogenic ingredients.And efficiency is causing us to abandon our children to commercial day-cares and our elderly to old peoples homes.Interesting that not a single Democratic candidate including the hallowed Bernie Sanders is bringing this up.That is because they are all socially conditioned by materialistic philosophies-Socialism/Marxism being just one amongst others.All of them value measurable results-another form of so-called efficiency.All of this is killing our hearts,ruining our relationships and creating a greedy,egocentric society!
American Politics in a Nutshell
Once again,the American politicians and journalists and even, may I say, intellectuals have it wrong! The intervention of foreign powers in U.S. politics is NOT the real problem.It is miniscule in impact compared to the real problem!The real problem in American democracy is the intervention of American corporations and monied lobbying groups of various sorts –not only in electoral politics but in all instances of government actions.That is what is deviating the government from truly serving the people! That is why our food is full of carcinogens as are our construction materials,that is why our air is polluted and the medical system is gouging the people and the workplace is becoming more and more stressful and dangerous(C.F. recent reports of injuries at Amazon-just one case amongst many.) Russia and Ukraine have nothing to do with that at all!
Now ,perhaps, at the time of the founders,foreign intervention(i.e. The British monarchy trying to get a foothold back in America) was the problem.Although even there one could argue,correctly I believe,that it was foreign intervention,specifically that of the French and the Germans,that allowed the American Revolution to succeed( I believe Macron proudly pointed that out to Trump lol)! Salaams,Ibrahim
An Alternative Enquiry
(credit given to the Byzantine Emperor interviewing Abu Suyan lol)
High Priest,Rabbi or Imam;” Is this man (Trump) known to have had good character before his presidency
Congressional representative: Not at all.He was elected despite his bad character-well-known to the public.
High Priest,Rabbi or Imam: Was this man known to be a man of his word who could be trusted?
C.R. Not at all. He made many promises to many people including his business associates and friends and wives that he never honored
HPRI.Was this man known to have felt bad and apologized when people were hurt by his behaviour?
C.R. Not at all.He seems to be oblivious to other peoples’ pain.
HPRI If this man proposed a business deal to a relative of yours,would you feel obliged to warn them about his past behaviour.
C.R. I definitely would
Consensus of the panel of spiritual authorities -after consulting with each other for five minutes: Then this man is not suitable to be your leader and we would encourage you to remove him from office as quickly as possible and also as a preventive measure to seriously revise your entire electoral process.
Gavel down,Judgment rendered
The Democrat Illusion Incarnated
House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearings.
Fascinating! You can see all the elements of “The Democratic Illusions”( I am tempted to call them “delusions” at this point but will abstain for fear of being accused of “horribilizing” lol).Four academics in front of us elaborating on the constitutional elements of the case It’s the
Brain Trust!- indicating what our society values most- brain power! Harvard,Standford,Yale – the whole ‘meguila’ as they say in the vernacular lol.I can’t help wondering how this would be if instead we respected spiritual wisdom and had instead a high- ranking Sufi sheikh,Orthodox Priest Hasidic Rabbi and Buddhist teacher( Dalai Lama? Golstein/ Kornfield) on the podium.I dont think it would take them long to arrive at a consensus lol
An hour or two at most!
The Supremely Foolish Court
The Supremely Foolish Court(yes,that’s the same court that stated that billionaires could spend as much money as they wanted on election campaigns because spending money is part of their constitutional right to Free Speech! I’m not joking!)meets today to consider gun control laws which are already insane in the U.S. but could potentially get even more insane.If you look carefully at the process you will understand why they are “Supremely Foolish”. They start with a set of principles designed at another period of time for another set of problems.Then they elaborate and extrapolate from those principles via their admittedly outstanding cognitive functions(the inheritors of Aristotle no doubt lol) .And from that you are supposed to arrive at Truth! The entire epistemology is wrong! But very few people,especially politicians,lawyers and journalists,can see it.We need men and women of wisdom and vision not Professor Nimbus,hypercerbral types if we ever want to have a just society.You can’t do that simply through brain power!
Global Warming h-m-m
I don’t believe in consensus scientists.They are mostly sheep-like followers.I believe in geniuses-people of vision and insight like Copernicus and Einstein and Freud.Remember that at the time of Copernicus the consensus was that the world was flat and at the time of Einstein the world was static and Newtonian and at the time of Freud all psychological problems were neurological!
So as I watch the November freezes and snowstorms across the U.S. and Canada,I say to myself “H-m-m global warming caused by human activity.Maybe not?!” Yes,I know the trope about”It’s climate not weather”. A distinction without a difference as climate is simply accumulated weather.Get enough weather changes and you have climate change.So if you are interested in the geniuses in this area ,try looking up two Scandinavians-Henrik Svensmark from Denmark and Nils-Axel Morner from Sweden.(You can also dismiss most of their critics as you would dismiss the Pharisees criticizing Jesus and the Quraish doing likewise with Mohammed saws.)
At the risk of oversimplifying their position ,these two scientists believe that it’s mostly about the sun effects on weather and not about carbon imprint.
My only question here is why Allah,who is behind all these events,may be relenting on the final destruction of the planet? What good is man doing that could engender Mercy from our Creator?! Beats me.Then again the difference between God and the consensus scientists is that I trust and submit to His wisdom whereas I am seriously skeptical of theirs!