CNN “Everyone agrees that getting kids back to school is important”. One moment……Not me! Schools are the epicenter of a transmission of an atheist,Empiricist, corrupt hedonistic,overintellectualized culture.The more we can avoid them and develop more healthy,organic educational alternatives the better off we will be! Let’s stop idealizing academia.That is the contemporary version of idol-worshiping!
Category Archives: Modern Living
Science? Oy,vey!
Call to Action:Part Two
Call to Action: Part Two
The Beginnings of a Solution
Pre-education: As I began to reflect on the problems of contemporary education, I realized that there is an important prior step. Since all of our children are exposed to an incredible number and amount of toxins(It is actually a miracle that there are any normal children out there!) the first step in our process should probably be an education of parents about how to minimize exposures to them and to their children. This is no easy matter with no perfect solutions of a completely toxic-free environment. The scientists find these toxins in the Arctic far away from civilization and glyphosate (Round-up) in the rainwater as well so we are in a perilous situation-no doubt.
There, however, things we can do- like filtering our water, hard-wiring our computers with cable rather than wi-fi, keeping our cellular phones away from our brains and eating organic foods whenever possible. Many progressive,”enlightened” people I know do not do even these simple maneuvers. They prefer to listen to the block-head scientific types who tell them our water is safe(true if you are living in Pasteurian times where the only danger was bacteria!) or that cell[phones and their EMFs are not really dangerous. Many educated people I know still believe tap-water is fine and organic doesn’t make a difference as the pesticides in the other foods are only ‘residues” and thus cannot harm us. So, we first need some education for ourselves. And we will attempt to do that-for those who are prepared to join us and commit to this adventure! There is a lot of material out there so we will have to work at sorting out what is useful and do-able.
Education: So much attention has been given to this matter and so much confusion has been generated that I don’t know where to start lol. Let us begin with one of my favourite terms these days –Epistemology (the science of knowledge) i.e. how do we get to the Truth and how do we recognize it once we get there. The current consensus zeitgeist(from Latin to German you can see that our approach represents a vast umbrella lol!) is that you get to knowledge and Truth by gathering data and logically analyzing that data. That is called Empiricism. Is that true however?! No-one bothers to question it -or at least very few do. It is an article of faith-“scientific theology” or “scientism” you could call it. Is that working? Is it creating healthy, satisfied, self-realized people -or the contrary?! They have been using this model since the 18th Century(The Age Of Enlightenment or Age of Rationality they call it), so they have had plenty of time to draw their conclusions!!I will let you answer that one lol. Just like the term “evidence-based medicine” there is no evidence for it! Yet, they continue to apply it as if it were a Law of the Universe. As the Quran, the holy book of the Muslims, states about certain people ‘They are deaf, dumb and blind” lol but they maintain their convictions nevertheless.
If you need a concrete situation to understand this hypothesis, just look at the management of the current pandemic. The people who like Antony Fauci are wedded to this Empirical scientific model have been consistently wrong! They say the virus occurred naturally while the evidence by this stage is overwhelming that this is a genetically-modified virus! They said that masks are not useful and then changed their minds(two million Asians can’t be wrong lol) and they said hydroxychloroquine is useless and dangerous and then the article in Lancet that proved their contention proved to be bogus and had to be retracted. Just saying … There is much, much more of this.
So the epistemology of the Empiricists and their double-blind, placebo-controlled multi-centered, multi-million dollar studies published in peer-reviewed journals turns out to be dysfunctional and largely useless if not outrightly dangerous. Listening to one of our “genius doctors” like Didier Raoult and Chris Martensen turns out to be far more useful in ascertaining the truth of the situation. In fact “anecdotal evidence” that the scientific community is so contemptuous of, turns out often to be more useful than those systematic, rigorous scientific studies!
But let’s get back to our children! Do we really want to produce another generation of Professor Nimbus types with huge brains and no hearts?! Because that is what our schools are doing. They train the “mind” the logic, the mathematical and verbal skills whilst ignoring the hearts and souls of our children. That is NOT what I want for my grandchildren nor is it what you want, I presume.
The kind of schooling I am proposing would train the hearts and the souls of our children. It would teach empathy and compassion and the subtle realities of our spirit. We would use techniques from all the spiritual traditions to help our children subtilize their perceptions and care about the other children and their environment including the natural environment.
At this point, I see four essential components of this education:
- the practical domain: I believe an educational process should teach students basic life skills-like how to shop for and prepare food, how to build things, how to fix basic things around the house and basic car mechanics, how to organize their paperwork and thus make our accounting and income tax reports easier for us. All of this is ignored in our current educational system which always gives the priority to theoretical abstractions like intermediate algebra over practical matters like what to do when your car won’t start lol!
- The moral, ethical component. One of my perceptive daughters who attended the Rudolf Steiner school once said: ”Daddy, there’s only one subject at Steiner schools- “art” lol I later added: ”There’s only one subject at Islamic schools-“morality /good behaviour”( more about these different school systems at a later date )Needless to say “morality/good behaviour” is a necessary component of education. But it is not sufficient. We want open-minded, open-hearted, alive children not robotic “goodie-two-shoes” types!
- The heart/psychology: This component needs to educate children in empathy, compassion and even understanding psychopathology(we all have some of that lol).Spiritual and religious people are often anti-psychology and that is unfortunately narrow-minded and limiting. Just because Freud was an atheist doesn’t mean he didn’t contribute enormously to our understanding of the human psyche( I personally use his insights profitably on a regular basis).The 20th century took some enormous strides in understanding empathy( something seriously lacking in many of the Muslim communities I have participated in) and we should learn to benefit from it. Despite all the limitations of their tradition(see the chapter ”Unpacking Buddhism” in my last book: “Understanding Life” the Buddhists have ridden the slogan of compassion to become one of the most acceptable traditions in Western society. So empathy, compassion and understanding, with their natural consequences of patience and acceptance and tolerance, are fundamental to this approach.
- The Spiritual Component: This is likely to be the most difficult to define but also absolutely vital to the development of our children. Meditation, prayer, contemplation, solitude (ever hear about that in a school lol?!)- all of these are part of it. The ultimate goal is to put ourselves in contact with what the Sufis call the “sir”-the inner secret of our Being. More on that later.
- C) The Venue: This is a biggie! I think a mortar and brick school is the wrong venue! ( even if it is adobe rather than brick lol). Now, I am not of the opinion, like some other thinkers, that our current schooling system was intentionally designed, by some clever, manipulative businessmen and government officials, just to serve the needs of industry. I would consider that to be a conspiracy theory. There are multiple layers of ignorance involved in the establishment of current schooling institutions. nancial manipulation is just one of them lol.
Nevertheless, the resemblance .in actuality, between what we now see as schools and what are now factories cannot be ignored! Not because the schools were designed by the builders of factories but because both of these institutions are dehumanizing ,overly-controlling and life-inhibiting. This has to change if we are to preserve our humanity!
So what am I proposing?! We need something more natural, more organic-something more akin to human nature. So what I would see being developed is a form of “collective home-schooling”. Remember Hilary Clinton and “it takes a village”. Regardless of what you think of her, and my opinion is no more glorious than yours lol, she was right!
And what does this look like? Let’s say there are four families working together(yes, this will require some proximity, some sense of community) ,the children will know the other children and will know their parents .So if some mothers (and fathers) need to go to work, their children will be taken care of by other parents, not by day-care professionals! . This arrangement would be on a rotating basis so that let’s say every four days one or two or three of the parents would be responsible for watching over and possibly teaching the children. Obviously, there would be lots of details and logistics to work out, but that is the basic model. It avoids the delegation of child-care and children’s education to professionals and institutions and thereby protects our children’s hearts and avoids the trauma of separations every Monday morning- to the prisons of schools and organized daycares.
Have I gotten your attention? Are you interested in this kind of project? At this point, we need to work with people who would be committed to such a project and willing to restructure their lives accordingly. If you are “in” just let me know.
”And zo ve may to begin” Salaams, Sufi Ibrahim
Call to Action:Alternative Education
A Call to Action: Alternative Education
Part One: The Problem
I feel sad and worried for the current generation of children and you should too. Especially if you are a parent of a young child or are hoping to have children! Not only are we seeing an epidemic of Autism, hyperactivity and childhood behavioural disorders but the scientific research is more and more indicating what is actually responsible for this epidemic!
Tracey Woodruff, Phd. In the Department of Reproductive Sciences at UCSF makes the following statement “Our findings have found that many chemicals do indeed accumulate in the fetal environment and are absorbed at greater levels by fetuses than by the pregnant women themselves! This may have significant consequences for the fetus(notice the careful language. It’s more like “undoubtedly have significant consequences” as we can see it all around us!)Many of these chemicals are known to affect development(and to be cancerogenic and neurotoxic at the same time.)”A few worrisome candidates for the role of “childhood destroyers”-polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),organochlorine pesticides(OCPs),polybrominated diphenyl ethers(PBDEs) , perfluorinated compounds(PFCs) mercury and lead. Many of these have been detected in the U.S. in 99% of U.S. pregnant women-according to the NHANES(National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of the CDC) data!
”Contrary to previous research” Woodruff writes: ”we found evidence that several PCBs and OCPs were often higher in umbilical cord samples than in maternal blood samples! And you thought McDonald’s was bad for your children lol. This is the legacy we are leaving for our children! They emerge toxic from the womb! And our governments are asleep at the wheel. If you think they are underperforming with the pandemic, their approach to these problems, which are somewhat more subtle, is way worse! Please notice here that these studies are not even attempting to factor in the toxic effects of EMFs(cellphones and Wifi and G4 and G5) nor the problematic issue of vaccine injuries and the immunological problems due to multiple assaults on the immune system caused by over- vaccination. Not only are we not out of the woods but the woods are getting denser by the moment!
Now on top of all this, we add in a schooling system that is completely out of sync with real children’s needs and hearts and you have a recipe for disaster-a disaster we can see all around us. Especially in the public schools-although private schools are barely any better! If someone had designed a system of education in order to make children stressed, miserable and out of touch with their true nature(‘fitra’ we call that in Sufism) they could not have done a better job! Keeping young children-especially boys- penned into their seats in a classroom, formulating academic goals and standardized testing are all formulas for generating misery! Then we hire teachers who are often more interested in having a dependable career than in taking care of children, professionalizing what should be one of the ultimate human activities-sharing the knowledge we have gained in our lifetimes. Add to that having academic researchers designing curriculums in the boardrooms of the Ministries of our governments. All of this should be anathema to real educators and human beings. But we have come to accept this as normal!
In addition to this toxic brew, there is an orientation, still after all these years of contrary research like that of Howard Gardiner and Daniel Goleman, to training the mind alone. Mathematical and verbal skills, period. There is no training of the heart, of the soul, of empathy and compassion. And there are almost NO practical skills transmitted. That is the state of the education nation.
It is not only Western thinkers like Rudolf Steiner and John Taylor Gatto and Howard Gardiner (father of multiple intelligences) that realize how wrong this is. One of the great Islamic scholars of our times Habib Ahmad Mahshur al-Haddad r.a. made the following statement with regards to education in the Islamic world. ”The beginning of the decline of the Islamic world started with the elimination of the teacher-student relationship in the Islamic world and its replacement by institutions and the professionalizing of the teaching profession. This is now a Universal problem!
As our politicians, including the “good ones” like Bernie Sanders harp on about the need for everyone to get higher education in order to be fulfilled in life, we have to seriously wonder “what they are smoking” lol The entire Epistemological (excuse the Greek lol) enterprise is flawed at its core. The idea behind it all is that Truth can only be known from the outside-via facts(“data-driven” they call it) and the logical, systematic analysis of these facts(“data- crunching”).That is what they believe to be the royal road to Truth and that is what governments try to use to come to the right decisions. In the philosophical world this is known as Empiricism or Scientific Materialism or “The Age of Enlightenment”. And it is fundamentally wrong-corrupt to the core.
So if you find that our governments are confused and the Truth of what is going on escapes them on a regular basis,it is not simply about greed as most intellectuals believe. It is also about ignorance-the ignorance of Philosophical Materialism. And that is precisely what our schools are trying to transmit to our children. No wonder they are unhappy. Because it’s the inner that is primordial! That is what determines our well-being, not the outer. And that is why the Prophet of Islam saws prayed for ‘afiya’(well-being) not for more wealth and more data lol.I will leave it here for now. The second part will address the beginnings of solutions-what we can do about this sad state of affairs inshallah.
Modern Life and Its metaphysics
Modern Education-Oy!
I hate modern educational institutions! I don’t understand why people idealize them either(yes,you often need a degree to get a good job!).But really?! If someone wanted to intentionally create a context to generate stress and misery in young people,they couldn’t have done a better job! The successful students become like robots and the failed ones develop depression or worse still,turn to criminality.What a tragedy to inflict on young folk!
Two kinds of people!
A little lightness for the dark period of the Corona Virus lol.I have concluded from a long process of analysis and observation that I can summarize the DSM-5 Diagnostic Manual into two simple categories- Crazy People and Rational People!
Now, the crazy people are usually quite obvious,although at times their craziness can be somewhat hidden-but not to the astute observer.They are somewhat different from the “normals”. But they are also open-minded,sensitive and insightful in the way that the Rationalists are not! For example,when I worked at the local Psychiatric Hospital,the psychotic patients invariably “got” that I was Muslim! The social workers and other professionals would often ask if I was a Rabbi or an Orthodox priest but the patients almost invariably got it right.Remember the famous Stanford study about the fake patients?! The other patients were the most observant of their “fakeness” ,the nurses next and the doctors last!
The second category is the “Rational People” Ya right.They are inevitably hiding serious amounts of craziness of all sorts when you get to know them! They have emotional outbursts,fixed ideas and inappropriate behavioural reflexes.Both Freud ,especially, and Jung as well,underlined this phenomenon but people don’t seem to have paid much attention.They still believe in the Rationality of these people.The “rational people” besides hiding a considerable amount of craziness are also closed-minded,ideological and rigid.”No inbox” as I like to say.Or a very limited one at best.And they can stick to their wrong-minded positions for decades as I have discovered in the last few years as I reconnect with some of them I knew well in the past after a 40 year hiatus!
You can probably guess by now that I prefer the Crazy Ones lol.They are definitely more open and hear the Truth better than most. When I would visit Sheikh Nazim in London to do practices with our Sufi group he would often greet me by saying”Dr. Ibrahim.Welcome to our asylum.We are so happy to have a psychiatrist with us”.I thought he was kidding.But after many years I realized he was serious.It takes a certain amount of “craziness” to embark on the spiritual path seriously.And that’s the type of craziness I have come to love.Have a serene Corona Virus outbreak! Salaams,Ibrahim
Making Corona Virus Work for Us
Thinking about how we can make this corona virus work for us rather than against us.It could potentially shift our lifestyle! Whatever happened to “Small is Beautiful” by Schumacher?We don’t hear about it much as the multinationals do their best to poison our minds with their self-interested propaganda.Consider the following manouvres of “social distancing”
:have your clothes made by a tailor or seamstress instead of buying mass-produced cheapos from China(I already do that for my shirts,pants and vests!) We could employ many,many people on a small-scale in that effort
:buy your furniture from a proper cabinet-maker instead of buying that junk from Ikea
:buy your food(vegetables,milk,meat and eggs)from small-scale local farmers especially those who refuse to use pesticides and GMOs.Boycott the large agro-businesses as much as possible
: close the schools permanently and bring back the absolutely best form of education-The Master/Apprentice relationship( my best educational experiences were in psychiatry with a very small group(sometimes a group of one) and an experienced practitioner.I then went on to do the same as a teacher
;Socialize in very small groups no more than 4 or 5.the discussions tend to be much deeper than when you are in a “party” scene
:return to handicraft production whenever possible including making pottery for dishes and bowls and cups and even homes can be built that way by small groups instead of using massive construction equipment.
The possibilities are endless if you start thinking about it.
Small intentional communities would be a perfect place to apply some of these ideas.I know this will involve an incredible shift but actually it’s the only way we are going to survive!Otherwise the multi-nationals, with the complicity of our governments will, manipulatively and ignorantly, inevitably destroy life on the planet.
Why Experience is Not Enough
Why Experience is Not Enough
I left the New Age movement over 40 years ago-for numerous reasons that I cannot expand upon fully on this occasion. But one of the reasons was a whole host of beliefs, the New Age credo if you like. In this article, I will address one of those fundamental beliefs and the reasons it is wrong. That belief is the following:” That the only thing we can really trust on the spiritual path is our own, individual experience.” That is a deeply flawed conviction and here is why.
1)We need the experience of others- specifically those of the Prophets, saints and real masters. How could we practice Islam and even Sufism without the experience of Mohammed saws? Without the Quran, which he transmitted for us, and without his hadith and dua we would be nowhere. How can one practice Christianity without the New Testament and the Old Testament and the sayings of Jesus a.s. The monks and ascetics and mystics of Christianity would have no basis for their practice without that.The same, of course, is true for Judaism and Buddhism and Vedantic Hinduism.
Do New Age people really believe that they can have the experience of the Quran being revealed to them personally or of being crucified as the Christians believe happened to Jesus?! Anyone trying to climb Mount Sinai for a second edition of the Tablets lol?I hope not or we may be more in the domain of psychosis than that of false beliefs lol. As individuals, we cannot possibly have all the experiences needed to follow a complete spiritual path. Therefore it is necessary, first of all, that we take account of the experience of other people who are higher in spiritual status than we will ever be!
2) Experience is subject to misinterpretation.
One of the most common misinterpretations is to confuse Phenomenology (personal experience) with Ontology(Actual Existence).Sorry for the Latin words but they do circumscribe the problem better than anything I could find in English or French lol.
In Sufi history we have the iconic story of Mansur al-Hallaj running around the marketplace of Baghdad shouting; ”I am the Truth”. Despite the exhortations of his master Junayd al-Baghdadi, he kept insisting until the governor of the state ordered his execution. In Sufi terms, we would say he was experiencing a ‘hal’.When we do so we are often best advised to remain silent! In the contemporary Western World we have the al-Hallaj equivalents in the neo-Advaita Vedantists preaching unicity “non-dual reality” to their followers. ”There is Only One Reality” they claim. All of this world and all of its creatures and inhabitants are illusions. Robert Adams, a student of Ramana Maharshi and one of the most articulate exponents of this theology puts it this way: ”Principle Number One: The realization that everything you see, the universe, people, worms, insects, the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, your body, your mind, everything that appears is a manifestation of your mind”. I don’t believe he is making this up. It is clearly an experience. But it is fundamentally wrong! The Creation, too, is real1 It does not have the quality of independent Existence as it comes from a series of causes(asbab) of which the Original Causer is Allah (God). But it is Real nevertheless! And, intuitively, we all know that. Thinking it is not so can lead to all kinds of misjudgments and misbehaviours as we will highlight shortly.
Another common misinterpretation, especially in the Indian religions, is that if you have the experience of God (Nirvana if you wish) then you are God and then everything you do after that is perfect! We can only begin to imagine the corruption that can come from such a misinterpretation of experience. I like to tell the iconic story of a Sufi friend of mine (a true story btw!) who bought a used car from a follower of a well-known guru in upstate New York. Yes, the stories of used car salesmen are a stereotype going back to the famous cartoon of Richard Nixon with his “six-o’clock shadow beard saying:” Would you buy a used car from this man? ”Many commentators believe he lost the election because of that cartoon!
My story here involves, however, two relatively poor spiritual aspirants-one a Sufi and the other a follower of Shaiva Hinduism. The Hindu follower when confronted with all the defects in his used car said: ”But brother, the God in me sold the God in you this car. How could there be anything wrong with this deal?!” Really!
Now, admittedly the excuses are not always as lame as that. But how about the spiritual teacher sleeping with one of his female students saying that he is transmitting Grace to her or that it is a Tantric practice. Or that this is a means for her spiritual evolution. Yes,I have seen it all-not literally “in the flesh” so to speak lol but through credible witnesses. And then there is the always the very popular Buddhist group who being confronted with the misbehaviour of their teacher called it” Crazy Wisdom”?! Not crazy, corrupt and immoral I would say. Much of these kinds of behaviour come from misinterpretation of spiritual experience. Almost all these teachers have had some serious experience of the Divine. All of them misinterpreted it!
3) The spiritual path requires both Faith (Iman) and Trust in God (Tawakkul). Both of those are feelings -subtle ones- in the heart. But they are not experiences. You don’t have visions of Faith and Trust! You feel them. They come from good actions and Grace. They don’t come from proper meditation techniques or Yoga exercises.
4) The need for a Multi-Dimensional approach. I like to use the analogy of a competent judge -using all the information available in order to apprehend reality. I noticed in my practice, that in a counterintuitive manner, judges were more able to apprehend the comprehensive reality that was before them when patients were arguing for their insurance rights. Strangely the judges “got it” better than the specialist doctors. Why was that? Because the specialists were stuck in their so-called “scientific paradigm”. The only source of Truth for them was the peer-review journals and the scientific conferences they attended most of whose content issued from those journals. The judges however were able to listen to the witnesses, consider their “subjective” reports and even assess their honesty. They regularly understood the medical aspects better than the doctors.
One brief anecdote here that may be instructive. I had a client many years ago that was off work for a Major Depression(all too common in the modern world).The employer argued that my client was malingering and they had hired private detectives to follow him and film his daily activities(Yes, this is happening on a regular basis in our societies!).The medical specialists argued to the judge that psychiatric science proves that a person with A Major Depression cannot be so active. The judge looked at me and said “What do you say to that,Dr.Kreps?”I looked her straight in the eyes and said:”Mde. Judge. I worked for a while in a Day Hospital with Chronic Schizophrenics. Many of them were just as active if not more so than my client!” Thank you Doctor” she responded. She got it! I knew at that moment we had won the case! And we did!
Admittedly, the spiritual quest is different from psychiatry. But the principle remains the same:” We need a multi-modal approach-not just personal experience. This multi-modal approach should include the following.
: The teaching of the Prophets and masters
:The use of our reason and logic(something I usually don’t like to emphasize because our educational system is so focused on this one element) This can include the study of the history of our religion and its mystical dimensions and that of others so that we can generate the necessary conclusion
: The use of our intuition and our moral sense(conscience) and developing discernment
: the lucid thinking of others
: ‘ayat’-signs on the ground ( banal example .If every-time your teacher comes to town or you go to visit him the weather is horrible, beware(Yes, I have experienced that too .Inevitably a bad sign!)
: feelings in the heart(see my article on Istikhara for further elucidation)
: being aware of the constant receiving of spiritual transmissions– positive and negative- in our environment
I hope my point is clear by now. ”Experience” is not enough. We need to aim to be Insan al Kamil-the Complete Human Being- not just a sensation-seeking experiencer. Hope that is helpful, Joel Ibrahim Kreps
P.S. I have concluded that generally the safest and most effective way to advance spiritually is to join a well-established tradition(Obviously my preference is for Sufi tariqats) with a legitimate, non-corrupt, alive, contemporary master and follow it to the best of your abilities. The rest is in the hands of God and if you do not see results on this side you will see them in the after-life.