A teaching moment:Personal “Mise au Point”(hard to translate but let’s say point of personal clarification).Sheikh Abdul Haqq during a dhikr/shiva meeting says to one of his students.”This is Dr. Ibrahim He produces books”.Somehow that didn’t sit well with me and later that night I messaged him the following”Asalamu aleykum Abdul Haqq. Since you are the servant of Haqq(Truth),Minor correction.You said to the brother” This is Dr. Ibrahim. He produces books” Not quite right . More accurate would have been”This is Dr. Ibrahim. He looks for truth wherever he can find it. Then he expresses his discoveries in books”( or other communications like the blog and Youtube videos) No hard feelings. I just like to be accurate. Producing books is not my goal. Spreading genuine knowledge is! “Salaams, Ibrahim
This was very helpful to me.I could feel the ‘ring of Truth’ in it.Abdul Haqq was gracious and humble,as usual,in acknowledging the Reality..Alhumdulillah.
Category Archives: Metaphysics
Struggling with the Inner “Kvetch”
More than ten years ago now,I was doing a summer intensive in Arabic in Jordan. As a student, I was sharing space with three other students and a load of ugly Ikea furniture- obviously bought by the landlord to minimize his expenses lol. One of the students that I got quite close to over time was a young Palestinian with a huge chip on his shoulders because of the horrible conditions his family had to endure being displaced by the Israels..I understood well where his acrimony came from but like many people having suffered trauma ,the problem became generalized and expanded so that it was no longer the Zionist state but all Jews and a world-wide Zionist conspiracy and the CIA etc,etc. I am sure most readers are aware of what I am referring to-the conspiratorial mind-set.
One day we were having a conversation about religion in general and I said that each religious community had, as well as the general truths about man and God, a particular strength.Given his mindset he became confused (possibly angry) and said”And what is the particular strength of the Jews?”,being incredulous that they could actually have positive qualities. As often in these confrontations, when faced with a surprising but deep question,I stop for a moment.Not my usual nature lol.And the answer then came to me:’Humanity” I responded ,not really knowing where that answer came from.In fact it was one of those moments of inspiration,where I was surprised, myself, by the answer.I had never formulated it that way before. I,too,had to think about it.
Besides the obvious fact of Jews excelling in the humanities,arts and science and medicine actually this current is present in the language, Yiddish,itself .Like many people in modern times,I have been in reaction to my parents values and culture for a long time-and with good reason lol.But recently I have come to appreciate some of the wisdom they transmitted to me.And most of it was not really personal but cultural.Much of it is embedded in the language of Yiddish.
And so we come to the word “kvetch”! Now,most Americans living in big cities or regularly watching cable news have come into contact with this word on numerous occasions.This is not the case for recent immigrants,their children and people living in the mid-West or small-town America.Nevertheless it is a very useful word.
“Kvetch “is an onomatopoeia-that is it sounds like what it means.So is”chialeux” in French.The English word ‘complain’ does not have the same force.And in Arabic I had to look up the word in the dictionary as it is not used that often.(In all fairness,I only know some classical Arabic and cannot speak the language of the street so maybe the word for complaining is present).I prefer to think that the Arabs, to their credit, are not a complaining culture! It has seemed to me that way in my interactions with them but perhaps someone with more experience could correct me if I am wrong.Certainly the French-Canadians that I know well like to use the word and walk the walk of “chialer” regularly lol.They are almost at the “kvetch” level culturally.
So,why is this important? Because kvetching can easily become a problem-socially and individually.It implies a focus on the negative-a focus that is often unhelpful and unhealthy.It can easily lead to negativism,cynicism and ultimately even depression! So we have to manage this behaviour, not enable it.
Now moving briefly from the field of sociology to the field of psychology,Aaron Beck,founder of the school of Cognitive Therapy identified the triad of depressive ideations.It involves 1) a negative expectation for future events(“this project is not going to work”);a negative evaluation of current events(“this concert stinks”or”this person is a pain in the butt”) and 3) a negative assessment of oneself(“I’m a failure”,I’m a loser”,”I’m no good at anything”)The CBT therapists work at trying to correct these cognitive distortions.And work it is!
Now when I investigate myself ,and this is what we,all,must do if we wish to advance,i am alright I believe, in the first and third categories,some would probably say overly optimistic lol.But the second one(evaluating current situations) is problematic.Although I often positively envision what will occur in the future when I am an the situation itself,I have a strong tendency to see what is wrong(“this espresso has no crema”,”that person has no luminosity in their face”,”the weather here is too hot’) when actually in situ.The examples are endless.”Kvetching” sticks to me like cultural superglue!
Here is where we come to the spiritual point and a very,very important point at that.Feeling and expressing ‘gratitude”(shukr in Arabic) .It’s a biggie.The Islamic tradition puts a very high value on its development.But in order to do that properly ,one has to see the positive,feel it,hear it.Not easy in a “kvetchy” mind-set.Sometimes we may even need help.The help can come in the form of a spiritual teacher or a worldly teacher or a partner.Some people,for whatever reason, seem to do this easily.Others ,and they can be essentially good and principled people,have a really hard time.They need models.
A point of clarification here.I am not advocating “pie in the sky”, “seeing the world through rose-colored lenses” kind of approaches.Even the Cognitive therapists know that will not work. The positivity has to be based on reality.And it has to be complemented with an appropriate discerning eye.So we are back to the Islamic principle of”amr bil maroof and nehi al munkar”(enjoining the good and preventing evil) or more specifically in this context identifying the good and expressing it when appropriate and underlining the bad and discouraging it,when appropriate.All of this,of course,requires wisdom and discernment in its application.God be with you.Salaams,Ibrahim
The “Logos”
This posting comes from a response to a T.V. episode of” Young Sheldon” where Sheldon confronts the preacher with his version of the Greek word “logos’ lol
Actually Sheldon is wrong! “Logos” as used by the Greeks meant “reason” more than knowledge i.e. according to them the means of obtaining knowledge-a dubious prospect at best as those who have read my writings are well aware. What is more important than what the Greek word is ,is the original Hebrew or Aramaic word that was used.Unfortunately for Christianity, and for us as well,we have no idea what that word is or even might be.Perhaps some Biblical or linguistic scholars may hazard a guess.Touché Sheldon.You often get it wrong because you are hoodwinked by Scientism’s aberrant theology lol
One spiritual group that uses and overuses the concept of “logos” are the Perennialists affectionately known as Schuonians by people who are obliged to deal with them.They ,too,like the Greeks believe that we can understand the Universe and especially its different religions through the ultimate tool of reason.In that attempt, they fail miserably leading to numerous falsehoods and heretical beliefs.Ultimately this Absolutist belief in reason is a form of human arrogance which regularly leads to misguidance!
Christianity unpacked
There are times when I enjoy listening to Christian preachers on the television. The sincere Christians have’taqwa’(God-consciousness)What they don’t have is Shariah(an understanding of Divine Law). Historically that is because Paul introduced ( probably with the good intention of making Christianity acceptable to the pagan Roman and Greeks) a deviation into the religion by declaring that it was enough to Love Jesus. It is certainly a good thing to love Prophets and saints. But it is not enough! One needs to follow the rules laId down in Sacred Law. That is your Comparative Religion course for Xmas day lol. Btw Christmas was not celebrated by the early Christians until it was decreed by the Bishop of Rome in 354 AD.It was throughout history seen as a secular festival and was frequently banned by the Church itself for being too licentious!In Scotland it was banned for 250 years until 1953!(reference Judith Flanders “ A biography of Xmas”)
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence: Ever had the experience of spinning your wheels trying to get something done on a website?It can be as simple as an address change or a request for information. Then you reach a person, admittedly after a substantial wait -no fault of your own-and the person at the other end of the line after a few annoying and mostly unnecessary security questions, resolved your problem in short order. Does that say anything to you about the infamous A. I. that will soon be taking over the world if it hasn’t already?! It’s s disaster! But who relies on experience and empirical evidence when they can rely on concepts and “tendences” as the French call it. The difference between concept and reality is THE most important factor of disturbance in the world. And nobody seems to be getting it!
The Concrete and the Subtle
The most common mistake people make in managing their lives is that they get stuck on the material plane. Whether it is about money, or the qualities of their houses and cars or even about personal health, it is all in some way part of the illusion that what is important is what is concrete. A powerful illusion, indeed!
Whenever the locals in my region of Quebec give me greetings on New Year saying” I wish you good health.!Health is the most important thing , if I feel they can handle it I respond”If health is the most important variable , we are all scr—-d, since we are all condemned to bad health and death at the end of the process.” No, health as vital as it may be, is not the end goal. In fact, God often tests people with bad health. What really counts is our relationship with Him, not our relationship with our body.But health and longevity has become a new form of idolatry in obvious opposition to the inevitable experience of deteriorating health with age. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It just means it shouldn’t become our religion!
Testing and Learning
Don’t be fooled by outer appearances into thinking things should not have happened that way.You will not only be tested, as Allah promises in the Quran. But this testing will be targeted , specific and evolutive. That is , it will teach you something you could not learn otherwise! Reflect on it. Salaams, Ibrahim
Theory vs. Reality
The biggest problem in the modern world,besides a wrong conception about our relationship to our Creator-a whole other subject, is that we are taught to put theory before Reality.And we can see that on every level of societal actions -in politics,in the legal system and even in Science which has become more like theology than about the experimental methodology from which it began..
Shaytan , anyone?
In the modern world , the use of the term ‘devil’ or ‘Satan’ or ‘Iblis’ is seen as a sign of fanaticism and backwardness . I shared that point of view when I first entered Islam. Although I recognize that there are certain evangelical sects of Christianity that overuse and even abuse the term, I have come to see over time that the forces of evil in the world are real, and I can often see them in action all around me. So when Sheikh Nazim said to us over 30 years ago that Shaytan (Satan)now has hegemony in the world, I now see what he meant. Here is ImamGhazzali talking about the same phenomenon hundreds of years ago.
This is Sheikh Hamza Yusuf quoting Imam Ghazzali speaking to the ‘debaters’,the ‘reflex disagreers’ “If you are not fighting shaytan and he has your heart, he has occupied your heart and he’s the worst enemy you have and he’s calling you to your own destruction and you are preoccupied with debating other people and your own heart is in peril… then you are a joke to shaytan and a wondrous lesson to the people of sincerity” So please beware. The time of the flower-children is over!
The Chain of Causation!
Ok. Here it is!
Everything comes from God.He is the Original Cause,the Real Cause of everything.It comes from His Will but also from His Wisdom and Beneficence.
All the causes that we identify and that science is preoccupied by are “intermediary causes” i.e. they are not the real causes.They are being used by the Creator to accomplish his purpose.So if He has ordered,from His Wisdom,a tsunami to occur in a certain area He will use the shifting tectonic plates as his means of accomplishing that.If He has ordered a certain psychological suffering for you,for whatever reason,he will use your predispositions,whether genetic or biological or environmental;whether anxiety,depression or psychosis, to implement that suffering.
All of the” musibah
(difficulties,sufferings) are purposeful! They are tests but they are not random,accidental tests.They are specifically designed to teach you something, to change something in your thinking or your behaviour or both.Seeking the meaning,therefore,of these tests, through contemplation, is one of the most rewarding and transforming of spiritual practices.
“And zo ve may to begin”.Alah be with you!
PS Please note that the Will of God is not like our will. Our will is based on desire and thinking. His Will is based on Real Knowledge and Wisdom. What a difference!