Category Archives: Holistic Medicine
Epistemology-Based Medicine
Epistemology-based Medicine:
A Superior Formula to “Evidence-based” Medicine.
Everywhere one goes in the field of medicine, and in science in general, we find the term “evidence-based”. They are even trying to use the term in politics and business. And mostly, if it isn’t an outright lie, it’s almost invariably a manipulation. For one thing it is a theory that has never been tested-a kind of medical catechism! For those who say it’s too difficult to test, that too is a lie.
Here is the simple protocol in my own field of psychiatry. Take one group, the experimental group and require that all the physicians justify each decision on the basis of a published article in the peer-reviewed literature-especially the prestigious ones like The American Journal of Psychiatry or The Annals of Psychiatry or the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry or the British Journal of Psychiatry (plenty to choose from lol).Then have the control group use just what they already know, their previous clinical experience and their clinical judgment. Then compare the results in a relatively simple diagnosis- like Major Depression where the rating scales are both valid and reliable.
But, just like the vaccine-mandate issue, which took more than 30 years to study! in the obvious format(anti-vaxxers vs. full CDC protocol vaxxers) no one wants to do this simple design study. They are afraid of the results! Personally, I would predict that the results would be more or less equivalent. But it is also quite possible that the docs using the evidence-based approach would do less well because of the rigidity implied by the model. That would destroy the entire church of “evidence-based science”! And no-one wants that-least of all the McGill University “expert” who completely lost it on me when I dared suggested this model. So much for objective science lol.
I first came in contact with this problem in the 1980’s when I was asked to teach a course on psychiatric research to the McGill Psychiatry residents. I came across a brilliant researcher who had reviewed the previous 10 years of psychiatric literature. What he did was study the career trajectory and theoretical biases of the lead authors (biological psychiatry, pharmacologically oriented, psychoanalytic and CBT mostly). Without reading the article he came to a conclusion about the authors’ preferred therapeutic approach. Not one of the published articles came to a conclusion contrary to what the bias of the lead author was expected to be! So much for objective science! And I am sure this is true in many other areas of medicine and science as well! Som what like asking a Democrat whether he would prefer Trump or Biden in the next election lol
In fact, there are many, many serious problems with this “evidence-based” approach. One of them was highlighted by a well-known researcher in ADHD who presented at the Canadian Psychiatric Conference ( I will protect her anonymity for now as we have to protect these brave, outspoken members of our medical community!). She stated clearly and courageously: ”Give me a break with evidence-based medicine! We will never have enough well-done studies to cover all the myriad decisions we need to make on a daily basis in medicine” Spot on! Bingo! In fact there are not enough resources in all the research funds available in all the world to do all those studies.
Other serious problems with “evidence-based” approaches include the following:
- Ideological beliefs of the researchers
- bias due to the funding of the research. This is probably the most universally recognized issue. Yet little is actually done about it.I know that at Psychiatric Conferences there is a ritualistic practice of citing all potential conflicts of interest. Then the presenter continues as if nothing he stated about his funding had any relevance! Pure and utter hypocrisy!
3) the constant statistical bugaboos of “selection bias” (look at the benzodiazepine studies in my field- almost all designed by anti-benzo activists) and “confounding variables” (no matter how much the researchers say they control for them!)
4) the difference between the study group( especially the exclusionary criteria )and the clinical groups where doctors have to treat every patient -not just selected ones. This was a big issue in psychiatry where research clinics had their set patient groups who were regularly used to test out new drugs. Psychiatrists were complaining that these groups didn’t correspond well to their own patient populations with multiple pathologies.
The list goes on and on..
In the end, these “gold-standard” studies are much less useful than most clinicians and researches believe. In my estimation, anecdotal evidence- (so disparaged by the fundamentalist scientific mind-set) from patients and other clinicians are far more useful. But that is heresy in the medical, scientific world lol! And if there is heresy, there must be religion hiding under the layers of “objective” science!
Before we proceed to some possible solutions to this dilemma, I would like to add in another data point-another anecdote, actually a series of anecdotes.! When I was working as a full-time psychiatrist, I was called upon to be an “expert witness” for a number of my clients-mostly about salary insurance issues . I noticed something very counter-intuitive as I watched the court proceedings unfold. The judges seemed to understand what was going on with the patients much more than the “expert witnesses” who were almost all doctors! How odd?! These people had legal training but they understood more clinical reality than the people with medical training?!
I thought long and hard about that one and in a way this article is, at least in part, the fruit of that reflection. How could this be?! Then I realized that the judges were taking account of many variables that the doctors were not. They were listening to the patients and their relatives (disparagingly looked at as “subjective” by the scientific community), they were taking account of the individual reports (“anecdotal evidence” as the scientific-minded would be inclined to reflexly think)and they were listening( how unempirical- for those bound up in Scientific Materialism).And yet, they were coming to the right conclusions more often than not. And why is that? And here is the punchline! Their Epistemology was much better and more comprehensive than the docs. They were not burying their heads in the sand of “randomized controlled trials published in prestigious medical journals.” What a relief!
By this point, you are probably catching the drift of where we are going in this discussion. We need a new Epistemology in medical science. When a patient comes out of the doctor’s office and says: ”He or she didn’t get at all what I was saying” we know we need a new approach. When the management of the Covid pandemic was so dysfunctional and chaotic, we know we need a new approach. And yes, there is a financial factor in all of it but in my estimation the ignorance factor is even greater than the greed! If you can imagine that.
Before I get into what that would look like I want to share an iconic episode that occurred during my psychiatric practice. At one point I was seeing a lot of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients. We lived at the time in a cottage with an in-law extension from where I did my practice. The children were not allowed on the clinical side but one day the cat escaped to the clinic and my youngest daughter ran over to catch it in the waiting room.
When I had finished my day’s work, I went over to the other side and she asked me: ”Daddy, who was that patient?” ”You know I am not allowed to tell you that, Sara , but why do you ask?” “She looked so sick”(she meant physically). I responded: “You are totally right about that(the patient in question had a cadaveric-green-gray colour to her skin tone)-but you know what is really amazing, Sara.? Two days ago, this lady went to see her G.P. and he looked at her test results and said: ”Madame, you are in perfect health. It’s all in your mind” As if that would help?!
So Empiricism has infected the entire enterprise of medicine so that contemporary doctors are no longer use their ears and eyes skilfully.. Instead they rely on blood tests and imaging! Which leads me back to the question of Epistemology .
What is this arcane Greek term anyway?! Epistemology is the Science of Knowledge. It refers to how you go about ascertaining what is true and what is real. Modernist Epistemology disproportionately favours Empiricism, “objective data” ,huge amounts of it preferably. And it loves statistical analysis and numbers. A recent article in the Lancet(a very prestigious medical journal) about Covid and its treatment had to be retracted because the data had been falsified. This is a rare event for peer-reviewed journals -until Covid at least! But the fraudulent researchers had tempted the editors with huge numbers (over 90,000 patients I believe). It was like candy to a baby. They were salivating at the numbers involved- like prospectors seeing a vein of gold in the rocks. Unfortunately, it turned out to be fool’s gold. Like a horny adolescent boy seeing a young lady with large breasts, the temptation was too strong lol!
Ok. Let’s get serious! What is the Epistemology I am recommending- for Medicine. It has to be much more comprehensive then it now is. The randomized placebo-controlled large scale studies could be part of the mix as well as non-randomized smaller studies( as were so useful in early Covid treatment) but both would have far less importance than they do now. Clinical experience is a far better indicator of what is going on. In my case, when a new psychopharmacological agent came out on the market after using it on 10 patients or less, I had a good idea of what it could do, what it couldn’t and what the problematic side effects were. The big numbers used in studies are used in order to generate statistical significance more than anything else. After all, how many times do you need to drink water to conclude that it relieves your thirst? Or how many friends do you need to question to feel confident that Puerto Vallarta is a good place to vacation in the winter lol?
On the other hand I once had a patient who was very preoccupied about which neighborhood in Montreal was the best place to live.So hev began his research. He visited them all, read all the data about the demographics, thought about it long and hard and eventually became very anxious and totally confused. Sounds like the management of the Covid pandemic to me. Too much information and too much data leads to confusion! The economists call this “the Law of Diminishing returns” The medical scientists haven’t caught on to that one yet. They still glory in large numbers!
My own spiritual epistemology has three doors: 1) hearing, 2) seeing and
- feeling/intuition.
The Zen Buddhists have come to much the same conclusions. Yes doctors have to start being “mensch”(to use a Yiddish/German term) and stop being robots and bureaucrats applying pat formulas and algorithms.They have to learn to listen. Not to be dismissive of what patients are saying-especially if it doesn’t fit their allopathic, Aristotelian models. They have to learn to see subtleties-like the pigmentation on the skin of the aforementioned patient. In fact, if you read accounts of 19th century physicians and psychiatrists you will see that they were much better observers than doctors nowadays. They didn’t have all those lab tests and imaging studies to rely on.
And last but not least doctors have to develop their feeling functions and their intuition. With those three in place we should have a much more effective medical practice. And then we can then study, if we are still in doubt, whether that works or not lol. My bets are that both Hippocrates and Galen would be on board .And we would all be the better for it!
Salaams, the prodigal doctor, Dr. Ibrahim Kreps
Another Purpose to the Covid Pandemic!
As I watch the latest documentary on the pandemic called “Covid Revealed” done by Patrick Gentempo ,a superb producer and interviewer, a new Truth descends upon me- a new purpose for the Pandemic. I always remember the statement of the servant of Sheikh Hashimi the great Sufi r.a. of Damascus saying “fi kooli shay khairan”-(In everything is goodness)!
So what could the goodness be here?! The evil is obvious.! The deception and insensitivity and self-servingness of Antony Fauci. The sheepish echo-chamber foolishness of the public health spokesmen like Rochelle Walensky of the CDC, Sanjay Gupta of CNN, Michael Osterholm of Infectious diseases University of Minnesota and Paul Offit of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to name only a few-people we see on the news on a daily basis. Then there are the corrupt pharma companies and their captive agencies like the CDC, the FDA and the NIH(the alphabet organizations lol).And finally the crown jewel of complicitous politicians- dependent on the support of the wealthy corporations for their election campaigns and who knows what else. A perfect storm! Or should we sell a well-armoured and well-protected bureaucratic cartel! And they claim the opposition feeds on conspiracy theories. Well, they don’t need conspiracy theories! They ARE a conspiracy reality already!
But what about the good guys-people like Peter McCullough cardiologist at Baylor University in Texas and promoter of early treatment of Covid, Robert Malone co-developer of the m-RNA vaccine model, Pierre Kory Pulmonologist and codeveloper of the FLCCC Math Protocol and colleague of the other fine Intensivist Dr. Paul Marik of East Virginia Sentara Norfolk General Hospital. And last but not least ,there is Robert F. Kennedy jr. of the famous Kennedy clan fighting for our health and our Civil rights. Aren’t these the good guys?! Why are they having so much trouble?!
Well, here is what came to me today. Yes, there IS good in everything! But we have to see the deeper levels to “get it”. All of the aforementioned people are being challenged at the deepest level of their belief systems! All the doctors mentioned believe in science and medicine. It is not unfair to say that is their deepest belief! In that sense it becomes their religion! So their religion is a form of idolatry-the idolatry and idealization of science. That religion is called “scientism”-that somehow science will bring them to the deepest level of truth! False belief! But, very common nowadays. As to RFK jr, and the like their belief is in democracy and the Due Process of the Law( see my article on the American constitution!).That too is a false belief!
So what is happening here?! Any real truth-seeker has to come up against his foundational beliefs in order to advance. “La illaha illala”(There is no God(i.e. no higher reality) other than the Absolute Himself.) All of the “good guys” are up against a higher Truth! And they will sink or swim according to it.(In French they “ça passe ou ça casse”-they get it or they break1! .May Allah provide them, the good ones, with an opening! This may be their best chance yet!
Salaams, Ibrahim
Trust the “Geniuses”-not the Social Consensus, Echo-Chamber “Experts”
Disclaimer: “Genius” is probably not the most appropriate term. These are individuals who are clear-sighted and can see through the veil of social consensus. That should be the norm ,rather than the exception. But nowadays the norm is mediocrity!
So… you should trust Didier Raoult and Pierre Kory- not Fauci and Michael Osterholm or Sanjay Gupta on early treatment of Covid! You should trust Luc Montagnier and Chris Matrtenson and Peter McCullough on the origins of the virus – not the World Health organization and Peter Daszak and the Chinese Communist Party lol. You should trust Robert F. Kennedy and Brian Hooker(awesome researcher) and Paul Thomas on vaccine safety not the bureaucrats at CDC and FDA.. And my most recent update-you should trust Heinrich Svensmark and John Casey on climate change-not Al Gore and Justin Trudeau and the U.N “experts ” at IPCC! Check any and all of this out and you will see what I mean! It will change your mind forever on who and what is reliable as your information sources! Then you will want to join us at lol– where I will be waiting for you to sign up!
The Electrical Car Conundrum!
The world in its entirety is rushing headlong into massive rollouts of electrical cars! Every politician and legislator that we see in the news is on board with this! Like lemmings rushing off the cliff no-one has taken the time to study anything but the technical and energetic aspects of this beast. Above all there are no serious studies about the human health impacts of this technology! Even on Pubmed where we find much of the reliable scientific studies, there is almost nothing to be found!
Yet we already know that EMFs of other sorts are associated with blood cancers(leukemia and non-Hodgkins Lymphoma which has reached epidemic proportions and brain tumours -specifically glioblastomas and acoustic neuromas). Millions of cars and other vehicles affecting billions of people, you would think someone might want to study this! Nope! “Blind, deaf and well-spoken” lol! Those are our contemporary leaders.
On top of it , even with a minimum of research background, one can see that the studies would not be methodologically difficult. Take one of the large American HMOs like Kaiser Permanente and follow the digital medical charts for one, two and five years. Owners of electrical vehicles vs. owners of petroleum-based vehicles- controlled for the usual demographics of age, social class, race and gender.Easy-peasy1 But no-one is doing it! They don’t wat to know the answers! Just in case…We saw the same thing with vaccines. It took them 30 years to do the studies! And they are still denying the results!
Nevertheles, there are a few articles appearing in intelligent publications like Forbes Magazine and Scientific American! Here they are:
These articles are mostly addressing the issues of the minerals required to build the batteries which are in limited supply and the environmental effects of generating the incredible amount of electricity required to charge theses cars! Those are relevant issues. But the elephant in the room is once again left unexplored! And that elephant is “Dirty Electricity”-the most toxic form of electro-pollution as far as I can make out!
Now the electrical car is the portrait child of dirty electricity! Summarized briefly, dirty electricity is generated every time you convert, invert and upgrade electrical power from one modality to another. So when you convert the AC electricity of the charging station into the DC electricity of the battery, that is the prototype of Dirty Electricity generation. And if you measure it at the source, it often blows the meter! The charging phase is notorious for this generation. You can even find it on Youtube if you wish. What they don’t tell you on Youtube is that dirty electricity at the charging point goes right back into your electrical box when you are charging at home! And then proceeds to spread throughout the home! Dirty Electricity, you see, cannot be easily shielded like normal EMFS. And it doesn’t go down logarithmically with distance- as do the other three forms of electro-pollution. So the dirty electricity goes right back into your baby’s room largely undiminished!
Btw I just confirmed this hypothesis at a friends house ! As he was charging his electrical car ,the DE in his hallway(about 30 meters away!) went up to 1900(50 is the recognized standard!).Even when the charger was on standby it went to 1000 Seltzer units(20 times normal.)Luckily he has no children at home! They would be living in the DE field 24 hrs./day!
The even more tricky part of this electrical conundrum is when the car is being driven. In that situation, the DC battery energy is being converted into the AC electricity needed for the motor as well as many other devices- but the motor is what is the most important as it is basic to the electrical car functioning. And I have been unable, after consulting with several “experts” to figure out how to measure that Dirty Electricity. If anyone has any idea how to do that, please get back to me.
So briefly- more insanity from our government officials and public health authorities! And the naively trusting populations are going to have to wake up if this planet is to survive!
Science, schmience!-The Modernist Idolatry
The “peer-reviewed randomized control study” platitude( responsible for 100’s of thousands of deaths in the Covid pandemic through denying early treatment!) is going to go down in history with the same ignominy as some of its famous predecessors like “the dictatorship of the proletariat” of the Marxists (that did us a lot of good!) and ‘the analysis of the transference” in psychoanalysis( did not cure the vast majority of its proponents) and “vicarious redemption “of the Catholics(where exactly did Jesus say that?!) . I would add to the list “evolution through random mutation and natural selection”(so where are the almost infinite numbers of intermediary species that would produce?!) and ” anthropogenic global warming”(it’s way more complex than that!) but I’ll skip the last two or I would be considered too radical and we wouldn’t want that lol
Mothers of the World Unite!
The Pandemic -Final Analysis
The Covid pandemic is almost over! It will end in the same fashion it began-by another act of incredible human foolishness and folly.So it began by human “scientific” research that developed a genetically-modified chimeric virus.And it will end by another short-sighted “rational” calculation-sending our children back to the schools-the agar plate for the spread of the virus! And btw the reason that the data don’t support this last hypothesis is because they are studying the wrong population! Remember the joke about the man looking for his watch not in the place where he lost it but where the lamp was lol.Exactly! In fact,they should be studying the parents and relatives living with the students rather than the teachers.Nothing new for our be loved scientists – more often than not looking in the wrong places lol.
So the Delta variant, that is so contagious, will lead to an uptick in cases and most likely an uptick in hospitalizations and death and then fairly rapidly as it has done in India and other places it will begin to die off and the pandemic will largely be over-in a few short months we will have arrived at the infamous “herd immunity” .In the meantime,protect yourself as best you can!
Ironically this pandemic will follow more or less the same time course as the “Spanish flu” of1918. Yes in a period where there were no vaccines ,no antibiotics and especially almost no Epidemiologists they ended up with the same curve of disease.How could that be?!
The answer to that question is actually quite deep-metaphysical or theological if you wish.You see, what none of the pundits including the good ones like Chris Martenson and R.F.K. jr. are factoring in is that this is an act of God.Now,the Biblical-minded and the Quranic-minded people, I would hope, understand that this whole event is an act of God!Yes, a punishment for the sins of man.A near-death experiencer saw her guide on the other side and he told her that the pandemic was not about the virus-it was about the hard-heartedness of man currently.The Virgin Mary in one of her apparitions told the young girls that man’s Materialism and Nationalism(read collective selfishness) would lead to many natural disasters.The Covid pandemic is one of those.
But eventually, as He did with the flood of Noah,God relents and gives man another chance.Will we,then, have understood and reformed ourselves.If the past is any indicator, we would have to be rather pessimistic.Who knows?! Maybe it’s time for another saviour! No,not Donald Trump lol.A real one Only God knows for sure.In the ,meantime get ready for some more turbulence.It shouldn’t be too much longer.
My Covid Vaccine Decision!
Asalamu aleykum,everyone.What strange times we are living in ?! So much information and so much disinformation.So much heroism(the healthcare workers) and so much corruption (government officials,pharma company profits,public health authorities and the crimes against humanity of Fauci, Barik,Daszak and company!) You,like me, have probably been wondering how to manage all of this.And one of the major management decisions is whether to take this under-tested vaccine or not.
So i am going to unfold my own process here.You will have to decide,if you have not already done so, and even if you did there will be other decisions down the line- like masks and distancing and attending public events.So I hope these reflections will be of help to you..
There are many good reasons not to want to take these vaccines.Compared to other previous vaccines they are relatively untested.There was no animal testing,no testing in pregnant women,no testing in children for starters.The vaccine is not yet approved except under emergency authorization.The mRNA technology has never been used on such a scale.Previous vaccines for Coronavirus have all failed including the disastrous animal studies on Covid 1 where all the ferrets died from ADE(antibody-dependent enhancement)! On top of all that ,the standard vaccine mandates for children that have been touted for decades as safe health-promoting end up causing epidemics of asthma, ADHD, Autism and multiple allergies! It took us twenty years to find out the reality of that one- as they were avoiding studying it for all that period of time?! So how can we possibly trust these people who are promoting this vaccine?!
Then we start investigating the Vaers data(adverse events registry)of the CDC which we know is seriously underestimating problems caused by the vaccine-probably intentionally!- and we find deaths and auto-immune reactions like Guillain -Barre syndrome and Bell’s Palsy and myocarditis in young males and miscarriages in young females.So, we would be fully within our rights to sat wtf.No way José!
But there is one disturbing fact that all of the foregoing analysis leaves out.This is one nasty virus! Forget the misguided statisticians who tell us the death rate is low for a moment!l.Ask the people in the E.R.s and the front-lines of medical care and the people who have lost relatives to the disease .They will tell you definitively;”This is no flu. This is one nasty virus”(man-made on top of it but that is a story for another time). This virus is nothing to play around with,
There is another confounding fact for the ideological anti-vaxers.These vaccines do one thing well.They limit the severity of the illness.And that is one BIG reality that needs to be factored in.True,they do not stop transmission, especially with the Delta variant.They do not prevent infection( although on that one we have the problem of the unreliability of the PCR testing-another story for another time lol).But no informed person should be denying that they significantly reduce morbidity and mortality.So if you get the virus, which you may well do even if you are vaccinated,you do not end up in ICU on a ventilator OR dead! That should be an important consideration,no?!
So like many of you again,I have been contemplating all these factors.On top of it all,over the last few weeks I have gotten ill on at least three occasions by talking to people who were fully vaccinated-without masking.I was able to manage the symptoms with some anti-viral protocols I have developed over the years so these episodes were not consequential.But I started feeling like I was regularly at risk and started wondering whether it was not time to reduce that risk by being vaccinated.On top of that on my way to the market the other day I saw a temporary open-air vaccination clinic on the street adjacent to mine!(an ayat- sign- from the Lord?)
Then it happened! The clincher! An Istikhara dream. The only consultation I really trust these days! Here it is:” I was in someone else’s car, saw a policeman by the road and drove into a narrow alleyway to avoid him. A woman ,possibly a female officer, came up to me and said “You are on the wrong path.Go back onto the main highway and drive in this way and she pointed out a route to follow..This was happening in Oregon”
So I woke up and knew that something significant had occurred.I wasn’t sure what at first but I knew something had to change!”Oregon”-my first association was to the riots in Portland which have been so destructive.Aha! I am on the path of the rebellious .That is not good.”The car wasn’t mine” This is not my path-the path of ideological positions like pro-vax or anti-vax. My path is the path of discernment! I have to go back into the mainstream on this one.And the mainstream right now is being vaccinated.I made a cup of coffee,went down the road, and almost immediately got the vaccine! It was,of course,almost totally painless .Compared to all the dental work I have had recently,a cup of tea lol.
One of my previous clients told me she took some antihistamine meds before the shot and then had no symptoms .On the second shot,she forgot to do it and had a headache.She then took her Sinutab (Tyllenol, an antihistamine and pseudoephedrine also called Tyllenol sinus/allergy)and the headache went away.So I did likewise.
When I began experiencing a mild uneasiness in the chest(?myocarditis ) I took two aspirins.Aspirin is both anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant so it seemed appropriate .I took two 325 mg. aspirins and was fine after that.
So now, a few hours after the first vaccine I am feeling fine.I am more tired than usual but it feels like a healthy tiredness(Immune system working overtime?). And I noticed my breathing is better.Was I actually having long-haul Covid from my numerous mini-Covid infections? Numerous people have reported being relieved of their long-haul Covid symptoms after the vaccine!Perhaps the immune reaction to the vaccine is clearing out some remnants of the infection. Allah Hu Alim(God only knows)
So there is my story.Now you have to figure out yours lol.I hope that was helpful!
Definitive Vaccine Study
Have a look! You will be shocked!