Category Archives: Counselling

Dealing With Emotions

Dealing With Emotions-Active and Passive

In my current work as spiritual counsellor and in my previous work as a psychiatrist, I realized that one of the most common problems that people deal with is how to manage emotions- both ours and those of others. This article, as indicated by the title, will be about two subjects 1) How do we handle our emotions when they get intense and 2- how do we handle the intense emotions of others. This is what I am referring to by the terms “active” and “passive”.

The first part of the challenge is what do we do when our emotions are out of control. This part is based on the work of Marsha Linehan ,the developer of DBT (Dialectical Behavioural Therapy) -often used to treat Borderline Personality Disorder. These are people who suffer from “Emotional Dysregulation” a term Dr.Linehan developed to describe what is going on in these patients, without over pathologizing or over-medicalizing the phenomenon.

The second part which I refer to as “passive” is when we have to deal with people in our environment who themselves suffer from “Emotional Dysregulation”. Here we will rely on a formula developed and described by Lindsay Gibson in her book “Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Although the title refers to parents, in fact this formula can be used with many other people as well-such as spouses, friends, colleagues at work and even children although we have less expectations of emotional self-control in this latter group.

N.B. This presentation is not meant to be a panacea for what is often a very complex phenomenon- underpinned by psychopathology, genetci predispositions, childhood trauma and actual abuse of all sorts. Nevertheless, these strategies have proved to be useful and even life-changing for many of my clients andcan be potentially for people all across the globe.

Anecdote. (People who know me know that I love anecdotes!) I once had a client who was in a relationship with a paranoid partner.Paranoid people, by definition, have very strong emotions.I felt that my simple techniques were not enough to deal with this dangerous situation. And I had an inspiration. She was in fact hostage to her partner’s emotional state.So I suggested that she get in touch with the local police hostage intervention squad. I was sure that the competent ones are really good at de-escalating emotions. Probably more expert than any psychiatrist or psychologist. Needless to say, they refused to help her.I had the same experience trying to contact the Canadian Military hospital near me for help with a trauma case.”Sorry, not our mandate” they responded. The ugliness of bureaucracy. But “that is another conversation for another time” as say the American newspeople when they don’t want to deal with something! lol



Dealing With Emotions-Your Own

The Linehan Approach

These are some of the major strategies that DBT recommends:


:Do not just react. Stop! Freeze! Do not move a muscle! Do not follow the commands of your emotional state

This is probably the most difficult and the most critical step of all. First you have to be acutely aware of what is going on in your being. And then, you have to exercise self-control. Not an easy matter especially since your whole being is telling you to do otherwise .In Sufism we call that “jihad-a-nafs’( the war with the ego)

:Step back. Take a deep  breath. Let go.

: Observe. What is going on inside of you? Thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations( CF the article called “Mindfulness Practice” on the blog-a system developed by Jack Kornfield ,also based on mindfulness like DBT)

: Proceed Mindfully .  Ask “wise mind” which actions will make things better or worse.

2-Mindfulness of Current Emotions

: Experience your Emotion as a wave

:Don’t block or suppress the emotion

:Don’t hold on to it

: Be mindful of the accompanying bodily sensations (a key to getting distance from the energy and objectifying it)

: Remember that you are not the emotion

:Practice loving your emotion and radically accept it

3_ Self-soothing:

: With Vision: Look out the window at the nature or the stars or the people

With Hearing: Listen to soothing music or the sounds of nature

With Smell. Use your favourite soap or shampoo or incense

With taste-eat some of your favourite foods or drinks .Men are often fond of “having a beer” .Spiritual people will go back to their beads and prayers.

With Touch: A long bath or shower. Wrap yourself in a blanket  .Pet your dog or cat.




4_ Distract Yourself-With Physical activities

: Take a long walk

: Go to the gym. I had one client who got triggered easily by his wife and her family. He learnt to catch himself quickly and then simply leave home for the gym It saved his marriage. In the olde days the men ran to the tavern where only males were allowed. I had an upstairs neighbour like that. The tavern saved his marriage lol

: Do some compulsive cleaning lol

: Leave the situation(often a very important strategy!)

Refuse to think about it not an easy matter)

Notice that these techniques will only work if you are conscious , humble and wise. Conscious because you have to be acutely aware that it is happening. Humble because you have to accept your own faults and emotional limitations. And wise, because then you can see the difference between what your emotion is saying and what is best for everyone concerned!

  1. B) Dealing with The Emotion of Others

This part comes from the work of the psychologist Lindsay Gibson. In most cases, when we are confronted by strong emotions in the other, either we are triggered as well and respond in kind. Or we freeze out of the fear and intimidation that is engendered by these emotions. Neither of those reactions are helpful! If we respond in kind, we are adding fuel to the fire and things that happen can be harmful in the short and long-term. Words can be as injurious as physical blows so these are precarious situations. If we freeze, we may be giving the impression to the other that their emotional outburst is justified and thus acceptable. Neither response is helpful.

What Dr. Gibson proposes is the following:( N.B. Although Dr. Gibson has some terrific insights on this matter, I found that it was not obvious to my own clients how to operationalize her writings on the subject. So I have tried to simplify her instructions and make them easy to operationalize. This is my summary)

1-Become Observational (The Buddhists like Jack Kornfield might well call this “Investigate’ or “ to become curious”) Observe both the other and your own reaction to them. Notice everything about them-the tone of voice, the body language, the vibe. And similarly notice your own reactions -your thoughts, your emotions, your bodily sensations.

2_Stay detached Tell yourself: ”Detach, detach, detach” as in the “Stop” part of the previous text.  Don’t react in any way. Just watch. And certainly don’t fall for “the healing fantasy”-that somehow you are going to fix them. Not going to happen. Or even that you need them to be otherwise! Radical acceptance is called for!

3- The “truth dumpExpress clearly and calmly what you are seeing and release. Example” ’It looks like every time I criticize your mother, you get angry with me”. And then drop it.  You may consider the NVC approach of Non Violent Communication, in four steps.It is summarized in another article on our blog entitled: ”The Fabulous Fours” .Check it out. .They will deny, justify “yes but” you but your observation has been registered.

I learnt this particular matter from the psychoanalysts. They told us “Don’t worry if your original interpretation is refused. ”No doctor, you don’t understand at all! It’s not like that….”).Then watch the effect of your intervention over time. So don’t argue or get into a debate or even repeat your assertion .J ust let it sit there and make its own way forward.

Dr. Gibson has an interesting insight here. She says that the Emotionally Immature person cannot deal with the perseverance of the other party. So you can exercise patience and steadfastness to get to your goal-provided the goal is not personality change!


4) Management:

: Set a time limit(“Ok I’ll listen to your complaints but only for 10 mins. And then we have to move on to something else.”

: change the subject

: leave the situation

: change the communication media-from telephone to text to email(the least immediate of the three). The possibilities are endless, so use your creativity! And to end with a quote from the bard “And he just said- Good Luck” lol




The M.O. for Men

The M.O. for Men in Relationships

A couple of months ago I published an article about “Fascinating Womanhood: The Work of Helen Andelin”. I believe there are some very interesting points in Ms. Andelin’s work that allow women to detox from some of the Feminist distortions that make relationships almost impossible for women and men. If you want to find out more, you can go to my blog at and find the article. Well worth reading I believe.

However, towards the end of this article I realized that there was something very crucial that was missing! How are men supposed to behave?! Surely a woman can not succeed all on her own without the help of her partner. Paradoxically is that not part of the feminist myth- of the “superwoman”?! Or is that the one myth about women that the feminists denounce lol? In either case the question remains:” What is the man to do?

Honestly I didn’t know where to start! As Red/Green used to say on his TV series:”I’m a man ,but I can change, if I have to, I guess” Lol. Another put-down of the male gender! But that is to be expected. Then a client of mine sent me an article by a Dr.Audrey in an online magazine called “Illumination”. And I realized that this would be a good place to start. So this article is a résumé of that article, edited and augmented with my own observations and insights. But the basic structure, around four themes, I have kept in place . And so here it is!

1_The woman needs to feel loved and appreciated (the author says “loved and adored” but I think that is going too far!) Adoration is for the Lord in my books-no one else. Making a partner into a god is a bad place to start lol Other appropriate words could be “wanted” and “desired” and “ cherished” “Wrap her in your love-use your body, voice, words and soul to let her feel your love” says the author. “But don’t go too far,I would add.” You don’t want to sound maudlin or insincere or overly idealizing. That could have the opposite effect and destroy your credibility .So how do you go about doing it?

:Tell her about your love-when you feel it! Don’t make it into a meaningless habit however. Like in Britain where they often say ”Love” which is simply an expression of politeness or in Arab society where everyone is “Habibi” lol

:Say “you look beautiful or pretty or great in that dress or doing the gardening or when you dance to that music”.

:Bring thoughtful gifts like chocolates, a card ,a special pastry that she likes ,flowers, etc.

: Do some of the work at home ,in the yard, fixing things, putting up shelving-show your actionable love.

; Keep in touch regularly-by text, by messaging ,by phone. Remind her that you’re thinking about her.

; Kiss her, hug her-on a regular basis

; Take care of her car and do the home repairs. If you’re into cooking, do so.

: Plan a date (Gottman says once a week) where you “wine and dine” her. If you’re Muslim make that “sparkling water instead lol)

: Tell her that you chose her before all the others and that you’re happy with your choice.


2-Express your Leadership

This is especially true in the era of  ”equality”  and the emasculated male!  The man is still the head of the household-no matter what the feminists would like to think. And women  DO appreciate Leadership in men!

“She wants you to lead the way on things that matter to her. She needs to feel your direction, your pacing, and your certainty. She wants to be confident that you hold the map to your own life-as well as to your life together.”

So take the lead in making plans, in setting goals dealing with finances, making love or settling issues.

Plan the dinner, plan the date, plan an outing, plan a vacation i.e. take initiative-that’s your male role.

N.B. None of this is be done harshly or in an authoritarian way. Be a skillful leade-not a tyrant! And consult whenever needed.

Take the dominant role sexually but follow it up with cuddling and “pillow talk” of how much she means to you.

Organize your goal purchase- a car, a house, a new computer and then present her with choices.

“Grab her. Hold her tight, Kiss her and Lead with love”. (This will not work if there was a lot of childhood trauma as she will experience this as assault! In that case you’ll have to go much more gently!)


3-She needs to feel supported and encouraged and respected.

The author says: ”Some days I just want my partner to just open his eyes and notice that I’m doing all these things. I want him to tell me I’m a great mom, a great entrepreneur and a great wife -without me telling him to say that” That is , like us all, the woman needs to be acknowledged for everything she is doing.

An aside…One of my spiritual teachers used to put his students in short retreats for spiritual attainment. He was someone who highly valued knowledge. But he noticed that the people who got the most benefit from the retreats were the mothers who had spent their time taking care of their children, not the scholarly types!… Got him thinking lol..


So…. Express appreciation regularly. The author suggests setting up an appreciation board but that seems a bit “kitshy” to me. To each his/her own lol You can do appre3ciation without gimmicks!

Encourage her to follow her dreams (Gottman says this is essential for both partners.He claims that most of the irresolvable problems in couples  came from one partner being prevented from pursuing their dreams))I have had women in therapy whose partners refuse to have children.I generally coun- sel men not to do that! If a woman’s dream is to have a family, the man has no right to block her.And I have yet to meet a man who regretted that decision.In fact the men who are most resistant are the ones who fall madly in love with the children when they are born! lol.

:Ask her about her day(debriefing every day after work).

:Hire outside help to make her life easier.

:Schedule a surprise break for her-spa,vacation

4- She must feel safe

Wandering eyes and scattered attention create doubt.When a woman fears,she shuts down. Then she withdraws.

You need to be extra-careful if there is trauma in her history(and there is lots of that out there!)Then there is always the fear  that anything can go wrong.And then she feels “out of control” So the man has to be the bulwark ,the pillar .And not react to her emotionality!

  1. The author, being a modernist woman conditioned by feminism to not fully acknowledge gender differences, is unwilling to acknowledge the problematic emotionality of women-often hyperemotionality.Once we factor that into the equation we realize that the man has to be the bulwark ,the rudder in the stormy waters.He needs to not get swept up in the in evitable emotional storms and remain solid and unfazed.That is what ,more than anything else,will make the woman feel safe.If he reacts emotionally himself or is intimidated by the woman’s emotionality,he loses his masculine credibility and then the entire family suffers the consequences.

The author says:

“Hold her tight for a long hug.Tell her you’ll always hold her.Tell her you’ll always be there for her”All of that ,of course,is contingent on the man being in control of himself.Otherwise it will ring hollow!

The author then says (without really acknowledging female frailty):”Show her you can absorb her moods ,her swings, her occasional drama(or more than occasional lol)her doubts, her questions. Stand firm and strong and let her see you can handle and accept every part of her,the good and the not-so-good and everything in between.”

:Understand her.Observe her.Understand when she needs you to come closer and when she wants you to back off.It’s a dance.Learn the right steps and the right timing!

 So, in résumé:

  • Love and Cherish her
  • Assume your leadership role
  • Give support and Encouragement and
  • Provide an atmosphere of safety and trust


Then again as I mentioned about the female role in Helen Andelin, don’t become overdemanding on yourself. You’ll never be perfect all the time.A t times you will mess up-overdo it and underdo it. But, each time, come back to basic principles and accept yourself and your partner as fallible human beings. And “He just said-‘Good Luck”! (courtesy Bob Dylan who had his share of tumultuous relationships lol)



Family Dynamics-Bowen

Important to understand-especially in immigrant families!

Definitions from Bowen Theory


Differentiation of Self:  

“The ability to be in emotional contact with others yet still autonomous in one’s own emotional functioning is the essence of the concept of differentiation.” (Kerr & Bowen. 1988)

“Differentiation is a product of a way of thinking that translates into a way of being….Such changes are reflected in the ability to be in emotional contact with a difficult, emotionally charged problem and not feel compelled to preach about what others “should” do, not rush in to “fix” the problem and not pretend to be detached by emotionally insulating oneself.” (Kerr & Bowen 1988)


“Fusion or lack of differentiation is where individual choices are set aside in service of achieving harmony in the system” (Brown, 1999)

Fusion is where “people form intense relationships with others and their actions depend largely on the condition of the relationships at any given time…Decisions depend on what others think and whether the decision will disturb the fusion of the existing relationships.” (Papero, 2000)


“Fusion or lack of differentiation is where individual choices are set aside in service of achieving harmony in the system” (Brown, 1999)

Fusion is where “people form intense relationships with others and their actions depend largely on the condition of the relationships at any given time…Decisions depend on what others think and whether the decision will disturb the fusion of the existing relationships.” (Papero, 2000)

Emotional Cut-off:

“The concept of emotional cut-off refers to the phenomenon of emotional distancing, whether the cut-off takes the form of internal mechanisms or physical distancing.”(Titelman. 1987)

“The emotional cut-off is a natural process. On a simple level people speak of the need for personal space…as a means of “explaining” their avoidance of others. Distance seems to be the safety valve of the emotional system. Yet at the same time distance leaves people primed for closeness….The more an individual employs cut-off to manage attachment to parents and the original family, the greater his or her vulnerability to intense emotional processes in current relationships.” (Papero.1990)