Asalamu aleykum,everyone.What strange times we are living in ?! So much information and so much disinformation.So much heroism(the healthcare workers) and so much corruption (government officials,pharma company profits,public health authorities and the crimes against humanity of Fauci, Barik,Daszak and company!) You,like me, have probably been wondering how to manage all of this.And one of the major management decisions is whether to take this under-tested vaccine or not.
So i am going to unfold my own process here.You will have to decide,if you have not already done so, and even if you did there will be other decisions down the line- like masks and distancing and attending public events.So I hope these reflections will be of help to you..
There are many good reasons not to want to take these vaccines.Compared to other previous vaccines they are relatively untested.There was no animal testing,no testing in pregnant women,no testing in children for starters.The vaccine is not yet approved except under emergency authorization.The mRNA technology has never been used on such a scale.Previous vaccines for Coronavirus have all failed including the disastrous animal studies on Covid 1 where all the ferrets died from ADE(antibody-dependent enhancement)! On top of all that ,the standard vaccine mandates for children that have been touted for decades as safe health-promoting end up causing epidemics of asthma, ADHD, Autism and multiple allergies! It took us twenty years to find out the reality of that one- as they were avoiding studying it for all that period of time?! So how can we possibly trust these people who are promoting this vaccine?!
Then we start investigating the Vaers data(adverse events registry)of the CDC which we know is seriously underestimating problems caused by the vaccine-probably intentionally!- and we find deaths and auto-immune reactions like Guillain -Barre syndrome and Bell’s Palsy and myocarditis in young males and miscarriages in young females.So, we would be fully within our rights to sat wtf.No way José!
But there is one disturbing fact that all of the foregoing analysis leaves out.This is one nasty virus! Forget the misguided statisticians who tell us the death rate is low for a moment!l.Ask the people in the E.R.s and the front-lines of medical care and the people who have lost relatives to the disease .They will tell you definitively;”This is no flu. This is one nasty virus”(man-made on top of it but that is a story for another time). This virus is nothing to play around with,
There is another confounding fact for the ideological anti-vaxers.These vaccines do one thing well.They limit the severity of the illness.And that is one BIG reality that needs to be factored in.True,they do not stop transmission, especially with the Delta variant.They do not prevent infection( although on that one we have the problem of the unreliability of the PCR testing-another story for another time lol).But no informed person should be denying that they significantly reduce morbidity and mortality.So if you get the virus, which you may well do even if you are vaccinated,you do not end up in ICU on a ventilator OR dead! That should be an important consideration,no?!
So like many of you again,I have been contemplating all these factors.On top of it all,over the last few weeks I have gotten ill on at least three occasions by talking to people who were fully vaccinated-without masking.I was able to manage the symptoms with some anti-viral protocols I have developed over the years so these episodes were not consequential.But I started feeling like I was regularly at risk and started wondering whether it was not time to reduce that risk by being vaccinated.On top of that on my way to the market the other day I saw a temporary open-air vaccination clinic on the street adjacent to mine!(an ayat- sign- from the Lord?)
Then it happened! The clincher! An Istikhara dream. The only consultation I really trust these days! Here it is:” I was in someone else’s car, saw a policeman by the road and drove into a narrow alleyway to avoid him. A woman ,possibly a female officer, came up to me and said “You are on the wrong path.Go back onto the main highway and drive in this way and she pointed out a route to follow..This was happening in Oregon”
So I woke up and knew that something significant had occurred.I wasn’t sure what at first but I knew something had to change!”Oregon”-my first association was to the riots in Portland which have been so destructive.Aha! I am on the path of the rebellious .That is not good.”The car wasn’t mine” This is not my path-the path of ideological positions like pro-vax or anti-vax. My path is the path of discernment! I have to go back into the mainstream on this one.And the mainstream right now is being vaccinated.I made a cup of coffee,went down the road, and almost immediately got the vaccine! It was,of course,almost totally painless .Compared to all the dental work I have had recently,a cup of tea lol.
One of my previous clients told me she took some antihistamine meds before the shot and then had no symptoms .On the second shot,she forgot to do it and had a headache.She then took her Sinutab (Tyllenol, an antihistamine and pseudoephedrine also called Tyllenol sinus/allergy)and the headache went away.So I did likewise.
When I began experiencing a mild uneasiness in the chest(?myocarditis ) I took two aspirins.Aspirin is both anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant so it seemed appropriate .I took two 325 mg. aspirins and was fine after that.
So now, a few hours after the first vaccine I am feeling fine.I am more tired than usual but it feels like a healthy tiredness(Immune system working overtime?). And I noticed my breathing is better.Was I actually having long-haul Covid from my numerous mini-Covid infections? Numerous people have reported being relieved of their long-haul Covid symptoms after the vaccine!Perhaps the immune reaction to the vaccine is clearing out some remnants of the infection. Allah Hu Alim(God only knows)
So there is my story.Now you have to figure out yours lol.I hope that was helpful!