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Humanity On Notice

Humanity on Notice

You have drunk the Kool-Aid!(add the name here of the person whom you are addressing!)  The Koolaid of the social consensus narrative of Empiricism and Rationalism. Once that is the case ,there is little to be done. The intoxicant in the Koolaid prevents you from seeing or hearing or feeling any Reality that goes against your conceptual framework. This is the way the world ends–not so much in conflict as in ignorance. The conflict is only a by-product of the ignorance. God Help us!

P.S. Feel free to send this to anyone who needs the medicine. I have released the Copyright lol

The Inspirations keep coming!

Last nite I had a dream in which the road was blocked(my road of course!) So I asked Allah what I needed to unblock it. And I saw another dream in which I was a young boy walking in front of the schoolyard where I attended Elementary school.(Barclay School it was called).I was crying( the pain of childhood I suppose) and I woke up.

After  appropriate contemplation I realized the message. It was an ancient one given perhaps clearest by Syeddina Isa (Jesus: Matthew 18:3)) when he said:”(English Standard Version) and  “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven ” ,.

And yes,I can remember a time when I could see no evil or faults in the people of my extended family or my parents’ friends or my own friends. Really. I believe I loved them all! I didn’t understand my parents negative comments at all.

Then I grew up lol! I participated in politics on many levels, I studied psychology and I had numerous negative lived experiences. And it all went away! How can I possibly see the world now as I did then?! Don’t we need our judgments and our discernment to survive? Isn’t that how we get on in this world? All of these questions were floating around in my mind.

Then the inspiration came! Back to computers lol. The child-like, non-judgmental attitude needs to be our “default position”(where we live).Then when the proverbial “s–t hits the fan” we need to put on our parental caps, our alternative browser mode and use the tools we have acquired to deal with it. But as soon as the acute phase of the problem is resolved, we have to return to “default mode”. If we don’t and we remain in the negativity, we will inevitably end up in disappointment, depression and despair!

It’s not going to be easy. As one my Gestalt mentors, Erving Polster used to say; “it’s simple but it’s not easy”. May God help us to make this transition. It may be the only reliable way to generate real peace. love and light-the real stuff-not the fake pretenses you see on Entertainment Tonite or the daily talk shows on TV  lol! Salaams, Sufi Ibrahim

“The Incoherence of the Scientists”

At this point in time,we need to bring back the great 12th century Islamic scholar Imam Ghazzali who wrote “The Incoherence of the Philosophers”. That was a time when philosophers were highly respected and taken seriously. The updated version of that book needs to be called “The Incoherence of the Scientists”-for the modern world .But while we are waiting lol, I will give you my version.

We see an incredible amount of incoherence amongst the scientists analyzing the Covid epidemic-both on the pro-vaxx AND anti-Vaxx sides! So the pro-vaxxers(leading luminaries like Antony Fauci ,Rachel Wallensky,Sanjay Gupta and Paul Offit to name but a few) for so long and still to a significant extent are doubting the lab origins of the Virus-something for which there is now clear-cut documentary evidence and something which the French nobel laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier asserted on first seeing the genetic code of the virus in Jan.2020!Plus they are denying the evidence of the efficacy of early treatment with Ivermectin and hydroxychloriquine despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This alone has cost millions of lives!

On the other side, you have very clever thinkers like the financial analyst/lawyer types like David Martin and psychiatrist Andrew  Kaufman claiming that the virus doesn’t even exist because it has not been isolated.. And you have almost universal agreement amongst the anti-vaxxers on the one hand claiming that the PCR test is completely bogus and unreliable(which I wholly agree to) at the same time claiming that we have proof that children do not spread the disease! How can you have proof of that when you have no workable tests to confirm it I, personally, have noted several instances of spread from children to adults in the people around me .Almost every ordinary citizen where I live noticed the uptick in cases when the schools opened and now in Quebec half the outbreaks are in schools! So give me a break!

The next level of unravelling this delusionary process is the fact that not only are scientists incoherent but Science itself is also! If you go back to the basic principles of the scientific method( (Observation, Hypothesis, Experimentation, Conclusion)implicitly it requires the capacity for objective observation and objective analysis to arrive at unbiased conclusions. Anyone who has understood Freud and his contributions or even someone looking at the world and its people around them realizes how unlikely that is!

But we will go one step further here-on a metaphysical plane. Coherence itself is incoherent! That is because Reality is replete with contradictions and paradoxes. So any attempt to create a coherent model is bound to be defective and misleading! The map can NEVER represent fully the territory. At its best it is a defective, one-dimensional representation which is bound to cause problems.

So….. what are we left with?! Hearing, seeing and intuitive feeling. Those are the tools for apprehending Reality! (Both Zen and Islam and in all likelihood many other spiritual traditions confirm that. Then we can regain our humanity and escape from the clutches of the robotic transhumans of data analysis. God help us in our journey!


Btw The first coherent argument in the history of our planet came from the snake speaking to Eve.: “Eat  this apple and you will gain the knowledge of good and evil’ Perfectly logical! What could possibly go wrong wit that lol?!

DON’T Follow the Evidence!

(It’s just more mischief from the Social Consensus Echo-Chamber!)

If you follow the concrete evidence(read Empiricism and Materialism), you will end up concluding that life is a pile of crap made of arbitrary and unnecessary misery. Need evidence?! Go to any hospital, any prison, any school or the vast majority of workplaces lol. If you follow the evidence, you will end up discouraged, depressed and despondent. You will end up like the Existentialists and worse-believing that there is no point to it all! What a place to be?!

So instead,  follow your deepest inspiration and intuition. Follow the Revelations and peoples’ mystical experiences and the teachings of the great spiritual beings of the past and the present. Ah, you can breathe again with your new vision.

So it’s your choice-misery or upliftment. Make it a wise one!

Salaams, Sufi Ibrahim

A Quick Note on Patience!

(Did your contradiction detector light up lol? That’s the way we have all been trained by our so-called education system. Should be called miseducation system but that’s a whole other story. Yes, quick and patient .Get used to it! Life is full of contradictions. (Apologies to the most honorable Aristotle- the  Guru in chief  of logic!)

So(another faux pas that I love. Not supposed to start a sentence with “so” according to the politically correct grammarians!) But(another dubious start lol) it is such a great word…”so” and “so” As say the Americans  “sue me if you don’t like it”! So, this is another in a series of articles about Islamic concepts being misused, overused and abused. We will be talking shortly about “Bir Walidayn”-another problematic concept-at least in modern usage. Stay tuned!

A French lady living for a long time in Egypt came to the conclusion that the basic Egyptian mind-set was “bokra inshallah”(Tomorrow, if God wills).That is NOT patience. Patience is neither procrastination ,nor slacknes of will nor cowardice. Although those are often unwittingly being invoked by the term “patience”. That is NOT the sunnat of our Prophet saws.

As I like to say, something which could be misunderstood as heretical since we believe our Prophet saws was inspired in his actions, if Muhammad saws had been patient with the Qurayshi kuffar  for another year in Mecca we may never have had a religion ! That of course is not possible as the spread of Islam was from Divine destiny. The point however is still well-taken. Patience, although a good default position, is not always the right option. Sometimes it is action that is needed. And the difference between the two is a matter of judgment and discernment -two entities that are not subject to fixed formulations!

So what is Right Patience(borrowing here from the lexicon of the Buddhists).As mentioned previously Right Patience is neither laziness nor procrastination nor cowardice nor fatalism nor passivity. Right Patience implies hard work-doing our “due diligence”. It requires intelligence and effort and a reasonable measure of planning(not the obsessional over-thought planning we see in modern Western institutions!).After all of that is done, then we rely on Allah (tawwakul) for the result- knowing full well that only He can cause the result to be.(see the Aphorisms of Ibn Ataillah for further elaboration on this point).Understanding and seeing this can be considered an absolutely essential part of our suluk(path) whatever that may be. And we have a most excellent example of that in the life of our Prophet saws.

In the hadith we have a very instructive teaching on this principle:

Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, the hadith outlines the story of a Bedouin man who was leaving his camel without tying it. The Prophet (PBUH) asked him “Why don’t you tie down your camel?” The Bedouin answered, “I put my trust in Allah.” The Prophet then replied, “Tie your camel first, and then put your trust in Allah.”

Our Prophet saws did not only speak about this, he acted like that! His entire life he “tied his camel”. That is, he did the necessary work, planned when needed(for the Muslim battles for example) prayed and then left the result to Allah. And that is the way we need to be. No more “bokra inshallah” lol. Rather firm commitment to Right Action and Right Words and then trusting deeply and absolutely in God. May Allah help us all to understand and to see! Salaams, Ibrahim


Another Purpose to the Covid Pandemic!

As I watch the latest documentary on the pandemic called “Covid Revealed” done by Patrick Gentempo ,a superb producer and interviewer, a new Truth descends upon me- a new purpose for the Pandemic. I always remember the statement of the servant of Sheikh Hashimi the great Sufi r.a. of Damascus saying “fi kooli shay khairan”-(In everything is goodness)!

So what could the goodness be here?! The evil is obvious.! The deception and insensitivity and self-servingness of Antony Fauci. The sheepish echo-chamber foolishness of the public health spokesmen like Rochelle Walensky of the CDC, Sanjay Gupta of CNN, Michael Osterholm of Infectious diseases University of Minnesota  and Paul Offit of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to name only a few-people we see on the news on a daily basis. Then there are the corrupt pharma companies and their captive agencies like the CDC, the FDA and the NIH(the alphabet organizations lol).And finally the crown jewel of complicitous politicians- dependent on the support of the wealthy corporations for their election campaigns and who knows what else. A perfect storm! Or should we sell a well-armoured and well-protected bureaucratic cartel! And they claim the opposition feeds on conspiracy theories. Well, they don’t need conspiracy theories! They ARE a conspiracy reality already!

But what about the good guys-people like Peter McCullough cardiologist at Baylor University in Texas and promoter of early treatment of Covid, Robert Malone co-developer of the m-RNA vaccine model, Pierre Kory Pulmonologist and codeveloper of the FLCCC Math Protocol and colleague of the other fine Intensivist Dr. Paul Marik of East Virginia Sentara Norfolk General Hospital. And last but not least ,there is Robert F. Kennedy jr. of the famous Kennedy clan fighting for our health and our Civil rights. Aren’t these the good guys?! Why are they having so much trouble?!

Well, here is what came to me today. Yes, there IS good in everything! But we have to see the deeper levels to “get it”. All of the aforementioned people are being challenged at the deepest level of their belief systems! All the doctors mentioned believe in science and medicine. It is not unfair to say that is their deepest belief! In that  sense it becomes their religion! So their religion is a form of idolatry-the idolatry and idealization of science. That religion is called “scientism”-that somehow science will bring them to the deepest level of truth! False belief! But, very common nowadays. As to RFK jr, and the like their belief is in democracy and the Due Process of the Law( see my article on the American constitution!).That too is a false belief!

So what is happening here?! Any real truth-seeker has to come up against his foundational beliefs in order to advance. “La illaha illala”(There is no God(i.e. no higher reality) other than the Absolute Himself.) All of the “good guys” are up against a higher Truth! And they will sink or swim according to it.(In French they “ça passe ou ça casse”-they get it or they break1! .May Allah provide them, the good ones, with an opening! This may be their best chance yet!

Salaams, Ibrahim

Trust the “Geniuses”-not the Social Consensus, Echo-Chamber “Experts”

Disclaimer: “Genius” is probably not the most appropriate term. These are individuals who are clear-sighted and can see through the veil of social consensus. That should be the norm ,rather than the exception. But nowadays the norm is mediocrity!

So… you should trust Didier  Raoult and Pierre Kory- not Fauci and Michael Osterholm or Sanjay Gupta on early treatment of Covid! You should trust  Luc Montagnier and Chris Matrtenson and Peter McCullough on the origins of the virus – not the World Health organization and Peter Daszak and the Chinese Communist Party lol. You should trust Robert F. Kennedy and Brian Hooker(awesome researcher) and Paul Thomas on vaccine safety not the bureaucrats at CDC and FDA.. And my most recent update-you should trust Heinrich Svensmark and John Casey on climate change-not Al Gore and Justin Trudeau and the U.N “experts ” at IPCC! Check any and all of this out and you will see what I mean! It will change your mind forever on who and what is reliable as your  information sources! Then  you will want to join us at lol where I will be waiting for you to sign up!

The Electrical Car Conundrum!

The world in its entirety is rushing headlong into massive rollouts of electrical cars! Every politician and legislator that we see in the news is on board with this! Like lemmings rushing off the cliff no-one has taken the time to study anything but the technical and energetic aspects of this beast. Above all there are no serious studies about the human health impacts of this technology! Even on Pubmed where we find much of  the reliable scientific studies, there is almost nothing to be found!

Yet we already know that EMFs of other sorts are associated with blood cancers(leukemia and non-Hodgkins Lymphoma which has reached epidemic proportions and brain tumours -specifically glioblastomas and acoustic neuromas). Millions of cars and other vehicles  affecting billions of people, you would think someone might want  to study this! Nope! “Blind, deaf and well-spoken” lol! Those are our contemporary leaders.

On top of it , even with a minimum of research background, one can see that the studies would not be methodologically difficult. Take one of the large American HMOs like Kaiser Permanente and follow the digital medical charts for one, two and five years. Owners of electrical vehicles vs. owners of petroleum-based vehicles- controlled for the usual demographics of age, social class, race and gender.Easy-peasy1 But no-one is doing it! They don’t wat to know the answers! Just in case…We saw the same thing with vaccines. It took them 30 years to do the studies! And they are still denying the results!

Nevertheles, there are a few articles appearing in intelligent publications like Forbes Magazine and Scientific American! Here they are:

These articles are mostly addressing the issues of the minerals required to build the batteries which are in limited supply and the environmental effects of generating the incredible amount of electricity required to charge theses cars! Those are relevant issues. But the elephant in the room is once again left unexplored! And that elephant is “Dirty Electricity”-the most toxic form of electro-pollution as far as I can make out!

Now the electrical car is the portrait child of dirty electricity! Summarized briefly, dirty electricity is generated every time you convert, invert and upgrade electrical power from one modality to another. So when you convert the AC electricity of the charging station into the DC electricity of the battery, that is the prototype of Dirty Electricity generation. And if you measure it at the source, it often blows the meter! The charging phase is notorious for this generation. You can even find it on Youtube if you wish. What they don’t tell you on Youtube is that dirty electricity at the charging point goes right back into your electrical box when you are charging at home! And then proceeds to spread throughout the home! Dirty Electricity, you see, cannot be easily shielded like normal EMFS. And it doesn’t go down logarithmically with distance- as do the other three forms of electro-pollution. So the dirty electricity goes right back into your baby’s room largely undiminished!

Btw I just confirmed this hypothesis at a friends house ! As he was charging his electrical car ,the DE in his hallway(about 30 meters away!) went up to 1900(50 is the recognized standard!).Even when the charger was on standby it went to 1000 Seltzer units(20 times normal.)Luckily he has no children at home! They would be living in the DE field 24 hrs./day!

The even more tricky part of this electrical conundrum is when the car is being driven. In that situation, the DC battery energy is being converted into the AC electricity needed for the motor as well as many other devices- but the motor is what is the most important as it is basic to the electrical car functioning. And I have been unable, after consulting with several “experts” to figure out how to measure that Dirty Electricity. If anyone has any idea how to do that, please get back to me.

So briefly- more insanity from our government officials and public health authorities! And the  naively trusting populations are going to have to wake up if this planet is to survive!



Science, schmience!-The Modernist Idolatry

The “peer-reviewed randomized control study” platitude( responsible for 100’s of thousands of deaths in the Covid pandemic through denying early treatment!) is going to go down in history with the same ignominy as some of its famous predecessors like “the dictatorship of the proletariat” of the Marxists (that did us a lot of good!) and ‘the analysis of the transference” in psychoanalysis( did not cure the vast majority of its proponents) and “vicarious redemption “of the Catholics(where exactly did Jesus say that?!) . I would add to the list “evolution through random mutation and natural selection”(so where are the almost infinite numbers of intermediary species that would produce?!) and ” anthropogenic global warming”(it’s way more complex than that!) but I’ll skip the last two or I would be considered too radical and we wouldn’t want that lol