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(FB posting of mine):”Every time I have an inspiration these days, someone has a reason why it isn’t so or can’t be. Reason ,which at some point in history was an instrument of liberation ,has now become a means of enslavement! Because this is so important, I think I’m going to post this every day for awhile. Now, go ahead and tell me why that isn’t a good idea ! I dare you lol”

If one looks more deeply,you can see that, in fact, Reason is a bigger problem than all the other cardinal sins like greed,lust ,envy and pride put together! Why? Because reason is used to justify all the other sins!The psychoanalysts call that”Intellectualization” or “Rationnalization” and it is one of the major defense mechanisms of the ego.

So the greedy person says:”You need money to survive and you have to plan for your financial security.”Even more poignant it will say”the financial well-being of your family”! How can you resist that one.When Mike Tyson bit off part of the ear of his opponent during a fight with Evander Hollyfield,he was asked why he did it”I have to feed my family” he answered.Really! Admittedly there are more clever rationnalizers around but that was a particularly vivid example.Trump will say to the applause of his audience;”Put America first” which is a thinly-covered veil for American greed-on a personal and collective level.Not even the Democrats will challenge him on that policy! After all, we need to be greedy as a nation,no?

Pride will say”But I deserved that.Look how clever I am or look how hard I worked for that”Lust will say: “But women are beautiful: aren’t they the creation of our Lord”? Can you begin to see how sinister this all is.We could go down the list of all the major sins but I think by now the reader is getting the point.Watch it play out all around you in your lives.There’s plenty of it,I guarantee you.

I don’t know about your situation but I am surrounded by this contagion on a daily basis-dealing with government offices and large private institutions,dealing with friends and relatives,going to the market,even.But there are islands of sanity in this sea of obscurity-so there is hope-I think-but not much.

In was initially introduced to this problem at a series of Est Seminars in the 1970’s.The trainer was at the board writing down the stages of spiritual development. In his c;lassification, Reason was the lowest level-just barely above animality! He repeated the phrase several times:”Reason is the lowest level of spiritual development.”It registered in a deep place in m,y being. But if you look around you- at the Justice System,Government Administration,Universities(don’t get me started on them) you will see that it has the most credibility and the most investment.Look how much money is now invested in University education and how much money is invested in building churches and synagogues and mosques.Yes,the Intellect has taken over the role of Temple and faith.

After my foray into Est seminars , I began studying the Vedanta .Aha! These people understood that the mind was a repository of illusion.Is anyone putting that age-old insight into use in contemporary society?No,not even in India! Then there were the Zen Buddhists also trying to escape from the tyranny of the mind.They talk about”Seeing” and “Hearing” an d “Feeling.”(Btw Interesting parallel with the Quran where Allah talks about the people who are blind and deaf and have hardened hearts.It could easily have been talking about the administrators and intellectuals of contemporary society but at the time it was referring to the unbelievers.There are still a few of those around,I believe lol)

And what about the Sufis.Here is a poem by Jellalludin Rumi:

Behind a blood-stained curtain,
Love has spread its gardens.
Lovers are busy with the beauty of the Love
that is beyond explanation.
Intellect says: The six directions are the limit,
there is nothing beyond them.
Love says: There is a road, and I have journeyed on it many times;
Love has detected markets beyond that market.
Intellect says: Do not set foot on the land of annihilation;
there is nothing there but thorns.
Love says: Those thorns you feel are only inside you!
Be silent!
Remove the thorn of existence from the foot of the heart;
so that you may see the gardens within.
Mashallah! And Sheikh Nazim used to warn us about “mind-productions”i.e. most of what you hear in everyday discussions.However many Islamic scholars and even Sufis are caught up with the obsession around reasonableness.I will leave the examples for now.
What I have just mentioned comes from the spiritual domain s.But what about science and psychology? That should be more acceptable,more credible,no?Not really.Freud began developing his ideas in the early 20th century.That’s more than a hundred years ago! He was an acknowledged genius and a great contributor to our “culture”(said with a French accent),no?Now one of his most ground-breaking and revolutionary ideas was the unconscious-more precisely that it is not our conscious mind,our rational thoughts, that are determining our behaviour-but rather the unconscious.You would think that beyond using that discovery in treating patients,society would want to use it in managing it’s affairs.Not at all.The entire discovery is shelved in favour of plodding on with rational procedures and regulations.
Then.of course we get a Trump and all the journalists are scurrying  to find the DSM classification of mental disorders, to explain his behaviour.But even then rarely do they look for the unconscious underpinnings of that behaviour.They are satisfied with the diagnosis-Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which allows them to denounce him even more vigorously!
Is there, then,anything to be done?On an institutional level,I would say a resounding”no”.However, on an individual level, we can begin working on our intuition,on our inner sight and hearing,on the sensitivity of our hearts.All the religions and forms of spirituality have methods for that.After that, we can hope for a snow-ball effect.You could call that bottom-up politics but it’s the only way to go.Happy Trails to you all.Salaams,Ibrahim

It doesn’t make any sense?!

You just lost your job even though everyone told you that you had been doing really good work.A relationship that looked so promising blew up in your face.A project that you have worked on for a long time and you,yourself, are convinced could make a real contribution to humanity, gets no traction.The bureaucratic institution that you are dealing with,is not considering your reality.Ever had that feeling ?It doesn’t make any sense?!

Then a lot of people around you try to convince you there is a good,concrete reason why it didn’t work.The boss was jealous of you and felt threatened so he fired you.You were being a cad in the relationship or your values are too different.That’s why the relationship didn’t work.Your project is too idealistic,too ‘pie in the sky’ that’s why no one is interested.Bureaucracies are like that.They just don’t listen!But somehow the explanations don’t add up.They don’t satisfy your need to understand.

So what’s going on?! You’re asking the wrong question often.You’ve got to formulate it otherwise-in terms of your relationship to the Creator-to God.Ok, you can use the term”universe’ if you want to but somehow that is less satisfying because it is missing the personal sense of intention ,will and wisdom and even compassion(despite the pain) that is implicit within the term God.

So what is the real question? It often sounds like”What is God showing me,what is He teaching me through this apparent failure?Remember Surat al Baqara at the beginning of the Quran”We(god in the plural) know what you know not” So be humble and ask yourself the question.If you do so sincerely, you may be surprised.The answer is subtle ,often,but it’s close at hand.Try it out.Salaams,Ibrahim

THE Ginger Treatment

I do not know where this treatment comes from,possibly simply my own experimentation, but suffice it to say that because of it I cannot remember the last time I missed a day of work or of play for that matter because of a viral illness-all due to this treatment and the Mercy of our Lord of course.So here it is…

Take two cups of water and a bit more for what evaporates from it.Put it in a pot on a high setting on your stove top.Take some whole ginger branches bought from the local grocery store and start grating it over the heating water with the same grater you use for cheese or potatoes.By the time the water is at the boiling point the surface will be covered with the saw-dust like ginger. At the point of boiling ,it is ready.It will b urn a bit at the back of the throat.If it burns on the  tongue you have made it too strong.Most people ,however,make it too weak.

Then strain out the ginger residue and pour the liquid  into two hot water mugs and begin drinking.You can add honey and or lemon for taste but it is not necessary for the effect. If you are anything like me,by the time you have finished a half of the first cup you are already feeling better.

The best time to do this is as you are just beginning to feel the flu coming on.If you start it 24 hours later,you will recover more quickly but you will still be sick fore awhile.Good health to you all.

And you are welcome to share your experience with us via a comment on this blog.Salaams,Ibrahim

PS I am not sure of the safety of this for pregnant mothers so I would avoid it in that circumstance unless your obstetrician says it’s ok.

How the Mind Gets it Wrong-2

Another “How the Mind gets it Wrong” story-in this case journalists mind.”Kushner’s Financial Ties to Israel Deepen Even With Mideast Diplomatic Role”headline in the NYTimes.As I have said before,this is not “fake news” but it is biased news.And most of the news stories contain hidden bias.The journalists are always looking for the dirt! That’s what they do.One of my teachers,Bawa Muhayyiddeen used to love animal analogies.He used to say that there are people who are like dogs.You bring them to a beautiful pasture and all they do is smell around for the excrement.A good analogy for journalism lol.In this specific case,whether Kushner was doing $30 million dollars of business with some Israeli is really irrelevant.Most businessmen would make a deal with the devil himself if they could improve the bottom line.Isn’t that what they are taught in MBA school?! What is important is if he can fashion a peace deal between the two parties! I know that there are many skeptics out there but give the guy a chance.No-one else has succeeded including the journalists’ all-time favourite Barak who probably made things worse by his dithering.Salaams.

How The Mind Gets It Wrong-1

An important thread begins! It’s called”How the Mind Gets it Wrong-Regularly”.Today’s example.United States approves of the protest movement in Iran and warns against too harsh a response by the leadership.A good move,by Trump no less.A stand on principle and in fact consistent with the trajectory of history unfolding.France(of course-Remember “I think therefore I am” of Descartes) objects.”This is not the jurisdiction of the U.N but constitutes interference in an internal affairs of another nation.”Logical for sure.But wrong! ( I thank Donald for the possibility of saying things simply in this age of complication and obscurantism).In this age where judgment is seen as sinful being able to say”Wrong” is a gift to all of us lol Not surprising that France,the gold medal champion of intellectual overkill, is the one to speak up.Only Greece would have been more appropriate.After all they were the ones who got the philosophical ball rolling,(Thank you Aristotle!).But now they are bankrupt and that is the greatest of modern sins-to be poor-so they have no credibility!

Psychologists and “The Pattern”

Psychologists have it wrong-once again lol.The problem is not the famous”pattern”. The problem is that the pattern is not carried out to its logical conclusion which is a learning process.Each of these patterns have a hidden purpose.They are not just sinister reproductions of past relationships as the psychologists believe.(“According to psychology, everything happens for a negative reason.According to the spiritual perspective,everything that occurs has a positive intent- “Snakes and Ladders”)So dropping the pattern will not work.Believe me,it doesn’t happen.But realizing the purpose of the pattern can be truly uplifting.

For example,if you have a person who is inclined to follow(horror of horrors) they will be quickly diagnosed as Dependent Personality and urged to drop that behaviour.Instead ,they are encouraged to become more autonomous .Ironically all of these autonomy -seekers are followers! They are following the modernist obsession with autonomy and independence despite all the misery we can see around us caused by this way of thinking! Look around,really.

Perhaps ,what the person needs is to find a better person or group to follow-one that is less exploitative,kinder, more understanding,more with the Truth..Or perhaps they have to negotiate their needs more skilfully within the context of”following”.Yes,it can be done.I have been doing it for decades and I am sure there are others out there doing likewise.

However,eliminating following is like not having a steering wheel on your cart or a rudder on your ship.You just end up following the contour of the road or the current of the water.Nothing good can come from that.You’re either in the ditch or broken up on the rocks.

So I urge all ‘autonomists’ to wake up.They are followers too even though they are unaware of it..But they are following a sure-fire road to misery, even though that road is very highly populated lol Salaams,Ibrahim

Muslim nde

A Muslima’s nde! Alhumdulillah.For those who do not understand French,this lady tells of meeting the Prophet Muhammad saws in the heavens.The essence of his message is the following”This is the reality.The worldly life is simply a place of testing.Don’t believe what you are hearing on the news and social media(i.e. all the bad things about Islam).Get closer to your religion and practice it more.That is the way to the heavenly stations”.Mashallah!

The Problem with Istishara( consultation with other humans)

We are taught in Islam ,that when we have an important decision,we should do Istishara(consultation with other humans) and Istikhara(consultation with the Divine).I have wqritte4nm a lot about Istikhara but not much about Istishara.

The problem with Istishara is that most people will give you advice based on their own experience or based on their own ideological principles.Often this is not appropriate for your particular situation.That’s why we are taught in psychotherapy not to give advice,somethimg Sheikh Nazim could not understand.”How can you treat someone’s problems” ,he wondered,”without giving advice?”.He had a point.

In order to give sound advice ,you have to be able to step out of your own experience and be able to sound the unique experience of the other.This requires both empathy and intuition.Note that many people over-use their reason in giving advice.This is also a trap and can lead to seriously wrong advice .You can discover this phenomenon in my first book”Snakes and Ladders” where I talk about the “Negative Counsellor” -someone who gets it consistently wrong by being too reasonable!

If you can find someone with the capacity to be empathic and intuitive and coming from the subtle heart,by all means use them.If not it is safer to rely on the consultation with your Lord. Salaams,ibrahim