Learning-one of the three deepest purposes in life.You never know where it’s going to happen-although there are some venues more fertile than others( neither the next high-profile sports game read “The Raptors” nor the local bar -read talking about nothing in particular in a semi-drunk state)- are likely to be fertile lol.So “Morning Joe” MSNBC had a guest- author-Arthur Brooks- talking about his latest article in The Atlantic .It’s about the natural decline that happens with ageing.He states that the way to remain contented is to do two things-1) Adopt the teacher role rather than the innovator(Sorry,but I’m obliged to do both !. and 2) begin divesting from material things,unproductive relationships and unnecessary activities! Had come to more or less the same conclusions on my own.GMTA lol
All posts by jebrahim2@gmail.com
Why the Non-Dualists are wrong!
Abstract:Although potentially interesting as a methodological strategy,from the point of view of metaphysics(Essential Realities) and from the vantage point of eschatology(the after-life) ,the denial of the importance and even the existence of the Relative Being(us as individual human beings) in the approach of the Non-Dualists is a momentous error with potentially catastrophic consequences in both this World and the next.Unless you are very clear about the overall structure of existence and thus can put this practice and philosophy into proper context,I would avoid it at all costs!You would be better served by going to your local Church or Synagogue or Mosque!
Aphorism:Understanding Humans
Here it is! “The eyes are the window to the soul,the face is the mirror of the heart,the mouth is the seal of the character.”Corollary-Forget the rest of the body lol.That’s just animality. Think about it.
Positive Psychology
Jean Vanier-Interesting!
JeanVanier died this week.Here is one of his recent interviews.Well-wotth listening to as a Muslim or otherwise.Salaams,Ibrahim
Ramadan Musings
As we begin our Ramadan process,it is worth reflecting on what the right way to approach this holy month is.Ramadan,in my understanding,is a complete program of spiritual purification(tazkya).The program includes getting up in the middle of the night for the Suhoor meal, fasting during the day,reading and studying as much of the Quran as possible,doing the iftar in the spirit of gratitude and remembrance and going to the mosque for Tarawih prayer to join with the other fasters.This is the outer aspect.
Now,all of this practice depends, of course, on the circumstances of the individual believers.Evening and night workers may not be able to make it for the Tarawih prayers as may be the case for mothers with young children.Some people,because of medical conditions, are totally unable to fast so each situation is unique.What I am describing here is an ideal model.Like with all ideals,wisdom and discernment is needed to put them properly into practice.
Now, the first question to address in all of this is that of the mind-set that is required-the attitude if you wish.I would formulate the directive here as “Slow down and turn inward”. Slowing down refers to your level of activity in the dunniya.So during my last years in psychiatric practice, I would start work later than usual and finish earlier(not everyone has that option but many do). I would also try to limit certain kinds of work that were particularly stressful or required a lot of concentration and mental effort.The latter is because the brain is the most glucose-dependent organ and the lack of calories means that it’s functioning is sub-optimal.For this reason, the smartest students I knew studied in the evening and night and early morning when the brain could be furnished with an adequate amount of nutrition.
As to the issue of stress-inducing activities,again in my personal experience ,I found I could not work in the emergency room in psychiatry while I was fasting(too much chaos,emotional violence and noise).In the quieter work in private practice ,I tried to keep the cognitively more difficult tasks, like evaluating new patients and writing complex medical reports until after Ramadan.
One of my Facebook contacts was promoting the opposite approach.Not satisfied with the exigencies of the regular fast,he suggested adding elements of the ketogenic diet including calorie restriction and extra cardio exercises to the non-fasting part of the day.I would suggest that that kind of Islamic machismpo is both unnecessary and counterproductive.This is not the time to be asserting our willpower.Rather it is the time of learning to be receptive and practicing surrender.IMHO
The ideal fast would be a sort of khalewah,like the Prophet saws was doing in the cave of al Hira when the revelation first came.That is,it is a form of asceticism(azhud) where one’s focus shifts almost totally from the worldly activities to the dhikr of Our Creator- in whatever form that takes.It may be dhikr itself like repeating the Ism al Adham or prayer or reading the Quran or even reading the stories and teachings of the awliya.This is the aspect I am referring to by the phrase “going inward”.Although the complete retreat is not possible for most people,the attitude therein can be seen as a point of reference.
Of course,whatever we do,even if we retire to a cave,we are going to meet the resistance of the ‘nafs’. It is going to say things like:”this is too hard”;Why are we putting ourselves into so much difficulty?”.Why don’t I find ways to distract myself from this arduous pracice?” etc.,etc.But we must resist., as much as possible.Personally,I do find the need from time to time to take a break and do something irrelevant-not haram but irrelevant,like watch the news or even a sports game.I know that in the Middle East,Ramadan is a time for popular television series -often at the time of the Tarawih prayer.This may well be acceptable if one is stuck at home ,but obviously the salat al Tarawih is better and as I mentioned earlier it is part of the program.I remember one Ramadan being in Egypt and once the sun went down,it was like Mardi Gras(festival-time) in the streets of Cairo..I had no problem finding the celebrants but the sites for Tarawih prayer were less obvious!
In terms of attitude also stay attentive .Much of the time you may feel hungry or weak or anxious but there will be openings (futuhat) where the Divine Presence and the barakat of Ramadan break through- like sun rays on a cloudy days.Those are the signs(ayats) of the rewards that are coming- both in this life and the hereafter.So enjoy the process if you can.It can be like a roller-coaster at times but it is all designed by the Great Designer to get closer and better aligned with our Creator .Ramadan Mubarak.
The American Dream
2 mins ·
The American Dream has become the American nightmare! But,it always was just that-a dream! From the War of Independence through the Civil War which took over 500,000 lives to the war on drugs and violence in the slum-areas of major cities,life in America has always been difficult.And part of the problem is the “Big Lie”. No,not the chronic “small” lying of Trump.The bigger lie -that we hear at all the political conventions in America-that one party or the other is going to solve all your problems and make you happy.That is simply a denial of reality and people who have read my material know that in Arabic the word for lying(kathaba) and the word for denying are the same.The nature of this world is testing and suffering.So beware of anyone promising you “heaven on Earth”. Salaams(and that involves coming to terms with what IS not imagining what isn’t!).
This problem is,in fact,very deep in the American psyche.Remember the Declaration of independence that states that “all people have the inalienable right to’Life,Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness'”.Really?! Let’s take them one by one.1) Life- NO! Our lives are in the hands of our Creator.He can take it at any time!;2) Liberty-Really?! Think of all the constraints on our liberty-beginning with our genetics,our circumstances,our fragile physical and mental natures.Sheikh Nazim used to compare our choice(relative to the concept of liberty) to that of a passenger on a flight to Paris.He can chose to get up from his seat,to go to the washroom,to try to talk to his neighbour.But the flight is going to Paris in any case.Over that ,he has no control.3) Pursuit of Happiness-Really?Many if not most of the conditions required for happiness are out of our control! If we get sick,can we be happy,if we lose a loved one or fail seriously at a major project of ours can we be happy? Not really.And if we pretend to be happy when we are not,is that any better?No it is worse.So a better phrase could be Pursuit of Satisfaction or pursuit of acceptance.In Arabic the word is”rida” and it is a much more realizable goal than happiness.
So,the entire basis of the American Constitution is defective and out of touch with reality.Should we,then, be surprised that things are not going well? Maybe a better slogan than Make America Great would be Make America Real lol.But then we could not add the suffix”again” because,in fact,it has never been Real! It has always been a dream. Salaams,Ibrahim
Bottom-Line Epistemology
If you really want the Truth,forget the studies and the research and the so-called “evidence-based “approaches and learn to “see”,”hear” and feel! For that you need to cleanse your vision,your hearing and your heart,especially from theoretical abstractions and biases.Then you can see reality clearly as it is. Period!
Asalamu aleykum.As I was listening to the recitation of Surat al Baqara on the first night of Tarawih prayer,I could hear the confirmation of what I was saying in the blogpost.Alhumdulillah.(Carl Jung would call that “synchronicity”. I would simply call it”signs from our Lord-in this case signs of confirmation).So in ayat 7 Allah says:”Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing ,And on their eyes is a veil”. There you go.All the doors of perception of Reality are closed!
Then in ayats 7&9 He says:”Ma yasharoon”. They don’t feel it.Why? Because ayat 10 “In their hearts is a disease.”.Could it be more clear?! If our eyes and hears and heart are blocked ,we cannot feel what is going on and we are doomed to go astray! Mashallah.The wisdom of our Creator. Have a wonderful(full of wonder) and blessed Ramadan! Ibrahim