Aspergers ( cont’d)

Aspergers disease is a very subtle phenomenon. Having practiced psychiatry for over fourty years when I evaluated a new patient I often knew what the diagnosis was within a few minutes! However almost every time I didn’t know what it was, it turned out to be Aspergers. That’s because they appear so normal , people assume they are acting in bad faith. Actually there is a neurophysiological pathology involved, one that is not easy to spot and even more difficult to treat. The essential symptom is that “they don’t get it” especially when it involves other people. So we need to adapt to them rather than chastise them. Salaams

One thought on “Aspergers ( cont’d)”

  1. La maladie d’Asperger
    Le symptôme essentiel est que “ils ne comprennent pas”, en particulier lorsque cela implique d’autres personnes. Nous devons donc nous y adapter plutôt que de les châtier.
    je vous félicite Dr . pour tous ces gens que vous avez soigner avec
    une aussi grande compréhension .
    Salams ,

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