I have had the following dilemma for some time.I wake up in the morning really hungry(trying to do at least a 12-hour fast at night) and want to eat breakfast.But eating seems like not the best way to start the day.I would prefer to start with Chi Qong but I am too hungry.If I eat, then I feel slowed down by the calories.Conundrum.
Well, the answer came from a physician assistant I met in Miami.She is on a ketogenic diet and starts the morning with….butter coffee (also known as bullet-proof coffee).She claims she can go til lunch with this and thus she remains in ketosis( whether that is good for you or not is another subject!).So here is the recipe-https://www.tasteaholics.com/recipes/drinks/how-to-make-butter-coffee/
Basically it’s strong coffee blended with butter and coconut oil.I am anxious to give it a shot.Whether you can do this with tea or not is another question.Being a coffee addict myself,I don’t need to ask the question,myself.
So to resume:You get up hungry,you make your butter coffee,do your ChiQong or other exercise routine and then have breakfast.Tell me how it goes!.
Hi Joe
I usually don’t eat until about 10:30 – I find that having the coffee first thing in the morning (I’m a slow sipper vs a gulper) staves off hunger until about then so I end up easily doing a 12 hour fast.