Ever since the organic movement has taken root in the hearts of people,there are tricksters out there trying to exploit it.So you get milk producers in California keeping their cows on treadmills indoors the entire time and Mexican farms with depleted soil advertising correctly that their products are organic.Technically they are correct as organic mostly refers to what is NOT in the product(like antibiotics and pesticides) rather than what is in the product like nutrients and a normailty of life-style for the animals.The truth however, is in the tasting.But that is difficult to measure.
An even more common trick ,however,is to label something “natural’. That is what health food stores and Wholefood stores do when the organic produce is not available or not profitable to sell.I have taken to relabelling “natural’ in my own mind as meaning”not organic”.
Then I thought about the deeper meaning of all this.Most people are,in fact, leading “natural” lives-that is they are thinking primarily about survival and secondarily if they have the time about pleasure.In my cynical moments I call this”the reptilian brain’ function.
Why is that? Because we are called upon by our Lord to be”organic” rather than “natural”This”natural’ or ‘normal’ is seriously problematic!.”Natural” is our programming,”organic” is the Path.And, in this path, we often have to oppose our programmed nature to get to our true nature.The name of the game here is “jihad-a-nafs”(struggling with the ego) and in all truth that is the only serious game in town and very few are playing it! That is why our Prophet saws told us that he saw many more people in the fire than in the light.
Think about it.It could change your life!
Factory and mechanicised farming is the model of the modern workplace and a more natural way of life is something many people aspire to. ..Those of us who can have even semi organic lifestyles are very fortunate.!