There is a common belief in the modern world that everything is about money. “All political decisions are financially based primarily. “That is what even many intelligent , well-educated people believe. So if the United States goes into Iraq , it is for the petrol or if doctors insist on pharmaceutical treatments it is because they are bribed by the big pharma companies.
Now, there is some truth to this point of view but it is by no means the whole truth. It is as if the modernists can only see one of the 7 cardinal sins- greed. But often other factors are in play – like pride and ignorance and envy. So in the case of the American entry into Iraq there were many political factors at play outside of economics. There was even a certain idealism about transforming Iraq into a democracy and setting an example for the Middle East. All of this is lost in the economic cynism and paranoia which says this must be all about money.
in the case of doctors , I too, have undergone their training( brainwashing) which teaches us to pay attention only to the most concrete and superficial facts(We are trained to be so-called Empiricists) The phrase ‘empirical evidence’ is cited as frequently as Jesus, son of God, in the Catholic Church. So the subtleties of perception and the patience required for a naturopathic remedy may be well beyond their ken. They were trained that way!
So beware next time you hear a political event explained purely on the basis of economics. You may we’ll be hearing a very partial truth!
On a personal level emotions drive economics and I think most decision making by governments is driven by greed fear envy arrogance etc. You can see it in the cities produced by the people of the nation…think Dubai or London or Paris…try not to think too much about Toronto. Lol
Thanks so much for the post.Really thank you! Keep writing.