From time to time on the spiritual path one has a really strong, even overwhelming, ‘hal’ that shakes us to the very core.Read ,for example,the story of Eckhart Tolle if you want a specific example of this.Although these states are essential and life-changing ,they may not be the most important aspect of the path overall.
There are three more subtle states that I have been encountering on a regular basis recently that people may more easily be able to relate to than than the ‘blasted away” state of Mr.Tolle. I call them 1) ‘the shabd”;2) the Pristine state and 3_) the Love. Let’s go over them one by one.
- The ‘shabd’ or the Divine sound current.This state has been most accurately portrayed by the Sikhs and specifically by the Santmat or Radhaswami of Beas movement.It involves a subtle sound current that is directly connected to the Divine.I believe the satsangis,as they are called, use this current to help their adherents ascend to the higher ‘heavenly stations”.Although it is perhaps best defined by Santmat ,it is in fact available to all spiritual seekers regardless of their practice.And it is a sign they are on the right path.Stay with it and your spiritual state(hal) improves step-by-step
- The Pristine State: This state has several characteristics.The objects of visual perception suddenly become clearer(pristine).The mind empties(no perceptible thoughts).And the feeling becomes light and peaceful.All is well in the best of all possible universes.Sweet!P.S. I find it is most available at the time after the sun has set although it can occur at any time of day or night.
- Love: Probably the most overused word in the English language outside of the ‘f’ word lol.This love can be directed to almost any object-people,places,things.There’s the love of the partner,the love of the child,the love of the parent ,the love of a pet etc,.etc.Of course the greatest love is the love of God but actually that is a misnomer since the love of God is Allah’s love for Himself. He is the ‘mujqallib al qulub” the controller of hearts .Without His ithan(permission) you cannot love anyone or anything. So consider every love experience a gift from your Lord. When you get to experiencing the love of Allah for His entire Creation ,you will have arrived! But until then you can be thankful for any experience of love that you have since all Love is made of the same substance.It only varies in intensity and breadth.
- So try recognizing and riding these three different wave forms and tell me how you are doing,if you wish.Have a good and spiritually uplifting day.And thank God for anything and everything positive in your life.This is NOT good karma.It is Mercy and Compassion.We don’t really deserve any of it!It is all Generosity on His part.
Jazaq Allah!