This one is controversial but it needs to be said.There is much talk about racism especially in the United States but there is also much misunderstanding.Fortunately I had a very good teacher ,Sheikh Nazim al Qubrusi, who was both universally loving and yet aware of distinctions between people and nations.He had none of those liberal delusions of us all being the same.
So here is what I propose. If you truly want to be free of racism, start with your own nation/race-the one you identify with.Then take a sheet of paper or an electronic note-pad if you insist on being digital. I prefer to be old-fashioned way on this one lol.Divide the sheet into two.On one, side write all the qualities you like about your own natiuon/race.On the other side write down all its faults.
If you have a goods balance between the two sides and have properly identified credits and debits of your own biological origins, you are well on your way to being a non-racist.You will also be in a much better position to accept and deal with other nations.If, on the other hand, you can only see qualities in your people you can be assured that you are still imbued with racism.If you see mostly defects in your racial/national origins then you are a self-hating so and so or a reverse racist.
However,if you don’t believe in national/racial differences and think it’s all about individual differences ,you are living in a delusional world. And I was taught in psychiatric training not to argue with delusions.So I will leave you alone and you can forget entirely about this teaching .
There is a positive side to being British.
As i am now identified as canadian it is a different list now…
Yes,environment has somec influence but our origins continue to influence our behaviour and our feelings in a deep,at times even unconscious, way.You are still British,for better or for worse lol.