When I first started using the Istighara prayer,for Guidance from above via dreams,I did an interesting experiment.I first used my mind.I gathered all the necessary data(they call that research!) and thought deeply about the problem.I came to a decision.Then I did Istighara.My batting average was about 20%! Yes, that’s right -twenty percent.Four out of five times.I was wrong!Now ,I believe my mind is reasonably well-functioning, so that’s a surprising result.
Now Byron Katie has come more or less to the same conclusion even though her formulation is somewhat different.She states:”All your problems come from the same source.You believe the contents of your own mind”.
So what is the conclusion from this small experiment?It is that Most of your ideas and plans are wrong! Now ,reasonable people would think”I get some right and some wrong”. Wrong! Most of your ideas and plans are bad ones.No wonder there is so much suffering in the world.If you want to get it right,you need to consult seriously with your Lord.
Lol…well that changes everything. ..how do you plan…?
Good question.I began the answer by the last line about needing Divine Guidance.I will elaborate in a future post.