(Upon the visit of some old Afghani friends). Many times I have been reminded of the need for community.My last tariqat was always reminding us of the need for brotherhood.Unfortunately, for cultural and characterological reasons, I could not relate to that brotherhood.But the need for appropriate community is still there.
This morning, as we were praying the Fajr salat,it became obvious again.The prayer alone is not the same! Our Prophet saws also reminded the ummat of the importance of the collective prayer.
For the doubters and skeptics,don’t think I am being naive.I am continually impressed by the kinds and intensity of the psychopathology of the people I meet in my office and outside. In fact what I see outside is often more intense than what I see in my office! for sure,people can be a pain in the b-tt!
I am also aware that obligatory and inappropriate community is not the answer.Every week I hear of people who were badly served by being obliged to attend churches and Islamic schools that did not address their heart-felt concerns.So that won’t do ,either.
NBut let’s not throw out the proverbial baby with the bath-water.We all need support and help and confir mation.And community can help us with each of those.The next step is making this into something concrete.Inshallah,in the not too distant future.Salaams,Ibrahim