Answer to a high-school buddy now mired in “Wokeism”È

You have swallowed the koolaid  ,my friend.! I guess you never looked back to question the brain-washing we received with our schooling. I, on the other hand, have been exploring the world, practicing various spiritual disciplines and questioning everything I was being told. So what I say is coming from a depth that is inaccessible to you, unfortunately! It’s OK,I guess. Most people are products of their social conditioning, so if you take any solace in being part of the majority, you are doing just fine. But for me such level of blind faith( in your case in the liberal, progressive agenda) is unacceptable. What is most troubling about the liberal point of view is that liberals don’t realize that it is an ideology( a theology actually) but rather consider themselves open-minded and objective! What a delusion?!

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