What is the real reason for the increase in fuel prices??…..Wrong! It’s not Russia?! It’s the woke hysteria around climate change! ( Btw we functioned for decades without any Russian oil!)Petroleum and natural gas production were curtailed all across the Western so-called democratic countries in the name of reducing the “carbon imprint”.And it takes a lot of time to get those production sources back on line. Many people warned them ,including Michael Moore and Chris Martenson and I am sure people more specialized than them ,from whom they got the insight.But no:“We need clean energy” was the mantra. Clean energy is not enough! May actually never be enough if we don’t radically change our lifestyle! But the theory must win out over reality in the world of woke! So misery wins out over peace of mind. That’s the Divine Rule. Follow theory and you get misery. Follow Reality and you have a chance at happiness. God help us!