More biased,misinformed studies! Schools are safe! No they aren’t! Many “non-expert” sensible people realized that the second wave began in earnest once the schools were opened.Why the discrepancy?! Once again the most important variable remains understudied.Let’s do a little math here.For every teacher there are 30 students.But for every individual student, when they return home, there are let’s say three other people(let’s imagine a two-child family).So there are 90 times more adults at risk at home then there are in the schools.I haven’t seen any studies (there may be somewhere) that address the at-home exposures.So, once again, they are not studying the most important variables!”There are none as blind as those who will not see” What else is new?!PS The corollary to this is that we will NEVER get out of our current crisis until we change our Epistemology(the way we access Reality)! And that will require a complete rejigging of our educational system.I’m not holding my breath lol
Btw On a personal note,I had to unlearn almost everything I learnt at school,especially in the area of methodology and Epistemology, and relearn how to appreciate what is really going on, at the hands of some extraordinary spiritual teachers,in order to even have a chance of correctly apprehending Reality.(See my article ‘The Process of Deprogramming from the Cult of the Intellect”on this blog for a more detailed exposure of this dilemma).