A few take -home messages from the U.S. elections.None of them particularly elevating! 1) People DON’T learn from experience- no matter how badly Trump behaves and decides.they still like him!);2Democracy doesn’t work.We can’t leave our lives in the hands of the mediocre common denominator of people.Bring back Plato’s philosopher-King; 3)another Empirical science,in this case polling, is debunked.Almost all polls showed Biden surging.4) The news media are horribly out of touch with the people.Aside from Fox news,they universally hate Trump but clearly there are a lot of people that still like him and 5)Life is a testing ground(Islam) or life is suffering(Buddhism).Whenever people have a chance to diminish their suffering they chose the opposite.Freud called that “the compulsion to repetition” lol