The Proof!!

I finally found the quintessential example and proof of one of my principle conclusions in life! We(the modern world) have it all wrong in terms of Epistemology-how and where we look for truth!

In this video you will see the crème de la crème of modern intellectualism.Pardon the racial stereotypes but here is the smart-a–ed Jewish doctor interviewing the genius Indian scientist.The top of the intellectual pyramid! And together coming to the wrong conclusions!!

It’s ALL in here.Zogg comes back to California to talk to smart people at Stanford and UCSF! For those who don’t know America well.Stanford is where Harvard and Yale intellectuals go looking for better weather lol.(God is certainly looking down on them in His Infinite Irony now thinking:”So you wanted good weather ,eh! Take this”-the orange skies from wildfires all around them!) lol The first study,the Santa Clara study gets 10,000 peer reviews(Remember One of the Ten Scientific commandments-Peer Review!). The second study, the, gets published almost immediately in JAMA -the dream of every scientist.The top of the intellectual pyramid for sure.And they get it all wrong!!

And why is that?! Because of their Epistemology.Instead of seeing(on the ground with patients),hearing -the E.R. and I.C.U. docs and ex-patients still suffering- and feeling(this is no ordinary disease!) they start thinking!! And as Fritz Perls once said:There is more bad smell coming from the brain than from the end of the digestive tract”lol Have a look.See if you can see through the Cerebral fog!

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