Epistemology- from the World of Politics

More Epistemology from the World of Politics: So now we have two highly intelligent men-Mike Pompeo,Secretary of State, and Bill Barr,Attorney General defending falsehood in a clever,thoughtful way! In contradistinction to their boss who defends falsehood in a foolish,braggadocious way.Actually,generally speaking, the former are much more dangerous to our ability to decipher truth than the Trumpian way which is obvious in its egotism and ignorance.Don’t kid yourself!

The contemporary world is full of Pompeos and Barrs and many of them, unlike the former, carry the stamp of approval of “politically correct and progressive”.So beware!We really are in need of an educational system that teaches true discernment.But I don’t see any signs of that happening.Instead our educational system has become another form of indoctrination-mostly in the direction of philosophical materialism and Emipiricism and an excessive reliance on so-called “rationality”. Big,big problem! Way bigger than Trump!

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