Bezos vs. Pecker(Amazon vs. National Enquirer).Latest American scandal:  One of the deceptive tactics in the modern world M.O. is to take a socially common phenomenon and make it into an individual issue.The example of Trump as president,individually  reflecting so many of the bad social values endemic in American society(greed,materialism,self-centredness and xenophobia for starters)is the most prominent instance of this..So too Pecker threatening Bezos that if he doesn’t publish an article exculpating them from political interference ,they will publish embarrassing material on him.Is this really different from how many,if not most,corporations act? Are there not loads of threatening and actual lawsuits ,cease and desist orders-threatening financial ruin,discrediting reputations,reporting to federal and state authorities of misdemeanors.How about the chemical companies suing scientists reporting on the cancerogenic effects of their products.In Canada the federal government fired scientists for making public the same kind of findings.So this kind of ‘curvishe'(whorish) stuff is going on all the time in our wonderful democratic societies.,So don’t tell me this is only Pecker and Bezos.So “wake up and smell the coffee” oh modernists.And I hope it’s a decent cup of espresso at least lol.You can thank another prominent C.EO. Howard Schultz (I’m confident there are plenty of scandals to be found there as well.just wait to see if he persists in the campaign) for that.I visited pre-Starbucks America and the only place you could find decent coffee was in small isolated Italian restaurants!

Many years ago my spiritual teacher asked me to consult with a female follower of Rajneeesh at a spiritual centre in Germany.She was at that point in a state of sever depression.When I went over the history ,it was clear that her depression had worsened year by year as she participated in this decadent spiritual group.She would hear nothing of it.She blamed herself for”being too resistant to the teacher”(That was actually her key to recovery lol rather than the cause of the problem).The group happily concurred with that analysis.They didn’t want to look at the negative effect that environment was having on them all.So”when in doubt,blame an individual”. That seems to be the bottom-line approach.

Coming back briefly to the question of America.The U.S.A. should be doing a serious rethink of their entire life-style from top to bottom.Because, despite all the pomp and ceremony and latest technology,it isn’t working.The usual outcome of all of this is,of course,collapse like all the previous corrupt empires.But we do have the option of turning around.I wouldn’t bet on it however,not even on the new NFL betting sites lol

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